Category Archives: comic books

Project: Iron Man – Iron Man #26 Death in a Dark Dimension

IM 26 Cover

After having such a connected experience to the last issue, I hit the polar opposite with this issue. I have no memory of of Iron Man #26 Death (or Dual depending on whether you’re reading the cover or front page) in a Dark Dimension. However, looking at the cover, seeing the barbarian-like hero and his weapon being The Solar Sword, I am reminded of Thundarr the Barbarian:

That aside, this is a stand alone issue that tried to cram a lot of stuff into 22 pages. We open with Happy Hogan trying to beat up Tony as he armors up. This happens quite a bit over the course of the series.

IM 26 Pg1

Pepper has been kidnapped by the Collector to make Stark bring him The Freak – the monster that Happy turns into when exposed to Cobalt Rays. Happy can’t know that he was ever The Freak so Tony wants to save Pepper with the power of Iron Man.

IM 26 Happy Can't Know He's the Freak

As I mentioned above, the villain in this issue is The Collector in his second comic book appearance. The Collector you may recognize from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie:

Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-Poster-The-Collector screenrantDOTcom

Photo from

Here he makes a deal with Iron Man, bring him The Solar Sword or he turns Happy into The Freak and adds him to his zoo. Very basic, kind of a cartoon plot. Just an excuse to get everyone fighting. Definitely designed for younger minds from a more naive time.

IM 26 Cartoon Plot

So Shellhead is taken to the Dark Dimension where he is immediately set upon by shadow demons.

IM 26 Gargoyles Weeping Angels

I think they kinda’ look like the weeping angels from Doctor Who:

IM 26 Gargoyles Close UpWeepingAngels tardisDOTwikiaDOTcom

But Iron Man is rescued by Thor! Wait, no, that’s Val-Larr Champion of Light! He just looks like Thor with a big “V” on his chest.

IM 26 Thor I mean Val Larr


Together they fight off the shadow demons and the issue starts to feel like a backdoor pilot for this new hero. He’s in the Dark Dimension, which is a Marvel Mystic realm often visited by Dr. Strange. I wondered while reading this if Val-Larr ever showed up in Dr. Strange or any of the other Marvel Mystic books. A quick Google search showed that he does not seem to. He’s referenced again in Iron Man #33, but we’ll see that later. We get a quick history of the realm, the battle between light and shadow, and the origins of the Solar Sword that Val-Larr uses.

Comic Book Science: The Solar Sword is a weapon that can collect the ambient light and then use it to perform feats and powers including strobes of bright light that burns shadow demons and blasts of power. The full powers and limits of the Solar Sword are not known.

IM 26 Backdoor Pilot

Then Iron Man is taken to the last Citadel of Light – LUMINIA!


And now, after having fought alongside Val-Larr (like, his name is, literally “valor”) and making friends, Tony suddenly remembers, “oh yeah, kinda’ need to grab that sword because The Collector is coming” and he picks a fight.

IM 26 Iron Man picks a fight

My favorite part of that is Val-Larr’s response, “Wha?!?” If it were written today he’d be like, “Da faq?!!” Also this gave me a feeling of foreshadowing to a certain storyline in the future where Tony makes a dubious decision because he feels it’s the right thing to do…

Photo from

Photo from

…but we’ll get to that later.

Tony does get the sword back to The Collector and, surprise surprise, The Collector decides to keep the sword and abandon Tony, Pepper and Happy in the Dark Dimension… that is until the Solar Sword starts acting funny. Remember the comic book science thing? The Solar Sword was created in the Dark Dimension, where light is scarce. Suddenly brought into a place where light is prevalent the sword begins to overload – and it’s going to explode! So Shellhead picks up The Collector and flies him back into the Dark Dimension.

IM 26 The Solar Sword Wnts to Explode

Fortunately for Val-Larr and the residents of Luminia this coincides with Shar-Khan’s attack on Luminia.

IM 26 Last Pages Shar Khan

I actually really like the design of Shar-Khan. I would have liked to  have seen more of him. Just look at that creepy face!

IM 26 Shar Khan Close Up

So, as you may have guessed, the good guys win. The bad guys lose. Happy and Pepper go off to live without Happy discovering that he was ever The Freak. It’s a stand alone issue and it’s interesting to think that this issue is very similar to the issue that features the first appearance of Thanos… but that’s still to come. I think that these were pretty typical issues in the 60’s through the early 70’s. New characters were always being introduced, just like the Golden Age. Some stuck, some didn’t, and Val-Larr was one of the latter. The next issue features the first appearance of Firebrand and dips a toe in how Iron Man as a comic book starts to look at social issues. That’s a character we see a bit more often.

IM 27 Cover

Bit of a non sequitur: this issue’s Stan’s Soapbox, the “newsletter” section of the comic, includes an audience survey. It asks about what kinds of stories you like and what you don’t. It uses some fantastic 70’s vernacular. It gave me the impression of how fandom used to work before the internet. Everything still happened: surveys, complaints, discussions; but they all worked via the mail or telephones or conventions/meet-ups. Just another example of ‘the more things change…”

IM 26 Stans Soapbox

See you next time.

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Filed under comic books, comic movies, geek, iron man, Iron Man 26, Iron Man Issue, Marvel, Project: Iron Man

Project: Iron Man – Iron Man Issue #25 This Doomed Land – This Dying Sea!


This issue is a perfect example of why I wanted to do this project! I have such strong memories associated with this issue and, surprisingly, there are elements of this issue that affected my beliefs on our environment and corporate policies.

The opening page, for me, is some of the best evidence that the more things change the more they stay the same. It’s been known that pollution is a problem for decades and, while big strides have truly been made (the air and water now are far better off than they were in 1970 when this was written) there’s still so much farther to go. When I was a kid I remember being struck by this notion that “saving the Earth’ wasn’t a new idea and here it was, subtle as a hammer, on page one of this issue of Iron Man.

IM 25 Pg 1

So, there’s Shellhead, carrying the corpse of a young woman poisoned by the very air she breathed. We are relieved to discover that this is just a film created by Tony to help convince other business owners to take environmental protection seriously. They respond in a stereotypical “businessman” fashion… which leads Tony to tell of a recent adventure he had with Iron Man.

IM 25 Tony to the Businessmen

We move to Namor the Submariner swimming through the ocean angry and brooding. He comes on a pipe spewing pollution – look at the plumes of black and deep purple – killing all the local fish. This, naturally, sends him into a rage and, like any good Silver/Bronze Age comic book character, he destroys the object of his anger… and then follows the pipe back to kick the ass of the surface dweller that put it there.

IM 25 Namor discovers the pollution

Now we flash to the surface, where the pipe originated from, where Tony Stark is visiting the supervisor of the Meridian Island facility, Blaine. Blaine is a douche. Archie Goodman leaves very little room for negotiation on this fact. He’s overly casual with the CEO of his company, cuts corners on safety and environmental equipment and siphoned budgeted funds to pay for his off-the-books pet project, a solar generator, that has some pretty gnarly side effects. Blaine’s fiance, June, comes running in to tell him that all of filters and pumping equipment are shutting down and that the island is starting to fill up with toxic gas. (Point of note, Mr. Goodwin makes sure that we know that Tony is a responsible business owner by having him mention that there should be special filtration units that should be taking care of these fumes.)

IM 25 Meet Baline the douche

Tony is just getting his head wrapped around all of this when Namor shows up to beat things with his fists – which includes a building or two. Stark sends Blaine to get his employees to safety and then Namor and Iron Man fight for, like, a long time.

IM 25 Namor shows up

It’s pages of punches, but those are not as important as the core of the story so let’s jump right to the end where Iron Man wins (natch) and we get back to Blaine the douche denying that there’s any trouble even though all the air around them is inky with noxious fumes. Turns out Blaine’s solar generator is helping to cause this smog (fuzzy late 60’s pseudoscience here) and needs to be destroyed. Well, Blaine just won’t have that and puts up a fight until his fiance passes out from lack of oxygen.

IM 25 IM Wins and June passes out

With June down Blaine is suddenly willing to listen to Iron Man and ol’ Shellhead lands a verbal bitchslap.

IM 25 Verbal Bitch Slap

Then we get the “team-up” section of the book where Iron Man helps Submariner escape and then they work together to destroy the solar converter…

IM 25 The Team Up

…By dropping a giant rock in the ocean and tidal waving the island clean. Oh, and Blaine the Douche died trying to fix his mistake – TOO LITTLE TOO LATE, DOUCHE!

IM 25 Tital Wave

In the end the businessmen that Tony was trying to convince to join him in better environmental practices blow him off saying that changes cost money and that they have stock holders to answer to. They leave and we’re left with much the same reaction you’d see in modern business.

IM 25 Last Page

The funny thing is, Tony quotes that, “…the same thing could happen on a global scale in ten to thirty years!” And it kind of is. Maybe not to the extreme of this story, but it is over thirty years later and climate change is constantly in the news, animals are constantly threatened with extinction, and rainforest is still being cut down by the hundreds of acres a day… If nothing had changed Archie Goodwin probably wouldn’t have been wrong.

The nice thing is the effects of the Clean Air Act of 1963 were starting to show effects and the Clean Water Act of 1972 helped to clean up and save some of the most important waterways. The combination of the two have definitely kept us from the kind of apocalyptic scenario presented on page one of this comic. The conversations generated in the 70’s also helped to change the culture as far as the popularity of environmentalism. I grew up in the late 80’s/early 90’s and I remember the environment being part of the core conversation in school and in general. Earth Day was recognized at school and we’d do events to prep for and celebrate it, Star Trek 4 had a “save the whales” message and was a big hit, and recycling became such a thing in california that suddenly there were different trash cans depending on whether what you were throwing out was recyclable or not.

So when I read this in 19… something-or-other I was really surprised that these ideas, that felt really young, were actually much older than I was – as was the corporate attitude of “money before responsibility” that is the stale cliche/truth of big business.

It’s funny how things like this can stick with you.  Having read this again, decades after reading it the first time, my memory of it was very accurate and it’s amazing to me that the message can still be relevant.

Has anything stuck with you like that? Let me know in the comments.

See you next time!

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Filed under comic books, geek, iron man, Iron Man 25, Iron Man Issue, Marvel, nostalgia, Project: Iron Man

New Site, New Projects and The Age of Ultron!

Website Banner is officially back up and, although there’s still some tweeking to do, it’s time to post again!


The big thing I want to focus on is the launch of Fun Size Horror which is NEXT MONDAY! Not familiar with Fun Size Horror? It’s 31 micro-short horror films playing the week of Halloween done by over a dozen up-and-coming filmmakers, including yours truly. Follow the links to the WEBSITE and FACEBOOK PAGE. It’s been a hell of a thing getting this together this year, but the projects that I’ve seen come through are really good and cover the spectrum of horror sub-genres. Go check things out and look for Bloody Mary on Wednesday October 29th on Shock Till You Drop.

BM 8

The last thing I want to touch on is the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer – omfg.

See you next time.

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Filed under business, comic movies, geek, Halloween, horror, independent film, making movies, movie trailers, rene, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday! Batman & Bear Robin

Yes, this is as awesome as you expect. And if you’d like more: HERE!


Batman & Bear Robin from Bigmouth Audio on Vimeo.

See you next time!

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Fun Video Friday! 8-Bit Avengers!

This is probably the most faithful adaptation of film-to-cartoon of all the 8-Bit Cinemas. Sit back and watch this action packed three-plus minutes – there’s even a Thanos cameo!


See you next time.

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Filed under avengers, comic books, comic movies, fun video friday, iron man, YouTube

Fun Video Friday! One-Take Hero Movie!

When it comes to popular media there you can safely bet that whatever it is that you enjoy follows a formula. These formulas can be given names so that we can recognize them easily like Slasher Movie, Space Opera, or Film Noir. Super heroes have a formula now too, and nothing shows it off better than this short from the Above Average YouTube channel.


See you next time!

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Filed under comic movies, filmmaking, fun video friday, funny, making movies, super-heroes, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday! – 8-Bit Iron Man!

I love Iron Man and one of my favorite old school Nintendo games was Mega Man. Now they have been joined in a glorious video convergence.


See you next time!

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Fun Video Friday! Wolverine Cat!

Sometimes I feel like our cat Charlie does this without the fancy claws. Regardless, this is still a better movie than X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

See you next time!

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Fun Video Friday! The Mandarin!

Iron Man 3 was one of geekdom’s most polarizing films. There really isn’t any middle ground, you loved it or hated it. I am in the “love it” camp. I like the character arc that Tony went through, I am fine with the symbolism of destroying the armors and I am completely on board with the Mandarin reveal. I think it was a fantastic twist. It was a great way to address a character that, for all the press he’s receiving to the contrary, has been pretty aimless for decades. The Mandarin is one of those villains that, after the Silver Age, went through more re-boots than the DC Universe! Most comic book fans seem to be ignoring this. Hell, even his most recent re-vamp done by Matt Fraction looks like it may get a bit of an overhaul in whatever the hell Kieron Gillen is doing right now. So, all of that being said, having Ben Kingsly turn out to be a phony was probably the most honest and original take on the character in a while!

That’s why I’m excited about the one-shot on “Thor: The Dark World” where we get to see Kingsly’s character of Trevor again. Here’s the teaser clip they released:

Let me know what you think, are you a lover or a hater?

 See you next time.

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Filed under comic books, comic movies, fun video friday, geek, iron man, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – Judge Dredd with Puppets!

Being an independent filmmaker who has done his fair share of super low budget productions I always have an appreciation for getting special effects at a reasonable price. Back in the mid to late 2000’s I saw some of the early episodes of DIY Effects and really enjoyed them. I thought that these guys had vanished into the electronic soup of the internet – but no! They are now sponsored by Epix and still making DIY videos.

This one I particularly like because it has puppets. And it led me to watching Dredd which was a surprisingly good movie.

See you next time!

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Filed under comic books, comic movies, diy, filmmaking, fun video friday, how-to, independent film, judge dredd, video, YouTube