Category Archives: making movies

Project 365 6-11-2010 Shootin’!

Today was a longer than expected shoot day for a contest to win a show on Oprah’s new network.  Director Zeke and I had a call time of 2:30pm with an expected three hour shoot for a three minute final video.  We actually shot for five and a half.  We arrived to a bit of a talent emergency, one of our guys had run into a major car problem – all the oil was gone and the radiator was leaking.

He was gonna’ be late.

Oddly enough the other guy that we hired for this small video was a friend of mine – but I didn’t know it at the time.  He was calling in that he was going to be late as well and as we talked I suddenly realized who he was.  It was wild!

When I imagined this blog I thought I was going to have all kinds of fun stories about how the shoot went and little things that went awry or well, but until the video is released I am not really allowed to give any clues about what we did – to be fair to the client.

Story wise the best ones are about poor Darric and his car: It crapped out at the bottom of the hill from where we were shooting, I had to jump the battery and Darric’s poor girlfriend was so understanding, but I really felt for her.

Today’s picture is of one of the cue cards that was written, but ignored:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, making movies, project 365 2010, video

Project 365 6-7-2010 A/V Club

Today’s blog is a very special blog!


I was really bad about actually documenting the day, but I feel good about this first attempt.

As a filmmaker, looking at is as a separate observer, these videos are shit but they are honest and at least that’s something.

Today’s picture is of the cover of the finished proposal:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, making movies, project 365 2010, video

Project 365 5-31-2010

I have a love hate relationship with three-day weekends.

My reasons for loving them are probably the same as your reasons for loving them, if you are a lover of three-day weekends:

  • No work responsibilities.
  • A unifying day off for friends and family through most industries.
  • An excuses to catch-up on the things that I normally can’t make a priority.

I’ve gotten so much sleep this weekend it’s silly and I’m afraid that I might get addicted to it.  Rene and I were allowed to run around and check things off the wedding TO DO list, and that’s never bad.  And today I got to eat flame cooked meat – twice!  We saw my sister and brother-in-law and the nephews and some friends who we haven’t seen in a long while!  Those are all great things about three-day weekends, this one in particular.

But then there are the troubles with three-day weekends:

  • Forced time off.
  • No one is around or available.
  • Financiers are shut down.

 There’s a movie to be made and every day that isn’t spent getting closer to that first shooting day is a day that the first shooting day is delayed – even weekends.  On a holiday like today that means one less day in the week to be able to communicate with the people that can make sure this project happens on time, and that stinks.  Even if you wanted to get things done, and there were a few things that I would have liked to have gotten done, you can’t because everyone either A) asks to talk about it Tuesday or B) isn’t even reachable.

I look forward to the day that I’ve got enough going on that I can firmly allow myself to completely shut down on a three-day weekend (although, admittedly I shut down pretty good over the last three days ;)).

Today’s picture is of me falling asleep:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, holidays, making movies, project 365 2010

Project 365 5-27-2010 Still Sick

Still sick.

Still working on contracts.  These are for CMD!

Just want to sleep.

See you tomorrow.

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Filed under business, making movies, project 365 2010, sick

Project 365 5-25-2010 T.C.O.B.

As you’ve probably noticed these blogs are REALLY late.  I’m going to pretend that I’m writing on Tuesday.

I like Tuesdays.  Tuesdays don’t have the stank of Mondays or the dull of Wednesdays and it gives you enough time to get more work done before the end of the week.

Zeke and I had a really good Tuesday.  We got to meet with our production partners from the East Coast, Hayden 5, and discuss Cheerleaders Must Die!  This is going to be a really fun project!

After that I had an audition and ran into an old college friend whom I haven’t seen in at least five years, we got to audition together!

Class was even surprisingly easy tonight (the five year olds were miraculously well behaved!).

Oh, but there was one little, itsy, bitsy problem.: I’m sick.

Here’s today’s picture:

See you tomorrow.

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Filed under acting, business, making movies, project 365 2010, sick, teaching

Project 365 5-13-2010 Pom Poms

It was 10pm.

I had a mission.

Rene had pom poms.

They had the bonus of being Iron Man colors… although that is irrelevant to their purpose.

I took pictures!

Lots of pictures.

This is one of them.

Now you’ll just have to wait to see why we’d need a picture of pom poms…

…with a knife…

out in the middle of nowhere

…where no one can hear you scream…

…but I’ve said too much!

See you tomorrow!


Filed under making movies, project 365 2010

Project 365 5-11-2010 Legal.

In all of my years in entertainment there is a an old adage that I have always adhered to, no matter how long it takes or how uncomfortable the silence becomes as I do it, I read my contracts completely.  Top to bottom and through the fine print.  I ask questions if I don’t understand and I’ll walk away if you try to screw with me.  When I finally sign on the line I know what I’m signing.  It has lead to a decent understanding of contract law just from the amount of reading that I have done over 25 years (yes, I even read the contracts when I was a kid and I asked my dad a lot of questions).  I like to relate contract law to reading Shakespeare: Yes, it’s still English, but you need to pay attention because it says exactly what it means, except when it doesn’t.

For the last several months my career has been completely entwined with contract law and the amount of time that it takes to get contracts passed back and forth, altered, agreed upon, written and eventually signed.  Nothing has the same kind of potential for frustration as contract paperwork.  Think about buying a car.  Buying a car takes, like, a whole day and most of that time is spent negotiating and writing up the contracts so that you can spent the next five to seven years paying them money.  It takes 20 minutes to pick the car out and five hours to figure out how you’re going to pay for it – and that’s just for a car that costs tens of thousands of dollars!  As the price tag goes up so does the time-line.

Film financing takes for-ev-er!

The picture for today is a page of legalese that I was researching about on the job surveillance in regards to audio and eavesdropping laws:

Sure it doesn’t have to do with contracts (yet), but knowing your rights, especially in these days of constant probable surveillance, is very important.  To bring it back to topic, when you get a W-2 job, or even 1099 jobs, you sign a contract for employment.  Most people just sign and don’t really pay attention to what rights they surrender when they get hired.  In this economic climate people are even less inclined to read those papers, and your employers know that.  Fiance Rene is working in HR right now and she is having a terrible time right now because a whole lot of people are getting canned due to violations that the people being fired were warned about in their paperwork.  I don’t blame the employees completely – sure they are responsible for reading their contracts – but, in my opinion, the company took advantage of their desperation and now these people, who really need work, are suffering and so is Rene as she has to tell them that they have been let go.

Do you know what your employer is entitled to at your office?  Are you being listened to when you are working?  Something to think about, and something you can do something about.  You are entitled to see your employment contract at any time.  If you have concerns I advise looking at that contract and making sure that you understand what it says.  I think you’ll find that a lot of things that we accept in work place culture are actually “forbidden” in the employment contract and can be used against you.

Suddenly this post got really paranoid.  Sorry.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, making movies, project 365 2010

Project 365 5-1-2010 Waiting for Monday

I thought today was Sunday.  My brain was subtly convinced of it.  I went through my typical Saturday routine, but in my head I had a very “Sunday” feeling.  I think part of it is because I’m actually waiting on Monday, which has become a mantra on the last two films that Wiggy has made.  It feels like it takes a whole week to build up to something and then we’re “waiting for Monday” to get a response.  This can make the weekends either calming or maddening! 

When it comes to weekends like this distractions are key!  Part of the distractions that Rene and I took part in was my friend Scott’s birthday celebration.  I’ve known Scott for a long time, I talked about how long in THIS post.  We almost (this close) totally screwed up by scheduling a dinner party for the same night.  I blame the calendar integration between Facebook and Google Calendar for the failure of the event making it to my personal calendar… but I should really take the responsibility of not paying much attention to FB events.  As a side note and personal rant I am not a fan of the “create an event and have people “attend” when it’s a cause.  I feel like if it is a cause it should have a fan page.  Event pages are for, you know, events where I’m supposed to show up to something at a place.  My in-box is always full of that crap and it’s always something stupid i.e., “I Love Ice Cream Day!  Attending this events means you love ice cream!”  Really?  I’m sure somewhere there’s a fan page for ice cream, do we really need to just pick a single day or, heaven forbid, a whole week to show that we like ice cream?  And if you’re going to say you love ice cream then shouldn’t there be an actual meet-up to actually EAT ice cream?!?!?  It’s madness!

5 points to the first comment that says, “It’s Sparta.”

Anyhow, we went to Scott’s birthday and had fondue, cupcakes and a monster veggie tray before diving into a game of killer bunnies – it’s a card game about the horrible murder of cartoon bunnies.  It’s fun and a good social game that can be as cut-throat as Wall Street before the bailout.  My bunny was murdered early in the game, but today’s picture is of that bunny:

He was both sinister and yellow.  Yellow just doesn’t seem like a very sinister color to me, it’s so vibrant and cheerful.  In the end Rene won the game, and then promptly fell asleep on the couch.  We’re such hell raisers.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, friends, making movies, project 365 2010, rant, social networking

Project 365 4-30-2010

As the week winds down, oddly enough to a rather dramatic business cliffhanger, there’s one thing two things dominating my mind.

One is this:

And the other is: Crap in a hat!  We’re supposed to be shooting Cheerleaders Must Die! soon!  Normally I wouldn’t even mention something like that in this blog, but the “date pressure” for the movie is heavier than the “date pressure” that I’ve felt for any wedding, even my own.

I’ve never been so excited for It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited/nervous for a Monday.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, comic movies, iron man, making movies, project 365 2010

Project 365 3-31-2010

Had more meetings today, spent most of the day in an office with a lot of coffee and a few bagels going over movie and show pitches and talking about money.  Very interesting stuff… that I can’t go public with.  Sorry, but it was good.

Then I went to see Rene and discuss more wedding stuff.  Oh, and, due to a lost set of keys, Rene and I cleaned out her car.  She had SO MUCH STUFF in there!

Today’s picture is one that Rene sent me while I was having a business/catch-up dinner with an old friend:

I love that boy!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, Frankie, making movies, project 365 2010, the wedding