Category Archives: holidays

Project 365 4-4-2010 Easter: Part 2

The second Easter happened on the actual day of Easter at Rene’s parent’s house.  Again it was a whole lot of food that involved ham, baked macaroni (do NOT call it macaroni and cheese!), corn, baked green beans and salad.  Then they got us with the dessert!  New Orleans style bread pudding, strawberry shortcake and tart lemon cake.

Another food coma.

These were, literally, two of the least productive, least active days I can remember.  Even though I played with my nephews a little, even though I decided that yesterday was the day to learn how to play Rock Band using an instrument I can still count these two days as very low impact.

Speaking of Rock Band, I wasn’t kidding when I said I was finally learning how to play using an instrument.  I know I’m late on the “Band”-wagon here but I don’t have a game system at my house (I’ve never been much of a video gamer) and all my friends who do are already mega-experts so I feel self conscious playing with them.  Today, since the nieces brought over their copy complete with guitar and drum kit and since most of the family was busy watching The Princess and the Frog I had a chance to learn me some skills!

I settled on the drums 1) because I used to play drums when I was younger 2) because it made sense to my brain to play a rhythm game with a rhythm instrument and 3) because my fingers do not like the frets on the plastic guitar.  I sat myself down and did the whole warm-up section of songs as a play list and played through the whole thing.  I did pretty well, but knew I’d require more practice – after more food.

I took a forced sabbatical, there were other players playing, and learned by observation about some of the nuances of the game.

Then I created my rock star – Andros the hair-metal, super thin drummer straight out of London!  He went on a short tour.  During my tour I felt the Earth move beneath me.  At first I thought I was just dizzy from watching a video game for so long, but then Rene came running in suggesting that we might be having an earthquake.

My rocking did not stop.  Natural disaster or no I had a set to finish and my digital audience didn’t want excuses – they wanted to rock!  And rock them I did.

As soon as I was done, though, we turned on the TV to see just what had happened – a massive 7.2 quake just south of the boarder in Mexicali, Mexico that was felt across three states (California, Nevada and Arizona) and kind of explains why Frankie has been so jittery the last week.  Within an hour two Facebook groups were formed (one proclaiming “I Survived The Easter Earthquake of 2010” and the other “I Didn’t Survive The Easter Earthquake of 2010” – only on Facebook…), we had heard from many of our friends from across the country and we were educated by Cal Tech all about what we should expect for the next few days.  For us in the L.A. area that amounted to just about nothing.  It was a wild divergence from what we expected on Easter this year.

Today’s picture is of us before the quake:

See you tomorrow!


Filed under holidays, project 365 2010, video games

Project 365 4-3-2010 Easter: Part 1

We went to my parent’s house for first Easter.  It was a small affair, just my parents, Molly and Shane and their kids, Uncle Skip and Rene and I.  As usual my mom made enough food to feed a small army and we did our best to eat it!  There was a seven layer dip with an Easter egg design made of cheese and lettuce with sour cream lightly dyed green for decoration.  It was pretty cool. There was also a full veggie spread, chips and salsa, and deviled eggs.  It was enough food to be a meal, but then there was more.

For dinner there was a ham, lemon herb chicken, corn, baked potatoes, salad and grilled asparagus.  I ate so much that my stomach literally distended.  I looked pregnant.  I joke about being old and fat now, but even Rene had to laugh and agree.  It was uncomfortable, but the food was so good I couldn’t stop eating.

To help work off the enormous caloric intake of the afternoon Rene and I made a trip to Target to grab a last minute Easter gift for nephew Dylan.  I showed him Repulsor Power Iron Man from when the first the first Iron Man movie came out.  It’s a pretty cool toy and Dylan really dug it so Rene and I thought it would be nice for him to have one.  They make a new one for the new movie and he loved it!  I got a call later that night that he fell asleep with his new Iron Man.  It’s always a pleasure to help make new Iron Fanatics.

Today’s picture is:

See you tomorrow!


Filed under holidays, project 365 2010

Happy New Year’s Eve!


May your 2010 be happy, healthy & full of success!

See you next year!

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Filed under holidays

Mid-Holiday Lull

It’s that weird time between Christmas and New Years where it’s still kind of a holiday, but it’s also a half-assed work week.  I let myself sleep in this morning and then hopped right to work as soon as I work up (ah, the benefits of working from home) but, while there are a few “busy work” assignments that need to get done, there isn’t all that much that I can be proactive about on the bigger projects.  It’s a bit frustrating, but relieving at the same time, there’s only so much that can get done and, as long as I do those things, I really can’t be mad at myself.

What is this lull like for you?  I bet you folks in retail have no slow points in the immediate future!  And what about regular business?  Is this a wasted week?  Leave a comment about your lull time – I’d like to know.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under general, holidays, work

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Filed under holidays, video

Trick ‘r Treat

Rene and I had a very mellow Halloween this year. Instead of parties and costumes we opted to watch Halloween movies in bed with the the dog instead. It was nice. On the playlist for the evening is a little movie called Trick ‘r Treat.

I like this movie for a number of reasons:

  1. It’s a fun Halloween movie! “Horror” has made such a dramatic turn to “torture porn” that I think most people have forgotten that horror can be fun and that you don’t need to feel dirty when you leave the movie.
  2. It pays tribute to the past while contributing to the legends and the lore. There is a whole “world” developed for this movie. In this little section of Ohio there has been horrible tragedy and gritty crime! The traditions of Halloween take center stage and are based on the actual beginnings of this annual candy fest, even if they are exaggerated just a bit. Both things work together to create a movie that is very easy to connect to.
  3. Sam.
  4. No “stars.” Recognizable actors? Absolutely! Good actors? Absolutely! Biggest stars – Anna Paquin and Brian Cox, and they’re very good at what they do, but they’re only in a quarter of the movie. It all hinges on story and talent – not names!
  5. They had to fight to get it out. I appreciate that a lot since I can relate. there’s too much story to go into here, but this page has the whole sorted deal.
  6. All the stories are connected… kinda’. Since it all happens in the same town on the same night, practically on the same block, there are lots of cross-overs between stories and filmmakers did a great job of making sure the paths all cross.

I agree with Fangoria that we have a new classic on our hands. It ranks up there as a holiday film that you want to watch over and over. Oh, and to you parents out there, it isn’t so scary or gory that kids as young as tweens can’t watch it – although the end of the werewolf story is a bit racy, but that’s you’re call.

Here’s the trailer:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under holidays, horror, making movies, movie trailers, movies

Easter & Stuff

Yesterday was Easter and I ate way too much. Rene and I had two family feasts to attend and we really out did ourselves. Rene’s family is from New Orleans and they definitely know how to cook down there. I really enjoy her mom’s gumbo and various other foods. Yesterday included ham, baked macaroni (macaroni and cheese, but with the long macaroni noodles), baked beans, and salad. Then there were the deserts which included, but were not limited to, cheese cake, bread pudding and whiskey sauce, and other cakes and things that I don’t remember because I stuffed myself so full I couldn’t even look at food without feeling a little sick. I got so full I had to take a nap! That never happens to me!

Then we went to my parents house.

The spread there was equally large with plenty of appetizery things and sandwiches and apple crisp and chips and pretzels…

I’m full just thinking about it.

The food coma was amazing and today I’m still feeling the effects, so much so that I’m worried I might be getting sick.

So, I’m going to cast off now and get some more stuff done before calling it an early night.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under general, holidays