Category Archives: geek

You Don’t Want To Meet My Lawyer.

This is a video that used to be really hard to find. I have always been a big fan of the Sifl and Olly Show. They are hand puppets, it’s silly humor, and back in the day I would stay up all hours watching MTV just so I could catch these episodes. Every once in a while I try to bring back a catch phrase or two and the one of my favorite jokes was during the “Precious Roy” segment when they would talk about their problems and it would turn out to be a “serious ass *blank* problem.” If more people got that reference I would use it all the time.

I would put up a link to their website or to where you might be able to purchase the DVD’s but MTV are bastards and they not only still hold all the rights, but they refuse to release both this show and the episodes of “The State” which is another really funny show from the same people who bring you “Reno 911.”

This segment used to put my friend Randy and I into fits of laughter that usually ended in choking and tears. You might not find it as funny – hell you might not think it’s funny at all – but MTV keeps trying to get it taken down. Watch while you can, who knows how long this will work.

By the way, you’re a cheap ho.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under funny, geek, puppets, video


Today went by way too fast. It felt like I had my coffee this morning, put laundry in the washer and then had to leave to teach. When I work at day-jobs days like that are a blessing that you look forward to every time they happen, but when you are working for yourself and every minute counts days like this kinda’ suck. You don’t feel like you can get enough done, the phone calls can’t be made fast enough, it’s just a pain in the ass.

But I got to feel a sense of accomplishment today after all was said and done – I made Rene’s laptop completely functional again! Vista had a major crash a few weeks ago and Rene’s brother got it back to, essentially, a blank slate. She could use it, but there were no programs on it – no Office, no iTunes, just the Internet really. I have finished getting all the functionality back on this machine and it is running smoothly and awesomely.

Now I’m going to go get some ice cream.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under computers, geek, general

Geek-A-Tude Update

So I’m getting back into the swing of things and getting my “paint” back on practicing on the remaining unpainted Which Hunters in my Mordheim warband. Is it Greek to you already? No problem, there’s no more “game speak” from here on out, just “art speak” and even that will be at an elementary level.

Half of the fun of playing the games that I play is the “crafty” half where you paint and put together all the toys you’ll eventually play with. After dusting off all my stuff from storage I was met with the rather unfortunate situation where a little over half of my paints were dried out! Yikes! Paint isn’t expensive, but it isn’t free either and when you have to replace over half of a color palette that includes about 80 shades it means that getting back to full takes some time.

In my off hours the last few days (between 9pm and 2am) I’ve had a chance to whip out the brush. The picture at the top of this blog shows my current works in progress. No, not the one on the left, he’s finished and there to remind me of my color choices for this warband, but the two on the right. The center guy is a Which Hunter – think Salem Which Trials, but less tolerant and more trigger happy – and the guy on the right is a bounty hunter. All that aside I was able to finish their faces last night.

As you can see on both the completed Which Hunter and the WIP Which Hunter I’ve gone for very contrasting skin tones so that they look gaunt and pale, like they spend too much time inside torturing prisoners. I also tried to keep the areas around the eyes unusually dark to add to the “crazy stare” appearance. Tunics, weapons and capes will have to wait, however because I don’t have all of those colors yet – close but not quite!

The bounty hunter is a bit different. I still went with high skin tone contrast, but favored healthier looking skin since this is a fella who is probably good at his job as evidenced by his ability to buy food thereby adding to his corpulent appearance. He also has a rather prominent mole on his chin. I’m still trying to figure out how best to show that it is a mole. As it is right now it is a dark mole. I’d put hair on it if I could.

Up next I’ll be painting some war dogs. I have all the colors for those and fur is fun and quick to paint.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under Games Workshop, geek, mordheim, update, warhammer 40k, which hunters


In today’s post I wanted to share my four favorite “literal versions of…” videos. For those of you who may not be aware of this phenomenon yet, these are videos where the song is re-recorded and the lyrics correspond to what is actually happening in the video. YouTube has a LOT of these, but not all of them are good. After watching them with Rene last night these are the four that I enjoy watching the most.


Filed under fad, geek, music video, pop

My Geekatude Returns!

If you are a regular reader of my blog then you have seen my comic reviews and know that I have a least a little bit of geek in my blood, but recently a old bug has started buzzing in my ear and I’m getting the urge to play Warhammer 40,000 again.

What is Warhammer 40,000 (or 40k as we gamers call it)? It is a table top war game, a cross between Risk and Dungeons & Dragons, where you have “armies” of little army men who fight across a table top war zone. The game has been in existence for almost 30 years and has a very rich background story and community.

I have had several armies over the years:

Space Marines: genetically engineered supersoldiers who are each as good as a squad of ordinary men.

Chaos Space Marines: the same supersoldiers, but warped by evil “gods” that live in an alternate dimension.

And my current army, the last one I was working on before I stopped playing back in 2006, The Imperial Guard: normal human fighting men with tanks and big guns!

I just pulled out my modeling stuff and my old guys. I’m going to be re-building this army and talking about the hobby aspect of it as I go. I hope that you find it half as interesting as I do.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under geek, hobby, warhammer 40k

Who Watches The Watchmen?

I Watches The Watchmen!

Or, at least, I will be tonight! Midnight screening with all the other fanatics! Of course if I were a real fanatic I would have bent time and space to get into one of the earlier press screenings. I recently found out that it doesn’t take much work to get invited to those. Hell, the fact that I have this page here apparently qualifies me as a journalist – even though my blog is not specifically movie or comic related – although I will be talking more about those things in this blog as I get into my groove. Maybe weekly comic reviews? Or at least reviews when the comics I read come in.

Anyway, I am one of millions of people who are both excited and worried about this movie. Like most comic fans I have met, listened to, or heard about I love the original comic. LOVE IT! Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons deconstruction of the superhero is what led to the current incarnation of comic book writing. The ideas of treating the stories as if they happened in “real life” all started with a tale about an alternate history of Earth where superheroes really existed and the U.S. won the war in Vietnam. On the comic podcasts that I listen too (iFanboy, Around Comics, Crankcast) I’ve heard that some of the younger fans, the newer generation, don’t “get it” or feel like The Watchmen is over-rated. I don’t want to crap on their opinion, but in mine they are wrong. I get the idea of not “getting it”. I don’t like listening to Elvis. I don’t get Elvis. But unlike my comic book counterparts I have a great respect for Elvis and what his career meant to modern rock music. There is no doubt that The Watchmen changed the world of the comic book and I implore anyone who disagrees to defend their position in the comments.

So tonight at 12:01 am Rene, Dean, Alex and I are going to stand in line and see a movie we are hoping will be amazing but are scared will be horrible. It’s a pretty well publizied idea that this comic is supposed to be unfilmable. Zach Synder has been quoted as saying he didn’t think this movie would work, but then taking the movie on to keep the studio from putting it in the hands of other directors that would make changes from the story that we all expect to see on screen. There are entire blogs some of these alternate takes on the story. Without getting too into them let me just say I’m very happy that Mr. Snyder decided to take the job. From what I’ve heard the movie is amazing, so my expectations are pretty high. I’ll post a review tomorrow. In the mean time I have my script to go over again and a phone call about casting in about 45 minutes.

I love my job!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under comic books, geek, movies