Category Archives: filmmaking

Fun Video Friday – Film School Days!

Back in the late ’90’s I was in college at Chapman University in Orange, California. I was a media performance major (I don’t think that’s an option any more) and I was in a bunch of my friends student films, like you do.

Today’s video resurfaced from the depths of 1998 and previews a selection of the films that were being played that year. I was in two or three of them. My goofy 90’s hair is more recognizable than my face.

What better way to spend Friday the 13th? Enjoy this little time-capsule:

See you next time!

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Filed under Chapman, filmmaking, fun video friday, getting old, video

The House of Cards… No, not that one. The other one.

I knew it. I knew I recognized it but I was enjoying it so much that it completely blinded me to the memory of the original.

House of Cards, the new Netflix original series that I have been so excited about for the last week (And it is phenomenal. Seriously, I think everyone should watch it.) Is based on the same source material as the fantastic, although slightly dated, House of Cards (called The House of Cards in the Netflix cue) that was released in the 80’s by the BBC.

Both are similar, main character breaking the 4th wall to speak with the audience, and have the same general plots, spurned House whip getting revenge on the people who wronged him, but the styles of the shows are significantly different and there is the fact that the original takes place in England while the Netflix series takes place in the United States.

Here’s some info on the BBC series, in case you’re curious – The House of Cards.

Clearly the Netflix series is based on this series, of which there were three seasons, but they each have their own charm and both worth watching in their own right. Also, the stories do diverge, especially considering the ending of the original series in the UK, which is always nice. I’d hate to have a road map to the entire new series already laid out – talk about spoilers!

I have finally finished the Netflix version and want to discuss it! Maybe a G+ hangout? Mention in the comments if that would be something you’re into.

So good!

See you next time!

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Filed under filmmaking, new shows, television

Philip DeFranco Agrees About House of Cards

And he did a whole video about it.

Now I don’t know Mr. DeFranco, other than introducing myself to him at Sundace a few years ago, and I am not affiliated with his shows or channels in any way, but I do like his stuff which is how I found this in the first place.

Seriously, House of Cards. Watch it. We’ll discuss as soon as I finish the series.

See you next time.

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Filed under filmmaking, TV, videos, YouTube

Seriously, House of Cards!

I cannot get enough of House of Cards, the new original series from Netflix. It’s their second foray into content and they have swung for the fences!

Starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright and too many other great actors to name, this political drama is riveting and clever and I’m just enjoying the hell out of it. It doesn’t hurt that David Fincher is also involved. Seriously look at this IMDb page!

What really excites me the most, though, is that this is extremely high quality content created by, what is essentially an internet entertainment company. I know Netflix is now fairly ubiquitous, I was the last person I know to get a Netflix subscription except for my parents, but when it’s all boiled down you can’t have Netflix without an internet connection. That fact that they could back this kind of production is really quite a step up from Harlem Shake videos or standard webseries. I’m very excited to see what they come up with next.

Here’s a trailer, now go watch it yourself!

See you next time!

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Filed under filmmaking, television, the future, videos

Wreck-It Ralph in 60 seconds

This is SO cool!

I think I’m going to have to go check out all of the 60 second versions in the Virgin Radio Fake Movie Festival! Between this and the Evil Dead Remake I’m completely sold!

See you next time!

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Filed under film festivals, filmmaking, making movies, movies, videos

Evil Dead Remake… No, not that one.

This one!

I found it on IO9 and these guys did a really great job capturing the feel of the Sam Raimi classic!

You can see more 60 second remakes and vote for your favorites at the Fake Movie Festival.

See you next time!

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Filed under film festivals, filmmaking, videos

Documentary: Progress

I wasn’t going to write about this yet. I have a marketing plan that still needs to be approved by the financier, but I just want to tell people and this is a nice place to do it. Editing on the documentary is going REALLY well and it’s coming together better than expected. I watched the latest cut with Zeke last night and my compliments to him as the piece is engaging and informative. We’ve seen this footage a lot, so to be able to watch and re-watch and still be engaged by it is a good sign. Th picture above is his editing board, where he uses 3×5 cards with scene descriptions to help lay out the plan.

I’m really excited for the film’s release. When it’s finished and ready I’m gonna’ bug the hell out of all of you to watch it.

See you next time!

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Filed under documentary, filmmaking

Missing the ‘Dance

This will mark the second year in a row that Rene and I have not gone to the Sundance film festival since 2008. Not a long stretch either way you look at it, but for a while there we had a lot of fun in Park City meeting fellow filmmakers and movie buffs and enjoying the winter-y wonderland of Utah. Normally I don’t know that I’d miss it as much as I do, but the recent cold snap brings back the memories of the crisp mountain air that you have to breathe while you wait for the bus to come and get you over to the Eccles theater for your movie.

But Sundance isn’t the only film festival in Park City in late January, there’s also Slamdance, the alternative film festival! It happens at the exact same time, in the exact same city and the film selections are very different. I actually came across one today thanks to the site Topless Robot and wanted to share it with you. I really like fun horror films that look like they have some passion behind them and this looks really good to me. Kinda’ wish we could get over to Park City and see it.

See you next time!

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Filed under filmmaking, horror, movies

Your Personal Brand Part 3

MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc… All social networks designed to let you stay in constant connection with your family, friends, fans, co-workers, bosses, strangers and Tila Tequila.  We’ve come a long way from BBS’s and email addresses and how you represent yourself online is clearly visible to the whole world.

You’ve all heard the stories about the girl who blabbed about how much she hated her boss on Facebook, her boss, who was her Facebook “friend”, saw the update and fired her.  I believe the story originated in England, but there are many times that the news has reported that it has happened.  Or what about my friends who are “friends” with co-workers online and see drunken parties that these “friends” attend only to have those “friends” call in sick the next day.  We willingly surrender a degree of privacy every time we log on and, as those examples clearly illustrate, it is easy to forget who our friends are.

I remember my first social network, Friendster.  I joined because I was invited by my dear friend Jeff Garvin to help stay connected.  I remember the first comments page, which were treated more like compliment boxes, and photos and when I first saw a page that wasn’t a real person – in fact it was a muppet style monster.  The owner of the page updated in the voice of the monster and it was a generally funny page, but it was just the beginning of what MySpace made into an art, poser pages!  Pages made as characters so people could pretend to be the people they always wanted to be.  I was not immune to this.  I had, still have, my personal MySpace page, but I have created my share of character pages – sometimes to promote a movie but other times just for fun.  The anonymity level was determined by how honest you wanted to be and how you wanted to be seen.

Facebook has changed this, to a degree.  It is intrinsically designed to be a page representing the “real” you, but privacy settings and personal editing still control how you are precieved.   Oddly there are lots of folks that seem to forget this.  In an era where your employers, or potential employers, can do a Google search and see all of your drunken exploits or your family can see where you really spend the weekends you were supposed to be visiting grandma it is amazing to me that people aren’t more careful.  To know you is to love you and now people can totally get to know you without ever having to meet you!

When you are in the entertainment industry this can be a great tool.  Here’s a little secret, I will “friend” anyone who asks on MySpace and, to a more limited degree, Facebook.  It’s in my best interest to be able to connect with as many people as possible, especially if they like me enough to help support my projects.  A lot of work goes into maintaining my online identity – and frankly I could be doing more.  My pages?  All maintained so you, the public, know what I’m doing.  This blog?  Designed to communicate and report about things I think are interesting or cool.  I don’t talk about everything, you don’t need to know about funerals I attend or about all of my political leanings, but the ones that are really important to me I mention and endorse/rebut.  I’m certainly not purposely posting embarrassing pictures, although there are a few floating around out there and, though I’m not a fan of censorship, I don’t “drunk tweet” or “drunk update” anymore.  There were a couple months right after the divorce where that happened, but… ugh, more trouble than it was worth.

I can’t stand on a pulpit and claim that I have all of this “online stuff” figured out.  Like I mentioned, there’s more I could do to maintain my online presence.  My personal webpage is a complete disaster and I still haven’t figured out why FriendFeed stopped playing nicely with Twitter and Facebook so that those sites were notified and then broadcast-ed that a new blog post was ready, but I’m not famous enough for people to care… yet.  In the end I still need to protect and portray my online persona in a way that lets people see what is appropriate while still letting me connect in an honest way.

So what am I getting at after three posts?  Self examination.  Take a look at what you have online.  Think about what you’re posting.  You twenty-somethings  who post all the drunken madness, don’t forget that those pictures are online until the servers die – and they don’t do that a lot.  Even if you “clean up” your page who knows what your friends still have up – or worse, your enemies.  And business folks, don’t fear the social networking!  It provides you with an unprecedented way to connect with your customers and, as Pepsi is proving with their bold move to exclusive online advertising, it appears to be the wave of the future.  Use the things you are comfortable with.  Not everybody is meant for Twitter.  MySpace is great for media, not so much for selling mattresses and the whole world is on Facebook.  The opportunities are plentiful, but, as with anything worth doing, there is a certain amount of risk to the unwary.  Responsibility doesn’t end when you log-in and the internet isn’t near as anonymous  as it used to be.  We’re used to portraying our “personal brand” in person, but now that extends to the virtual world.  Be aware of what you’re putting out there and I’ll see you – or at least the “you” you let me see – out there on the interwebs.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under art, Facebook, fad, filmmaking, friends, making movies, social commentary, social networking

Your Personal Brand Part 2

Branding as a concept is hardly new.  Any student of business or advertising can tell you that your brand name and brand recognition are extraordinarily important.  The brand name tells the consumer what to expect and, for better or for worse, the level of trust they will place in a product.  There’s a reason why billions and billions of dollars are spent every year making sure that you know that Coke is the Real Thing or that Frosted Flakes are GRRRRRRRREAT!  Johnson & Johnson?  They’re the family company and I’ve heard that Snickers really satifies your hunger.  The name is the product and the product is the name.

Have you heard of the Mars Bar?  It’s a candy bar.  They have a version in the UK, but the kind I’m talking about is the all American Mars Bar, milk chocolate, nougat, almonds and caramel.  Man I love those!  They’ve been my favorite candy bar for a long time.  I don’t even buy them that often because I will eat all that I see until they are gone.  This is a really good candy bar, but sales were down.  In fact the Mars company, the company for which this candy bar is named after, knew that they had to do something.  It’s a good candy bar, it’s a flagship candy bar so how do you raise sales?  They decided to re-brand this candy bar.  See the Mars company also sells a candy bar that you may have heard of, the Snickers Bar.  The Snickers Bar is one of the top selling candy bars of all time.  One act plays have been written about the Snickers Bar.  Say Snickers in a room full of 6-11 year olds and you will be attacked until you produce the candy.  Thus the ever so tasty Mars Bar was re-named – re-branded – Snickers Almond.  The company took the trust and name recognition of the Snickers Bar – the candy that out sells their own flagship bar – and used that to help boost sales.

It worked.

Most people don’t know the history of Snickers Almond.  I know that a few folks thought that it was a new candy bar when they first got one.  I knew it wasn’t and it was a bit disappointing that this great candy bar that everyone was now enjoying could have been enjoyed just as much but not as many people would give it a chance because of its name, its brand.

But what does all of this mean for people?  What does it have to do with email and social networking?  Quite a bit actually.  Whether you like it or not if you are online you are advertising yourself.

Think about it.

It doesn’t matter if you only have an email address and nothing else, anything you have online represents you to those that might find you on the web – and that could be anyone on Earth.

So what do we, the older generation do?  I feel like we are a bit behind the curve with execution, but ahead of the curve when it comes to content and expression.  Any teenager can tweet right to their Facebook and then post a video about it on YouTube all from their phone.  I need to use my Blackberry to do all those things and, with the exception of  Twitter, really can’t get it done right unless I’m sitting in front of a full fledged computer.  I’m just not culturally accustomed to it.  And from my experience I’m about middle of the road for my age group.  I have some friends that are as savvy as a 13 year old, and some whose grandparents are better online.  Although we may not be able to do as much as the kids, what we can do is take advantage of what we do… do.  My friend Mark is an artist.  He does fine art.  He is looking to branch out and wants to do so online.  He has a website and a Facebook but he wants to try Twitter and see if MySpace can do anything for him.  I know a PR firm who only operates in social media and does a great business advertising their clients only online.  PepsiCo has decided to not advertise on the Super Bowl this year because they are moving to a mostly online advertising model.  Interactive social media is becoming more and more important all the time and even the big companies can’t deny it, which brings me back to the title topic, your brand.

Because being online is now almost a requirement how you allow yourself to be seen is more important than ever…

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Filed under art, Facebook, fad, filmmaking, friends, making movies, social commentary, social networking