Category Archives: internet

Bloody Mary – Fun Size Horror Revisited


They are finally able to be released publicly! The shorts we made for Fun Size Horror are now available for public view.

“Bloody Mary” was a fun bit of filmmaking made under surprise conditions. Originally we had a different crew, location and equipment – but then there was some bad luck behind the scenes. Thanks to some help from Fun Size founder Zeke Pinheiro we were able to shoot and get this in on time.

Give it a look and then watch it a bunch more and tell a friend. More next week!

See you next time!

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January 7, 2015 · 9:00 am

Fun Video Friday! – Double Duty covering Kangaroos and Net Neutrality

Special Fun Video Friday this week. If you follow me on any social media then you may have seen my recent posts about trying to protect net neutrality and asking the FCC to consider the internet a title II common carrier so that the big ISP’s can’t have control over the speed or content that you receive online. You would think that in America of all places the internet would remain a bastion of freedom, but you’d be wrong. Right now the future of the internet is teetering and could go either way. We as citizens need to stand up! The first video for today covers, quite well, why net neutrality is important and how to take action. I’m sure many of you have signed petitions on the subject, but the best way to comment is directly to the FCC. I’ve included the link below. Please watch this, follow the link and help protect this vital communication system.

To put the “fun” back in Fun Video Friday here’s a video of a kangaroo petting a dog:

See you next time!

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Filed under animals, fun video friday, goverment, internet, net neutrality, politics, social commentary, social networking, video, videos, YouTube

Fun Video Friday! “In Which I Fix My Girlfriend’s Grandparents’ WiFi and Am Hailed as a Conquering Hero”

Saw this earlier in the week. I have had to be the ‘hero” several times myself, although I don’t know that I look as good in skins and fur…

See you next time!

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Filed under fun video friday, hero, internet, video, YouTube

One Of My Students Is A Meme!

I teach young actors and naturally I want them to work, and work they do, but this is the first time one of them has become a bit of an internet sensation!

That’s Ava in the picture above and she did a commercial for Google last year. It’s funny, take a look:

And now it’s been GIF’d and Tumblr’d and spread all over the internets!

Here’s a link to a Tumblr search for Martin Van Buren. She’s all over the place.

I’m very excited for her!

And a little jealous that she might get to meet Grumpy Cat.

Memes all know each other, right?

See you next time!

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Filed under acting, actor stuff, blatant plug, internet, memes, teaching

What Do you Get When You Mix Ninjas and Kittens?

You get adorable battle!

See you next time!

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Filed under cats, internet, video

Ramble, Ramble & Online Presence

I didn’t have anything worth writing about today, at least nothing that I can talk about. I spent a lot of my day fighting with Adobe Premiere. How the hell do you export a hi-res MP4?!?!?!?? This shouldn’t be hard!

Anyway, I thought I would add another GIF to the growing list of “Curtis-Adds-A-GIF-Because-He-Didn’t-Write-Enough”  but I couldn’t even find one of those that I liked. So for Monday night I’m just listing places that you can find me online, in case you want to look that stuff up.

And if you want to keep up with the company and movie stuff, here’s that too:
See you next time!

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Filed under internet, YouTube

SOPA & PIPA – Just Say No

The proposed bills in Congress known as SOPA and PIPA are a big deal and so are the issues they claim to deal with.

Piracy is a big deal, Wiggy VonSchtick has been a victim, but the internet isn’t going anywhere and people’s abilities to acquire whatever they want whenever they want is only going to get easier even if these bills pass.

Nanny laws only hurt people who follow the law, criminals just find a way around them.

These are complex problems that require big ideas, not censorship.

New, young entertainment business minds are already thinking of ways to curtail piracy and it’s working. Look at Louis C.K. He managed to shoot and release a downloadable comedy show and made profits that he couldn’t imagine.

Make no mistake, this is about money and how large studios make it – not about the viewer or the art of entertainment and all of that is fine! It’s required to make the big kinds of movies that people love to go see, but these pieces of legislation are not the ways to make entertainment profitable in the future.  I know that the big studios are using scare tactics to try and force creatives to their side, but these bills shoot a creative’s future in the foot.

Please follow these links:

SOPA Explained

End Piracy, Not Liberty

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Filed under internet, politics, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs, YouTube

Project 365 8-5-2010 Is it an addiction if everyone uses it?

What is the most terrifying thing that can happen to a person who’s business relies on the internet?

The whole of the internet crashing in the middle of the day!

THE WHOLE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A close second is when your connection to the internet randomly drops in the middle of sending an email to a client, which is a hell of a lot more likely and happened to me today.

See that little yellow triangle?  That’s not good.  Still not sure what happened, it just dropped and all the phones went dead.  There were a few options that sprung to mind and so this is what I imagine might have happened:

  1. They are putting a new roof on the house and it is possible that the workers accidentally unplugged or damaged a wire or connector somewhere.
  2. AT&T were doing maintenance on the switch box at the end of the street and, for whatever reason, disengaged the line(s).
  3. Aliens, experimenting with human behavior like in an old episode of “The Twilight Zone,” decided to test my reaction to losing the internet connection.

I think the third is the most obvious answer.  When the connection dropped I was stunned into non-action.  I clicked on the little internet bars, checked the network, ran tests… all the things that you learn in Internet 101 that you should do if things go non-responsive.  Once I exhausted the “on computer” options I went to the modem and started fooling with that.  That’s when I saw the red flashing light – the DSL connection was gone!

That made me panic a bit – I don’t know how to fix a problem in the walls – so I checked the phone and it was tone-less.

That’s when my right eye twitched and I got very annoyed. 

I asked the workmen if they had noticed any wires while they were working, they hadn’t.

I really didn’t know what else to do so I called AT&T and tried to get someone on the phone to report the outage.  Turns out they don’t do the whole “people-on-the-phone” thing anymore so I talked to a very nice computer simulation of a person who took my report and then scheduled an appointment for workman to come out – NEXT WEEK!

What was I gonna’ do for a week without the internet?!!?!?

I went right to my phone and resigned myself to the idea that it would be my computer for the next week as I waited.  Then I started thinking about places with WI-FI that i could work at – but it’s really hard to do business calls at a Starbucks, especially when you aren’t drinking coffee (the baristas start to talk).  I left the house to do errands bitching via Twitter and in texts to friends and loved ones about how my day was suddenly ruined from lack of internet and it made me realize – as it has several times before – just how easy it is to take all the information that we have access to at all times for granted.

By the time I got home whatever was wrong was suddenly fixed.  Facebook updated, the email I had been trying to send was sent and suddenly my buffer speeds on YouTube were faster, but for about two hours I felt like a caveman.

Am I addicted?  And if you said “no” is it possible that you’re addicted too and just don’t want to admit it?  Or is it OK since I use the internet for my business?  I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, internet, project 365 2010, rant