Breaking the Ice Comic Review

I’m not above pimping my friends or my friend’s products, especially when they are good! Today I’ll be pimping John Keating’s Breaking the Ice, a fun indie on-line comic. Maybe it’s because I’ve actually lived some of the things in his comic, but I find that I can really relate to it. Things as mundane as minimum wage jobs and as complex as new relationships are handled with characters that are easy to get to know and endear themselves to the inner Irish-Italian Catholic in us all. Give it a look! The strip has only been up for a little over two years and it comes out weekly so it’s very easy to start from the beginning and catch up. Also, you can add it to your RSS feed and find it delivered directly to your reader!


Filed under comic books, friends, reviews

4 Responses to Breaking the Ice Comic Review

  1. i too am a fan of BTI. love it!

  2. Thanks for the plug Curtis!!

  3. Amber

    BTI is the bestest! Nice review 🙂

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