Being a working actor can be tough. You willingly jump into a world where only a very small percentage of people in your field know where their next paycheck is coming from. It is a world where you constantly put your talent on display and are regularly told “no.” Those without thick skins are harried by doubt and even those who have the mental fortitude have moments where they wonder if it’s all worth it.
So it’s easy to see why, when the actor is working, they take a great deal of joy in being a part of whatever production they are a part of. But what I want to remind you of today, especially given the current shift in how media works, is that the actor, no matter what media they perform in, is a sales person and as much as we want to use our art to effect people we are being hired to sell things to them.
You may be saying to yourself, “Whoa, dude, I’m an artist! I’m not some shill!”
I have bad news for you, you are totally a shill.
Here’s the good news, these things DO NOT need to be mutually exclusive.
Note One: television exists because of and for commercials, not the other way around.
If it wasn’t for the products that need to be sold there would be nothing on television. It would be a dead platform. Ever heard of soap operas? They got their name because they were paid for by the soap companies that wanted to be seen by mothers who were home during the day. Ever wonder why network television doesn’t push boundaries very often? They need to sell ad space and, as anyone whose ever heard the word “boycott” before knows, the networks are very nervous about alienating their audiences. Ever wonder how HBO manages to create shows like “Game of Thrones?” One word: subscribers. All television is paid for by the audience, whether indirectly by buying products or directly by paying subscriptions.
Note Two: Performing in commercials is an art all on its own.
As I just mentioned, the reason “Breaking Bad” is on TV is to create a space of sixty minutes where 13-18 minutes can be filled with ad space to sell to the companies that want you, the “Breaking Bad” audience member, to see their products. Advertisers know that the double edged sword of this relationship is that most of the audience doesn’t care how essential these commercials are and they would rather not see any commercials so they work VERY hard to create little 30-second stories that sell a product and try to be as entertaining as possible. We, as the commercial actors, are then required to bring life to these stories so that sales are made which then translates into revenue that can be budgeted to be spent on more ad buys. There’s a reason that whole classes are dedicated to commercial acting and it’s because it has a very different feel and goal than what you would learn in your standard on-camera Stanaslovsky based classes. The basic techniques are the same, but execution is very different.
(Author note: I will probably do a whole different entry about the differences in acting styles. They are very different and understanding them can be the difference between booking and not booking. – CA)
Note Three: Selling something is not the same as “selling out.”
For the actor as an artist, “selling out” can be one of the worst things you can be accused of. Music artists are accused of this all the time and it usually comes when the artist in question starts making a whole buncha’ money and becomes more well known. When the original fan base feels marginalized they lash out, but actual selling out is different. Selling out, by definition, is accepting money or other compensation for compromising your principals and/or integrity. Integrity – that’s the name of the game. So, by that definition, a militant vegan actor doing a commercial for zucchini? No problem, sell away. Same militant vegan selling sausage? Well, that isn’t looking great for your integrity. And things like this are considered even by the talent agencies. Each time I have signed with a commercial agent they have always provided me with a data sheet that asks if there are any products or companies that I am not willing to endorse or work for. And they pay attention to that. You should too. Even in this economy, where it can feel like heresy to decline any kind of work, if you can’t maintain your personal integrity you may not be in the right field. Paychecks are great, for sure, but are they worth the regret and resentment that it may come later? Only you can answer that.
Note Four: Media is changing so fast that we are doing sales more than ever.
Let’s just ignore the traditional sales aspects of the job for a second. As any actor has noticed the whole internet thing seems to have caught on and it has changed our career completely. Instead of hard copy head shots being delivered by messengers we now just sign up for a few different casting sites and get our info emailed. Instead of just the networks and cable there’s now internet commercials, web series, webisodes to supplement network shows, personal YouTube channels and a host of things that can hire you that didn’t even exist three years ago. There’s also about 1000 times the competition for those jobs. There has always been a “personal branding” aspect to the business and to some extent a need to sell yourself, but now you need to get yourself above a growing amount of noise from up and comers who may have a better knowledge of After Effects than you do (I’m not saying that your acting reel should have light sabers in every scene, but it can’t hurt, right? But seriously, don’t do that.). Now marketing yourself is as important as technique because you could be the most amazing actor in the world, but it doesn’t mean a thing if people don’t know who you are. I’d be lying if I didn’t mention that this blog is part of a bigger strategy to help sell myself! Social media, the right pictures, websites and, when appropriate, public relations professionals are all important components to a personal marketing strategy.
Sales and selling can feel like bad words sometimes. It carries a connotation of lying or being disingenuous, but in the end what it really does is let tell people about a product or service. In the case of the actor it advertises you and your talents. It’s important that you not ignore this aspect of the career. Remember if you maintain your personal integrity and remain authentic to what you are then you have no reason to feel bad about what you put out.
Do you have opinions about selling, whether it be of yourself or products? Tell me in the comments.
See you soon.
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First of the Year Dash!
I would be lying if I didn’t cop to having these feelings. Every January is the beginning of a new year, it feels like the slate gets wiped clean, and since most people have time off it is really easy to start new things or try to make new habits. This leads to gym memberships, hobbies, playing musical instruments, writing, the list goes on and on. Just last week I posted a half assed resolution post about getting re-focused (which I’m totally sticking to, by the way).
But here’s the problem, by March a lot of resolutions and plans all fall apart, or at least show signs of cracking. After I wrote that post about focus I started thinking about what that was going to mean for the rest of the year. 2015 is kinda’ spoken for as of now. Fun Size Horror 2015 is going into early prep, there are shows to do, and I’m mapping out my teaching/speaking schedule. That doesn’t even include any acting opportunities that may pop up. If I’m 100% honest with myself, that means that I have very little that I can safely commit to and the new year is just starting. First World problems for sure, but I’m the kind of guy who is going to be upset about having to say “no” even when it’s the responsible thing to do. So I had to take a pretty hard look at myself and what I know I want to accomplish this year and examine why my best intentions in previous years always seemed to drift into trouble.
I am not going to speak on how this affects people in a general sense, I don’t have the qualifications for that, so everything that I talk about in this post refers to me personally. Looking at my past, you don’t even have to go that far back to see good ideas and habits get dropped – perfect example: 52 in 52. Not managing to stick with this actually upset me quite a bit. It’s an idea that I was/am really excited about. I was pleased with how things were going, but a story a week ended up just being too much. To be fair, the things I gave it up for; Fun Size Horror and all the shooting we were doing; were absolutely worth it, but it still stings.
I won’t lie, my gym membership has been pretty useless for a while now too. I just don’t make the time for it. I should (who shouldn’t?) especially since I spend so many hours in a chair, but my discipline is bad when it comes to the gym. And eating better. I still eat like I’m in college. Rene has made some noble in-roads and had some effect, but I still love me some cheeseburgers.
So how does it come to this? What gets in my way to keep me from achieving the desired goals? Goals that pretty easy to achieve in a practical aspect when it comes down to it:
These are not small resources. But then I take an honest look at what gets in the way:
Most of these I can get past. Lack of time usually translates into lack of rest. Instead of doing the things I’d like to do when I’ve completed what I have to do I fall down an internet rabbit hole of YouTube videos and random Wikipedia research because my brain is tired. A quick nap is usually the best fix for this or turning in early if I can manage it. Distractions are tougher, but that’s what this year is about fixing. For example, I should have completed this post hours ago, but I got distracted by an episode of “This Week Tonight” and ended up marathoning about ten episodes. Avoiding distractions is going to take a little practice. Trepidation of trying something I have no experience with, more commonly known as “fear of the unknown” or “resistance” by Steven Pressfield in his book The War of Art (which I highly recommend for everyone and have a link for at the bottom of this post) is something that I prefer to face head-on. I find that once you realize that everyone has to do something a first time it’s actually just a matter of girding yourself up and charging forward. The War of Art suggests a lot of great ways to achieve this. I can’t recommend it enough.
Lack of funds – this is the big one. Money is such a sensitive thing. There’s a certain amount of investment that you need to make into anything you do, that’s just an economic reality, but I hate parting with any funds unless I can “see” the return or a way to recoup. This only makes me pinch pennies more when those envisioned returns don’t show up. If I had unlimited funds (c’mon lottery!) or a benefactor (c’mon mysterious uncle who won the lottery!) I would probably feel differently about this but, put on news announcer voice in these trying economic times, it’s a tough thing for me to get past.
Putting all of these things down on “paper” makes them feel manageable. Putting them out in public makes me want to take ownership of them. Knowing that this makes me vulnerable to scrutiny makes me want to be responsible. Sometimes it takes the possibility of looking like an idiot to motivate you.
…Of course you can always end up looking like an idiot anyway, but if I let that stop me I wouldn’t have had a career.
How are you doing this far into the new year? Let’s talk in the comments.
See you next time.
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Filed under Andelon, art, artist, business, challenge, commentary, Curtis Andersen, doing new things, evil plan, general, in real life, insight, inspiration, learning experience, making movies, marketing, money, musings