Monthly Archives: June 2010

Project 365 6-9-2010 Auditions & Stuff

Meetings in L.A. in the morning and that lasted until about 2:30.  There are a lot of really good opportunities out there right now but even the good ideas are struggling to get money.  I vacillate between being extraordinarily frustrated and inspired.  It makes me sleepy.

I also think I might be able to make a career of just making sizzle reels, just booked two more of those.

On the actor side, I’ve been a little lax since boldly making the statement that I was reclaiming my acting career – but I have been auditioning a lot more and that’s REALLY nice!  Today was a commercial audition for Best Buy and we got to have a lot of fun pretending to be in a box.  In a apprapo(sp?) coincidence I had a conversation with one of my private students on Tuesday about read vs. look.  He was prepping a practice scene and said with a bit of defeat in his voice, “So it’s like 10% how I read this and the other 90% is my look, isn’t it?”  This is the great actor excuse.  I’ve used it, you’ve used it – we’ve all used it.  It makes you feel better about losing a job when you feel like you can say, “oh they went another way – clearly I was good enough but my hair color/eye color/height/weight/whatever was wrong.”

Probably not.

As I told my student, there is always going to be a certain level of “look” in every audition and it is impossible you you to know how much that is going to play into the final decision.  You have no way of changing what you fundamentally look like so it is your job to go in as prepared as possible with the things that you can control: your read, your character and your demeanor in the room.  Don’t stress about anything else.  Hell, they called you in based on a picture that they’ve already seen.  If they didn’t like your look they didn’t need to call you!

Oddly enough I walked into the audition room yesterday and the first thing the other guys said in the lobby was, “It’s all about the look, no lines.  I don’t know why they don’t just cast these without an audition.”  Suddenly I had to take my own advice.  Knowing there were no lines actually makes the acting harder.  There’s nothing to say that you can play off of so it’s all about what you do and there’s a very thin line between what will work and what is over doing it.  The audition was really loose and all soundless improv so I just let my imagination run – we had a lot of fun!  Excuses take away your power and there are plenty of people trying to do that to you, especially in this business, so it’s a horrible idea to do it to yourself.  If Hollywood has taught me anything it’s that results matter and excuses don’t.  Today I made results in the face of excuses and that felt good.

Today’s pic is of me by the sign for the studio:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, business, project 365 2010

Project 365 6-8-2010 Voting Day

Today was election day and in addition to the normal parts of the day I made sure to block out some time to vote.

Voting is something that I think about more now than I used to.  I remember when I turned 18 I made a commitment to myself that I would vote in every election and do my part as a citizen.  I have been registered as three different political parties: Libertarian, Democrat and Republican and what I have learned from all of the party literature – no matter which one it is – is that they have great ideas about how to spend my money and they want to be elected for as long as possible whether they do the job or not.

It pisses me off.

Politics in general piss me off, but politicians piss me off more!

In my perfect world politicians would not be allowed to make a living at all as a politician and they would not be allowed to accept any money whatsoever for their campaigns – in fact they would have strict and severe limits to the amount of money that they would be allowed to spend on campaigns period and then at the end of the congressional session they would return to whatever jobs they are supposed to have and they would be looking out for the well being of the people.  OK, there are, like, lots of things missing out of that massive generalization, but I hope that you are catching my drift.  I don’t like that politics are full of people who really just want power and aren’t in office to govern.  The political fighting between to two parties disgusts me and if I hear any one on either side claim that we need to “take the country back” then I might just vomit.

I really wish that it were possible, on a national level, to discuss different political ideas without it resorting to name calling and attacks and sometimes I feel like voting for anyone is just perpetuating a cycle of placing assholes in places where they can do the most damage.  For a while this idea was enough to keep from voting.  I just gave up and snorted when bad things happened thinking, “well look what the people who voted brought on themselves.”  But I’ve since changed my mind.  Besides being cynical, that state of mind is also petty.  Am I still pissed off?  Yes.  Do I still feel like the wrong people keep running for and therefore get placed in office?  Totally, for the most part.  But I’m back to voting at every opportunity.

It used to be that I was angry but I didn’t know what to do with that anger.  It got lashed out and, frankly, wasted.  Anger can be a powerful motivator provided that it’s pointed at the right goal.  When I wasn’t voting I had no real way to show my dissatisfaction.  So I vote and when I do I make sure that I make my point clear on the things I want and what I don’t and, when it comes to the candidates, if I don’t feel that you’re qualified I want you to know that I took the time to vote and that I especially took the time to not vote for you.  Vindictive?  Maybe, but as I mentioned politicians piss me off.

So I’m sending this message to the youth and to my jaded and cynical peers: vote no matter what.  What you want might come slow, but it’s guaranteed not to come at all if you don’t speak up.

Today’s picture is my voting stuff:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under politics, project 365 2010

Project 365 6-7-2010 A/V Club

Today’s blog is a very special blog!


I was really bad about actually documenting the day, but I feel good about this first attempt.

As a filmmaker, looking at is as a separate observer, these videos are shit but they are honest and at least that’s something.

Today’s picture is of the cover of the finished proposal:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, making movies, project 365 2010, video

Project 365 6-6-2010

It’s a delightful Sunday and Rene, Frankie and I are doing as little as possible. When I got home from teaching my brain literally shut down and I just kind of stood in places and responded to whatever was in the room…

…hence today’s picture:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under Frankie, project 365 2010, rene

Project 365 6-5-2010

Today I went with Rene, Dean and Zeke to the /Film meet-up at Jerry’s Famous Deli on Ventura Blvd. in Los Angeles. It was very exciting! In addition to being in and making film and television I’m a big fan as well. Something that is often pointed out when I’m with people from other industries is that filmmakers are filmmakers through and through. When we’re on the job we’re doing film and when we’re off the job we’re talking or watching film. It becomes a major component in our lives. This fact was illustrated during a networking mixer when one of the leaders asked all of us filmmakers to describe what we like to do that isn’t film related and all of us – literally all 20 or so of us – looked at each other slack jawed and really had to think about it. To be clear it isn’t that we don’t do other things it’s just that it takes so much time and dedication to actually make a career work in film/T.V. that there isn’t a lot of time left for much else.

Part of how I like to spend my time when I’m not making business proposals or shooting things is by listening to podcasts about my favorite geeky things and one of my favorites is the /Filmcast. I’ve mentioned it before in my favorite podcast blog (along with a few others that I think are worth checking out) and was very happy that Dave Chen from the /Filmcast actually commented on it! On a tangential note, /Film also produces the Tobolowsky Files podcast that features stories told by character actor Stephen Tobolowsky – another great podcast and if you like stories, and I assume you do, this is absolutely worth your time. All of these things came together at the /Film meet-up!

Peter Sciretta and Dave Chen were there as well as Stephen Tobolowsky and his wife Anne, Dan Tractenberg of Totally Rad Show Fame and DC from Derrek Comedy. Everyone was very nice and it was was really nice to talk to them about the sites, shows and movies in general. Besides the headliners, we got a chance to chat with some cool movie/pop culture lovers. It was a great night all the way around.

Today’s picture is of Rene, Stephen Tobolowsky, Anne, Dave Chen and myself at the bowling lanes:

And as a special bonus here is a video of the night where I start by relieving my beer of a slice of fruit:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under drinking, fun, geek, podcasts, pop culture, project 365 2010

Project 365 6-4-2010

Woke up.

Morning meeting meant morning commute so I stopped for coffee at 7-11 and got freaked out by the fact that you can now buy not only Farmville, Yoville and Mafia Wars gifts cards at 7-11 but also Farmville ice cream and bottled water.  between that and the fact that 7-11 is now selling their own brand of beer (Game Day) I think that we may be seeing the biggest rise in 7-11 since the invention of the Slurpy.

Meeting went well then just paperwork and phone calls.  My days are starting to take on a sameness that I’m not comfortable with – I don’t feel any significant movement and it is frustrating!  Still, I’m gonna’ keep on keepin’ on  ‘cuz that’s the only way to get the work done.

We celebrated Rene’s sister-in-law’s birthday and today’s picture is of Rene and Frankie chillin’ in the backseat:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, Frankie, project 365 2010, rene

Project 365 6-3-2010

Frankie got his sutures out today!  Finally our Frankie-stein is one step closer to being just Frankie again!  While were waiting in the lobby at the vet’s office Frankie met a girl named Jasmine.  She’s a Lab and they ended up making out, like, the whole time in the lobby.  Her owners were very nice and it really helped Frankie relax to have a friend in the lobby.  It took the doctor and myself to drag him across the linoleum so that they could take out the staples, such a sad sight!

Today’s picture is actually a twofer!  It’s before and after pics of Frankie:

Also my mom told me that she believes that my bathroom is haunted.  I’m about twenty feet from it right now waiting for something spooky to happen.  Maybe that will be my picture for tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under Frankie, project 365 2010

Project 365 6-2-2010

Ugh.  Data entry.

There are few things in this world as boring and dull as data entry, but it is also a very necessary evil.  Remember that pile of papers that I had in my picture yesterday?  A lot of that was data that needed to be entered and that’s what I did today.

There ain’t much else to say about it.  Brain is a bit dead from it – no surprise there.

Today’s picture is of the last bit of the stack that may or may not be needed data mostly on Post-It notes and my bag and stuff:

See you tomorrow.

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Filed under business, project 365 2010

Project 365 6-1-2010

First day back after the long weekend and it was twenty-four hours of mixed results.  We got some good news, but not enough.  Got in contact with some people, but not enough and I got stuff done, but not enough.  The first four hours from 8 to noon went by in a flash, but then the remainder of the day dragged as I had to do some data entry.

I did finish off the day with a Double Double and that was pretty nice.

Today’s pic is of the stack of paperwork that will be following me into Wednesday:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, project 365 2010

Project 365 5-31-2010

I have a love hate relationship with three-day weekends.

My reasons for loving them are probably the same as your reasons for loving them, if you are a lover of three-day weekends:

  • No work responsibilities.
  • A unifying day off for friends and family through most industries.
  • An excuses to catch-up on the things that I normally can’t make a priority.

I’ve gotten so much sleep this weekend it’s silly and I’m afraid that I might get addicted to it.  Rene and I were allowed to run around and check things off the wedding TO DO list, and that’s never bad.  And today I got to eat flame cooked meat – twice!  We saw my sister and brother-in-law and the nephews and some friends who we haven’t seen in a long while!  Those are all great things about three-day weekends, this one in particular.

But then there are the troubles with three-day weekends:

  • Forced time off.
  • No one is around or available.
  • Financiers are shut down.

 There’s a movie to be made and every day that isn’t spent getting closer to that first shooting day is a day that the first shooting day is delayed – even weekends.  On a holiday like today that means one less day in the week to be able to communicate with the people that can make sure this project happens on time, and that stinks.  Even if you wanted to get things done, and there were a few things that I would have liked to have gotten done, you can’t because everyone either A) asks to talk about it Tuesday or B) isn’t even reachable.

I look forward to the day that I’ve got enough going on that I can firmly allow myself to completely shut down on a three-day weekend (although, admittedly I shut down pretty good over the last three days ;)).

Today’s picture is of me falling asleep:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, holidays, making movies, project 365 2010