Sometimes I feel like our cat Charlie does this without the fancy claws. Regardless, this is still a better movie than X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
See you next time!
Sometimes I feel like our cat Charlie does this without the fancy claws. Regardless, this is still a better movie than X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
See you next time!
Filed under comic movies, fun video friday, funny, video, Wolverine, YouTube
The Ponies Anthology (Anthologies, actually) is awesome. The use of Ponies to make commentary on pop culture is, quite often, really fun and funny. One of my favorite bits is the opening of the first anthology, a parody of Kanye West’s “Power” video. Today for Fun Video Friday I present the side-by-side video of West and Ponies versions of “Power.”
For the originals you can follow these links:
Kanye West “Power”
My Little Ponies Anthology 1
Anthology 2
Anthology 3
See you next time!
Filed under douche bags, friendship is magic, fun video friday, Kanye West, my little pony, power, video, YouTube
Lego is in it’s prime right now. As a guy who spent many years building and playing with them it’s exciting to see that the sets have only gotten better! In addition to the bricks themselves there are the videos games and cartoons that are bringing Lego magic to all who play or watch them. Here’s another bit of that magic. There is a new set of Star Wars Lego coming out called Star Wars Microfighters and today’s video is the new commercial for them:
See you next time!
3-D printing is a revolution in manufacturing. They can make almost anything with this technology, like toys, machine parts and even guns.
Now, in one step closer to a Star Trek-like future, they’re making food.
Pizza specifically.
Here’s a video of the print phases:
It still needs to be baked, so we’re a long way from the food replicators of Star Trek, but it’s still pretty cool.
More info here: I09 But How Does It Taste?
See you next time!
Filed under 3d printing, fun video friday, technology, the future, video, YouTube
Iron Man 3 was one of geekdom’s most polarizing films. There really isn’t any middle ground, you loved it or hated it. I am in the “love it” camp. I like the character arc that Tony went through, I am fine with the symbolism of destroying the armors and I am completely on board with the Mandarin reveal. I think it was a fantastic twist. It was a great way to address a character that, for all the press he’s receiving to the contrary, has been pretty aimless for decades. The Mandarin is one of those villains that, after the Silver Age, went through more re-boots than the DC Universe! Most comic book fans seem to be ignoring this. Hell, even his most recent re-vamp done by Matt Fraction looks like it may get a bit of an overhaul in whatever the hell Kieron Gillen is doing right now. So, all of that being said, having Ben Kingsly turn out to be a phony was probably the most honest and original take on the character in a while!
That’s why I’m excited about the one-shot on “Thor: The Dark World” where we get to see Kingsly’s character of Trevor again. Here’s the teaser clip they released:
Let me know what you think, are you a lover or a hater?
See you next time.
Filed under comic books, comic movies, fun video friday, geek, iron man, video, YouTube
Robotics are pretty cool, not R2-D2 cool (yet) but still pretty cool. Here is a 3D printed robot that dances. I hope you don’t have arachnophobia.
See you next time!
Filed under fun video friday, funny, robots, video, YouTube
The internet is cats, at least that’s what some have said and I think you’d be hard pressed to argue any other way. Here is a great video that explores the complexities of cats and how they interact with humans.
See you next time!
Filed under cats, fun video friday, funny, video, YouTube
I wanted to post something Doctor Who related today, but all the videos I wanted to post were not available to embed, so I dipped into the WiggyWebs vault to find something holiday related and I found this – Dean and I talking about the holidays with just enough information to get our feet stuck in our mouths.
Still, what’s the internet for if not to talk about ideas and then see if people get upset? So I hope you enjoy this and if not feel free to eviscerate us in the comments.
See you next time!
I love talking animals. If it were possible I’d train Frankie and Charlie how to talk so that we could all sit around and have conversations.
YouTuber TalkingAnimals does some great work with this, as his name implies. Here are the four holiday songs that have been done.
Happy Holidays!
Filed under animals, fun video friday, funny, holidays, music video, songs, videos, YouTube