That’s my Scott Pilgrim avatar. I have totally bought into the hype.
Well, I guess not totally because I haven’t bought any of the comics, but I liked the avatar thing.
Tonight I celebrated an area of my geeky-ness with Dean and a couple new friends. I have many different geek sides:
There’s my Dungeons & Dragons side – I prefer to play a cleric.
There’s my table top gaming side – Warhammer 40k primarily & I stick mainly to the Games Workshop line of games even though it’s been years since I’ve actually fielded an army.
There’s my music geek side – It’s hard to stump me when it comes to song names and the bands who performed them.
There’s my sci-fi world knowledge – movies & TV shows mostly with the occasional book world thrown in.
But the side that got it all started, the side that I found interesting as a concept and not just as a play idea, was comic books. I mentioned in an earlier BLOG about my first issue of Iron Man and how it got me started on the Golden Avenger and that interest hasn’t really waned since 1983. Even when I was bitter and not collecting I still peeked at issues out of the corner of my eye.
Tonight my comic side was indulged as we geeked out about comics, storylines, movies and T.V. shows that were all about super heroes and the books they were drawn from. This culminated in going through Dean’s long boxes and remembering the good ol’ days of the late 80’s and early 90’s before Image came – before the dark times.
You’d think that my picture today would be of our comic book archeology. You’d probably think that it would be grate to have an image or two of the rare comics in Dean’s collection – some of which I had never seen before in person – or of the signed issues by very famous and infamous creators, but no:
Today’s picture is of Dean’s sink after we covered it with anti-ant & roach powder.
It looks like Tony Montana sneezed on his counter top.
Today I went with Rene, Dean and Zeke to the /Film meet-up at Jerry’s Famous Deli on Ventura Blvd. in Los Angeles. It was very exciting! In addition to being in and making film and television I’m a big fan as well. Something that is often pointed out when I’m with people from other industries is that filmmakers are filmmakers through and through. When we’re on the job we’re doing film and when we’re off the job we’re talking or watching film. It becomes a major component in our lives. This fact was illustrated during a networking mixer when one of the leaders asked all of us filmmakers to describe what we like to do that isn’t film related and all of us – literally all 20 or so of us – looked at each other slack jawed and really had to think about it. To be clear it isn’t that we don’t do other things it’s just that it takes so much time and dedication to actually make a career work in film/T.V. that there isn’t a lot of time left for much else.
Part of how I like to spend my time when I’m not making business proposals or shooting things is by listening to podcasts about my favorite geeky things and one of my favorites is the /Filmcast. I’ve mentioned it before in my favorite podcast blog (along with a few others that I think are worth checking out) and was very happy that Dave Chen from the /Filmcast actually commented on it! On a tangential note, /Film also produces the Tobolowsky Files podcast that features stories told by character actor Stephen Tobolowsky – another great podcast and if you like stories, and I assume you do, this is absolutely worth your time. All of these things came together at the /Film meet-up!
Peter Sciretta and Dave Chen were there as well as Stephen Tobolowsky and his wife Anne, Dan Tractenberg of Totally Rad Show Fame and DC from Derrek Comedy. Everyone was very nice and it was was really nice to talk to them about the sites, shows and movies in general. Besides the headliners, we got a chance to chat with some cool movie/pop culture lovers. It was a great night all the way around.
Today’s picture is of Rene, Stephen Tobolowsky, Anne, Dave Chen and myself at the bowling lanes:
And as a special bonus here is a video of the night where I start by relieving my beer of a slice of fruit:
With Iron Man 2 on the way I’m starting to get Iron Fever! I’m planning a midnight movie trip and am trying to see if there’s a way to do the Iron Man/Iron Man 2 double feature offered by AMC. My fanaticism knows few bounds. It knows some, but not a lot of them. Ever since 1983, issue 173, I have loved Iron Man. I know that part of what drew me to the character is the design, with the color combo of red and gold, but it is odd that the story in issue 173 managed to capture my attention. Written by Denny O’Neil, famous for his run on Green Lantern Green Arrow which was heavy with social commentary, he took Tony Stark from arrogant hero to hopeless drunk… for a second time.
Iron Man fans will know the Demon in a Bottle storyline, a seminal tale that is “must” reading for the character, by Bob Layton and David Michelinie with art by a personal favorite of mine, John Romita, Jr. It tells the story of Tony Stark’s fall into alcoholism. After a few issues, and the help of Bethany Cabe with a few well plotted montages, he was better and back to being a hero. The Stane Saga was Tony’s major relapse and I found this explanation of the story on
Underneath the strong armor of Iron Man inhabits an all-too fragile man. For all his wealth, handsome looks, and genius, Tony Stark is an alcoholic. At one point, the power of drink threw him into self-destruction. Fortunately Tony stopped drinking. But there is no cure for Alcoholics. Sobriety is a life-long struggle. Obadiah Stane knows that. A chess master, he attacks Tony emotionally and physically. He kidnaps his friends, attacks his business, and nearly pummels his armored ‘bodyguard’ with his powerful Chessmen. Pushed to the edge, Tony finds solace in a beautiful woman. But then Stane reveals his Queen, sending Tony to despair and liquor. Plunging deeper into booze, he fails to care as he loses his business, his fortune, his dignity. Even the mantle of Iron Man is taken from him, by his best friend!
The second ‘alcoholism’ saga, I thought this was a better story than the Micheline-Layton ‘Demon in the Bottle.’ There, Tony just goes drunk for one issue and than everything’s fine next issue. This storyline is one slow development. A prototype for the Post-Crisis Luthor, Obadiah Stane ruthlessly takes down Stark, hits him hard, flaunts his abilities and takes almost everything away from him. And poor Tony goes from one embarrassment to another (fighting Machine Man under the influence, attacking a baddie sloshed and in his underwear, etc.). It is also Tony’s last adventure in his classic armor, setting up Jim Rhodes as the second Iron Man (and eventually War Machine). A rather underrated story.
This issue is the middle of the story and the Iron Man armor is barely in it. Tony Stark is a royal mess and gives up half way through. None of the characters are freshly introduced, you’re expected to know who they are, and to top it all off when Stane’s men come to find Tony, drunk in an alley and being assaulted by gang members, one of Stane’s men shoots a gang member through the hand. It was the most provocative thing I had ever seen and the image from that panel fascinated me for days. But in the end Luke McDonnell’s version of the Iron Man armor stuck with me and, to this day, is one of my favorite versions of the classic armor.
A few years later Iron Man 173 became the first issue in my nearly complete Iron Man comic book collection (I gave up when “young Tony” showed up and again right around 2000). You might think that the picture today would be of that issue from my collection, and you’d be right that it would be a good idea, but I didn’t have access to my long boxes and Target has a really cool Iron Man 2 toy display with a mirror that has the new armor minus the helmet so you can take a picture like this:
Now if you’ll excuse me I have some fanboy-ing to do.
Oh man, today was a looooooong day. My brain is complete toothpaste. I am very grateful that the kids were both well behaved and did good work tonight. It actually feels like my brains are draining into my sinuses. Rene tried, and I made a great effort toward, talking about wedding stuff, but eventually we have to submit to the fact that there was no way that my brain was going to be capable of taking in, thinking about, and then truly able to consider any information going to it. She was also brain fried, so it worked out. While she retreated to the comfort and joy of Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs and Fantastic Mr. Fox I dipped my toe into the internet and came out with a foot covered in geek. Between and I caught up on all things pop culture and geek.
Maybe it’s the full moon (today’s picture):
Or maybe it’s just what you are drawn to when your brains are turned into toothpaste, but I was alarmed by this story of a massive half-ton lead coffin found outside of Rome that might contain ancient weapons, an unholy demon who will bring about the end of the world, or a shit ton of Roman candy. Read it and shake in fear with me as we wait for that one idiot scientist who says, “Let’s open it!” on December 21, 2012.
I also started doing some pretty massive research on “Airwolf,” the old TV show from the 80’s. It’s not worth telling you why yet, but I think that this link is a pretty good start.
I had to go to Target today to pick up some new socks and underwear. Nothing spectacular or important, just stuff you need. As Rene and I were shopping we rounded the corner and saw todays picture hanging on the end cap:
I bought them.
I tried them on at home and Rene snapped some pictures.
First things first, Rene has moved her Project 365 – 2010 to here blog Lil Vixen Stirs Things Up so go check it out there and follow that blog – it’s a daily adventure!
Now on to today.
Yesterday ended up being a really productive day – who would’ve thought after posting my video at 12:45 in the morning? By 10pm things were set-up, emails were done and phone calls were completed. If, after all this, I’m not involved in the making of a movie by the end of this year then I don’t know what to do.
Today time just flew by! The time was spent maintaining the organization that was getting done yesterday, follow up calls and being active on the social networks. Social networks are as much a part of business for me as a phone or email. In addition to today’s picture I have included a conversation from my Facebook page. I have often talked about the benefits of social networking and today one of those benefits showed up on my page. It all started with a tweet and turned into a really good conversation:
Curtis AndersenDidn’t buy an HDTV yet? That’s ok, 3D content starts getting broadcast in the spring. So I guess you need an HD3DTV? Gonna’ be expensive.
I may have sent the wrong tone in my initial post, I’m actually excited about all the new options that will be available for home entertainment – it’s what I like to make! I’ll just have to wait 3 years or so when the prices come down before I can have one myself.
Matt – do you know if the Real-D or other company glasses will work with the tech that’s coming out?
“F” 3D in Home Entertainment. It won’t become mainstream or cheap for years. And that’s if even catches on (first with film makers, then with consumers). HDTVs are cheap these days! And this is the best time of the year to buy.
The trick with the home theater stuff is you need the Active Shutter glasses. The Real-D is Circular Polarization. They already have Bluray Discs and players that can do 3D through LCD and Plasma TV’s. Samsung is a leader in in home 3D.
Sorry, I’ve been researching 3D and Production for years now, I know the guys that did My Bloody Valentine, and a few others. Seen all the gear played with all that stuff.
Matt: No need to apologize, I’m not a tech-head so I love hearing about the new stuff! Have you shot anything in it?
Dean: Filmmakers are already on board. Studios love the fact that ticket prices are higher, so they’re on board and the Japanese have a channel already dedicated to 3-D programming. It’s been around for about a year. It might bea fad, but there’s a LOT of investment going into it. If those glasses get cheap, or useful for multiple platforms I think you’ll see the public ready to accept 3-D entertainment.
Studios might be on board, but individual film makers? I don’t know, you would probably know more than I would. But I do know there are some filmmakers who refuse to even shoot digitally! I have heard Discovery and a few others are making a dedicated 3D channels.
Still, I look at the market this way. People who wanted a HDTV have either bought one or have been waiting for them to get cheaper (like these last few months) to buy one. And so who will be buying the super expensive HD3DTV’s? The very small percent that makes up the rich uber-geek. And even they have seen the ills of early adoption most recently with early blu-ray players. And on top of it all, 3D requires special glasses (for now), and if you have friends over you have to have these not-so-cheap glasses for everyone. I think it’s going to be a while before it’s anywhere near mainstream. If ever.
I think if there’s too much 3D content, it’ll become commonplace and won’t be a driving force in selling tickets. People will just say “eh, I don’t need to see LEAP YEAR in 3d”
It isn’t a discussion about world peace or a philosophical debate about religion but it is the sharing of thoughts and ideas with people I know but don’t necessarily see all the time and I know them in different circles of friends. I really like the fact that one comment can bring out all kinds of people, some hundreds of miles away, and we can all participate in the same conversation. The internet doesn’t have to be about the ability to promote and make money via social networking, this “purer” form is a welcome sight. It just occurred to me that this might be how social networks work for you all the time. Leave a comment, I’d love to know what you think!
Keeping in line with yesterday’s post, my geekness knows no bounds, and today I witnessed a sad thing in the world of geekdom – the end of David Tennant’s run as The Doctor on Doctor Who. It is also the end of Russell T. Davies run as Executive Producer on the show. It is truly an end of an era.
I have been a Whosian since I was a small child and watched re-runs of Tom Baker episodes on PBS with my dad. Even as a four year old I knew that the effects were cheesy and the acting left the scenery chewed to bits, but there has always been a magic with the show, as any fan can tell you and there are plenty of them the whole world over. Imagine the best parts of Star Trek and Star Wars all combined and then shot on a shoe string budget – voila! That’s Doctor Who!
The series ended back in 1989 in less than stellar style. Sylvester McCoy, the 7th Doctor, was another favorite of mine, but there were limited episodes and the writing near the end of the series was ungood. The 7th Doctor reappeared in the failed US TV movie backdoor pilot back in 1995, but it wasn’t until 2005 that we got a real “regeneration” of the series (that’s an inside joke). Russell T. Davies brought back the magic of what I and so many others like me loved about the series from childhood, but added today’s modern special F/X capabilities that helped raise the production level of the show. That, combined with his reverence for over 40 years of show history, lead to a re-launch that Who fans both new and old could get attached to, and we did! For four seasons we watched as the Doctor, in two different forms, raced through time and space saving the innocent and doing his best as the last Time Lord in the universe. With Davies at the wheel Who fans could watch with confidence that their hero would be in good hands.
New Years Day that promise ended. Now we have a new Doctor – The 11th Doctor Matt Smith – and a new EP, Steven Moffat, at the helm guiding the series. Part of me is really excited for a new direction for the show, but another part of me is terrified that some of the magic that has kept the show so good may fall away. Thus my concerned look in the picture. I guess we’ll find out in the spring.
BTW: If some of that was “greek” to you, and I’m sure to some of you it was, please check out DOCTOR WHO ON WIKIPEDIA. It’s a great primer on all things Who.
I wanted to start this by talking about “how old I am” and emphasizing age and being cranky, but that’s not really what this is about and I’m starting to annoy myself with how much I talk about being “the old guy” at 32. Mind you, when I’m at Shmimprov or surrounded by my students, it’s easy to feel like that when everyone else is 25 or under, but when it comes right down to it I’m still “young” in the eyes of society.
What I will bitch about, though, is that at 32 I am pretty set as an adult. You won’t find many people that will say that at 32 you don’t have any responsibilities or notice that your tastes have changed at least a little and that’s really what I want to talk about, changing tastes.
I knew that I had entered “adult life” the moment I discovered podcasts.
Yes, that’s what I said, podcasts.
Or, as I like to call them, talk radio for Generation X.
While people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s listen to Rush, Dr. Laura and the other freaks on the radio people in their 30’s and younger listen to the freaks that record via Skype on all manner of esoteric topics like Star Trek, Doctor Who comic books and such-n-such. When I first got my iPod I was all music all the time. I spend the better part of a month uploading all of my CD’s onto the computer and then importing to iTunes. I scoured my friends music collections, my parents, any stranger who would let me and added it to the mix. I got obsessed with making playlists that would be perfect for any particular occasion.
Then, during a trip to the iTunes store, I stumbled on these things called podcasts and they had titles like iFanboy, Around Comics, Gallifrey Embassy… all very geeky and all up my alley. I started by downloading anything that looked like it might be good. That habit stopped very quickly. Just because you have a podcast doesn’t mean that it’s any good. The only quality control there is are the reviews that are written by the most committed of listeners. But to the point, as I explored further I found the combination of podcasts that satisfy all of my needs, from news to geeky pursuits. Just like the talk radio so popular with the older adult demographic, I now know that I’m close to joining their ranks, at least in spirit, as I get more enjoyment from listening to fanboys talk rather than Panic at the Disco.
Here is a list of the pocasts that I currently subscribe to for your perusal. I would add hotlinks, but I got all of these from the iTunes Store, so I suggest getting them there.
Around Comics – Round table discussion about the world and culture of comic books. This is one of the best out there.
BBGeeks – All Blackberry news. About 10 min. long with news and rumors.
The Bugle – An English version of The Daily Show in audio form. Funny and timely.
The Crankcast – Comic book creators talking about the business, shows they like and regular Joe stuff. Hard to describe, but one of my favorites!
The /Filmcast – Movie news and commentary with writers, directors and actors often as guests. It’s a companion to /film.
iFanboy – My favorite comic book podcast! Every week they run down the best, and sometimes the worst, comics released.
JapanesePod101 – This is where I learn Japanese.
Marvel Podcasts – I’m a Marvel Zombie.
NPR: Story of the Day, World Story of the Day, Pop Culture & Technology Podcasts – This is all the news I ever need.
Real Time with Bill Maher – I love it. I hate it. It might be the whole show, might only be New Rules.
Tom vs The Flash – Tom Katers reads and comments on every silver age issue of The Flash. It is awesome.
40k Radio – This is a Warhammer 40,000 podcast that is only for the true gamer. If you don’t play the game skip it because it will scar you. Not scare you, scar you. Gamers and their fanaticism are not for the faint of heart.
From OtaKing77077, who also goes by Mightyotaking on Deviantart, comes a fan project Doctor Who anime!! It’s really neat and uses audio clips from shows featuring the 3rd Doctor, Jon Pertwee. Here are the three vids that currently exist, enjoy!
I was watching the Discovery Channel, I forget which show, and they were talking about near Earth objects or NEO’s. NEO’s are the objects that are flying through space and have the possibility of hitting the Earth. These objects range in size from a pebble to hundreds on miles wide. The NEO’s that are tracked are the ones that are considered dangerous. There are thousands of these objects being tracked at all times. The scientist who was being interviewed said that even though there are thousands of these objects being tracked there are thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of these objects that we aren’t tracking.
The scary fact of it all is that there could be an object over 600 miles wide that might be headed directly at the Earth right now and if it is, and we aren’t tracking it, we would have four minutes of warning before it struck the Earth and effectively wiped all life off of the planet.
Four minutes.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, not because I’m obsessed with the idea of being killed by a rock falling from space but because of the phenomenon that I’m becoming way too aware off lately – Nanny Laws.
We are currently living in a society where our leaders keep doing things to make us feel more safe when, in actuality, there is nothing that can keep us safe.
Security checks at the airport are great for seeing what’s in passenger baggage, but no one checks the cargo placed in stowage – THIS IS ON YOUR FLIGHT! If someone REALLY wants to blow up a plane all they have to do is ship it.
Dog Bans and Breed Specific Legislation do not accomplish the goal of stopping dog bites, once one breed is gone the other dogs pick up the slack. This has lead to over 70 breeds of dog being banned or restricted in some way in Italy and multiple dog bans across the United States.
Gun Laws
Tobacco Laws
The Drug War
All of these only punish the law abiding, the people who want these things will have them anyway – only the innocent get punished.
And for what? What are we really being kept safe from? When does personal responsibility become a factor? I would actually like to see a return of personal responsibility!
Why does AIG get a bail out for being a failure? I wouldn’t. You wouldn’t. And I don’t agree that any company is too large to fail. In fact I would argue that some companies have become too large to succeed!
This is really just the beginning of a much bigger conversation and I would like to encourage you to comment so we can continue the discussion.
Four minutes.
Think of all the stuff you would cease to care about if you knew it was your last four minutes and then tell me what’s really important to you.
Talk Radio
I wanted to start this by talking about “how old I am” and emphasizing age and being cranky, but that’s not really what this is about and I’m starting to annoy myself with how much I talk about being “the old guy” at 32. Mind you, when I’m at Shmimprov or surrounded by my students, it’s easy to feel like that when everyone else is 25 or under, but when it comes right down to it I’m still “young” in the eyes of society.
What I will bitch about, though, is that at 32 I am pretty set as an adult. You won’t find many people that will say that at 32 you don’t have any responsibilities or notice that your tastes have changed at least a little and that’s really what I want to talk about, changing tastes.
I knew that I had entered “adult life” the moment I discovered podcasts.
Yes, that’s what I said, podcasts.
Or, as I like to call them, talk radio for Generation X.
While people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s listen to Rush, Dr. Laura and the other freaks on the radio people in their 30’s and younger listen to the freaks that record via Skype on all manner of esoteric topics like Star Trek, Doctor Who comic books and such-n-such. When I first got my iPod I was all music all the time. I spend the better part of a month uploading all of my CD’s onto the computer and then importing to iTunes. I scoured my friends music collections, my parents, any stranger who would let me and added it to the mix. I got obsessed with making playlists that would be perfect for any particular occasion.
Then, during a trip to the iTunes store, I stumbled on these things called podcasts and they had titles like iFanboy, Around Comics, Gallifrey Embassy… all very geeky and all up my alley. I started by downloading anything that looked like it might be good. That habit stopped very quickly. Just because you have a podcast doesn’t mean that it’s any good. The only quality control there is are the reviews that are written by the most committed of listeners. But to the point, as I explored further I found the combination of podcasts that satisfy all of my needs, from news to geeky pursuits. Just like the talk radio so popular with the older adult demographic, I now know that I’m close to joining their ranks, at least in spirit, as I get more enjoyment from listening to fanboys talk rather than Panic at the Disco.
Here is a list of the pocasts that I currently subscribe to for your perusal. I would add hotlinks, but I got all of these from the iTunes Store, so I suggest getting them there.
See you tomorrow!
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Filed under comic books, Games Workshop, geek, making movies, movies, podcasts, politics, social commentary