Category Archives: projects

52 in 52 Is Nigh!

Next week starts my 52 short stories in 52 weeks and I feel a bit unprepared. I’ve been excited about being “creative” since I made the decision to do this, even filling up pages of ideas in anticipation, but now that the time is drawing near I’m starting to feel like I’m about to run a marathon without training first.

In my head I see this as a self imposed “focus and discipline” intensive. Forcing myself to take the time to do at least a little bit of work on each story for seven days at a time. But now I’m wondering if there shouldn’t be some kind of structure that I’m prepared for to make the process easier?
So what follows is my stream of consciousness rambling about whether or not to structure…

I’m guess that there’s a a certain amount of discipline that goes along with deciding to do this project. In my head I’m seeing Sunday as an idea/outlining day. Monday is when you refine the outline. Tuesday /Wednesday rough drafts and then refine e drafts on Friday and Saturday. That would make sense. That would be structure. But I’ve never worked well under that kind of structure. Sometimes the ideas roll off my brain better just being blurted out and then refined later. I don’t think that the structure is really what the challenge is about so much as the discipline. Making sure that the writing actually happens. The writer writes and as long as there is writing then the job is being done.

This suddenly feels like a very first world problem.

Maybe my biggest decision will be to hand write or type…?

Sunday is only a few days away!

See you next time.

Also, here are some books that may help if you are trying something like this:

The War of Art is one of my favorite books about getting creative things done. It will light a fire under your ass!

This is one I haven’t read myself – but I’ve heard good things.
Writing a screenplay? Check this one out.

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Filed under 52 stories in 52 weeks, new projects, projects

Due to schedule conflicts, please see this link…

I am in pre-production on a job that had a sudden and drastic deadline change so the blogs I had intended to write this week may be a bit delayed. However, there is still new content of mine on the internet!

My monthly article on Create with Jenna went up today and you can see it by going to any of the links that I have put in this sentence…


It’s about career management during slow times of the year – like the holidays!


See you next time.

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Filed under actor stuff, career, Create with Jenna, holidays, Hollywood, producing, productivity, projects

Ray Bradbury: 52 Stories in 52 Weeks – My Project for 2014

Picture found at

For 2014 I’m going to attempt to do the Ray Bradbury 52 short stories in 52 weeks writing hygiene exercise. It’s an idea that he brought up in a lecture, I’ve included a link below:

I started the video at the 2 minute 40 second mark, but if you have about an hour to watch the whole video it is worth it.

I’ve had a few ideas buzzing around in my head and they just haven’t found a way to get out. I think that the structure and discipline that this exercise will require will be a good way to at least get these things down on paper.

I don’t know if I’ll post them. I may decide that on a case by case basis, but I’m excited enough that I wanted to talk about it here.

Sometimes being creative takes a back seat to the things that we do to survive. If we’re very lucky, sometimes what we like to do creatively will end up earning us a living but more often than that we end up using our creative skills to help bring someone else’s creative vision to life. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact  in many cases that’s how we get good at what we do, but eventually there comes a time when you have something that you want to make from your mind and then it’s up to you to find a way to get that idea out into the world. Given that I do not have hundreds of millions of dollars on hand and that I could use a lot of writing practice I have selected this exercise.

Apparently I’m not alone either, doing a simple Google search shows that there are Facebook pages and websites dedicated to the Ray Bradbury 52 Stories in 52 Weeks Challenge! I will probably not join up with any of these groups, but it was neat to see this idea has taken off.

I’ll be starting in January, although I have started keeping track of writing prompts so I have some ideas to pull from.

What do you think? Is this kind of challenge for you? Let me know in the comments.

See you next time!

P.S. If you want to get any of Ray Bradbury’s excellent books why not try Amazon? And if you want those books quicker, and access to the movies and TV shows available with Amazon Prime check out the free trial link below.

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Filed under 52 stories in 52 weeks, creativity, doing new things, new projects, projects, Ray Bradbury, storytelling, writing

Inspiration – How Does It Hit You?

It’s easy to get distracted.

There are lots of things that can get in the way of what you really want to do and, unfortunately, a majority of those things disguise themselves as “life.” There’s the job, and laundry and grocery shopping and street sweeping day and pets and kids and a whole list of things that, while legitimate, end up taking time away from whatever it is you’d rather be doing.

Even a vacation can be a distraction.

To get specific, my vacation was a distraction. A WONDERFUL distraction and Rene and I hope to leave as soon as possible to rejoin the islands and start lives as kale farmers on a ranch with Frankie and Charlie. Frankie will look good in overalls.

After a week basking in the sun drinking (too many) Mai Tais and then a full week of playing catch-up I’m finally caught up. But being caught up and being inspired are very different things. So I’ve been struggling to get inspired, to get excited about things. Rene and I have a lot on our plate: movies and shows and live shows and jobs and…

And that’s where I hit the wall. We have things, but it’s the same stuff that we have been working on for a while. The documentary is in heavy post production where we are waiting on people outside of our production group. Pom Pom Massacre is in negotiation for funding (Yay!). Other projects have hit the back burner mostly due to a perceived lack of time. The only really active things going on are the mystery shows, Shmimprov and this blog. That definitely doesn’t seem like very much when you write it down and it definitively isn’t where I’d like to be activity wise.

Some may read this and think, “Why is he posting all this? Why would he point out his problems and when the hell is that cheerleader movie getting made?!?”

First, I hear you, nobody wants to listen to a winer. Second of all, the movie is coming!

So what am I getting at? Finding the spark that gets you out of your routine! The motivation to start something new! The thing that got all these other projects started! I’m starting to feel it again and it only took a week off and dinner with my wife and good friend Jeff to get it going. What does that mean? Hopefully lots of new content and one particularly cool idea that is still being sketched out.

But what I really wanted to do was hear about you. I didn’t even know I was in a slump until I was out side of things enough to see it. So are you feeling inspired? What gets you inspired? What is inspiration anyway?

I’m looking forward to your thoughts. Maybe we can find a way to keep that feeling going because lord knows I’m definitely jazzed about everything more right now than I was a month ago and that’s a much better place to be.

See you next time.

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Filed under general, inspiration, projects, rambling

Project: Iron Man Issue 23 or Check out the threads on this guy!

Janice Cord is dead!

Dead, dead – not coming back (but don’t hold me to that). And Shellhead goes straight into avenging mode and sinks the ship that brought the Titanium Man into the country.

Straight up sinks it. Sure he says, “The Coast guard will pick them up.” But when you see what damage is done to the ship I think you’ll agree that not everyone made it out unscathed.

But after he visits Janice’s grave this comic makes a hard left into Silver Age storytelling land. I’ve been wavering on my opinions of this issue. It’s one of the issues that I have no memory of ever reading before. When I was originally collecting my Iron Man comics I didn’t get them in order so I didn’t read them in order – except for the issues that were current at the time. From issue 200 on I was solid on continuity. Even the late hundreds before 200 are squared up pretty good in my head, but these early, early books with very short, sometimes only single issue, story arcs just got lost. Before I’d buy what I could find, read it, and bag & board it. I rarely went back to read the early ones – I didn’t want to damage them. To a certain extent that behavior paid off. These books, which are nearly fifty years old(!), look great, aren’t brittle and look like they could stick around for another fifty years. It also means that, with a mature, adult brain I’m reading some of these stories for, essentially, the first time.

With all of this in mind let me introduce you to THE MERCENARY!

It’s ok, get the laughter out now. That outfit isn’t going anywhere.

Early in a superhero’s run lots of shots are taken at creating his rouges gallery. Most of the bad guys a superhero faces in modern comics were actually created decades early in the hero’s career, with a few notable exceptions who aren’t worth mentioning now. But not every villain created in the Silver Age is worth keeping and The Mercenary definitely counts as one of them that can afford to be forgotten.

Outfit aside, he’s a hired killer who has a lot of gadgets and training.

A LOT of gadgets.





And check out how well he lounges in a chair:

Gadgets that are just a shade too convenient and applicable to the situation. It’s like the creative team read a Batman comic of the day and decided this bad guy should have a utility belt too.

Plot wise, this issue does a lot to close some loopholes.

  • Janice Cord is confirmed dead.
  • The pirates who brought the Titanium Man to the U.S. are dealt with.
  • And the Vincent Sandhurst (brother to Basil “The Controller” Sandhurst and former attorney to Cord Industries) storyline is completed with his death.
All of this made possible by a damsel in distress – the wife of one of the pirates. Really, that’s not important, but this splash panel is:
It’s the one time The Mercenary looks cool.
When all is said and done the girl is saved, the bad guys are both dead (which doesn’t bode well for The Mercenary coming back – but that’s probably for the best),
and Iron Man walks off with her into the sunset.
Next time Iron Man fights a Minotaur.
Seriously. This is what was happening in Silver Age Marvel comics.
See you next time!


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Filed under comic books, geek, iron man, Project: Iron Man, projects

Project: Iron Man – Issues 21 & 22 Fandom & Obsession Leads to Misunderstandings & Tragedy

Being a fanboy is nothing new to me, as I’m sure you’ve noticed if you’ve read these entries at all, and it’s fitting to have the next story line in Project: Iron Man focus on being a fan… along with a tale about unrequited love and some of the fantasies that go along with both of those things.

The Iron Man cover for issue 21 continues the streak of red herrings that are so typical for this time period. The dramatic, “I QUIT!” along with the image of Tony Stark throwing his Iron Man helmet to the ground. Yes this is another issue where Tony gives up being Iron Man, but he’s not nearly so upset about it and it also isn’t a very long retirement.

Take our opening page here:

Is Iron Man fighting a boxer and losing??!?!?

No, of course not. We’re inside the mind of Eddie “Iron Man” March. Iron Man is Eddie’s favorite superhero and a huge influence in his life. And in the end his admiration of Iron Man helps Eddie win the fight!

Eddie March is the placeholder for the reader – albeit he happens to be a world class boxer – and his wish to be Iron Man mirrors our own. When I was a kid I played Iron Man all the time. Because I grew up in the middle period between the Secret Wars figures (which I would eventually get in several forms) and the Toy Biz release I re-painted and re-purposed other action figures to be Iron Man. 
Shellhead would regularly battle my M.U.S.C.L.E. men and Lord Dread from Captain Power.

Lord Dread was actually a really cool figure. Since he didn’t have much characterization in his own show (he sat in a chair and said “evil” things) having a cyborg in a cape with a laser sword made for a good recurring enemy. In my adventures he was an evil genius of Doctor Doom caliber. Very nasty indeed!

But back to Eddie…

Due to his years in the ring we find out that he has a brain condition and needs to quit fighting.

But as one dream dies another is about to come true. Tony Stark, now that he has a repaired heart, has been holding back in his battles with Iron Man because he doesn’t have the “I’m going to die anyway” confidence that he once had. In a battle with the new Crimson Dynamo he decides to pass the mantle of Iron Man on.

Naturally – because we only have about twenty pages to tell this story – both Tony and Happy Hogan (Tony’s confidant for the uninitiated) agree that Eddie March is the man for the job! Talk about wish fulfillment! This played right into the the very thing I wanted as a kid (and would still be pretty cool, quite frankly) getting trained to be Iron Man with your very own set of Iron Man armor!

He even does pretty well for himself in his first fight:

But reality (or what passes for it in a comic book universe) rears its ugly head. The blood clot in his brain is still there and, even though the Iron Man armor can take some hard impacts, fighting the Crimson Dynamo is enough to take Eddie down.

At the beginning of issue 22 things are looking bad for Eddie and suddenly being a superhero for real isn’t looking so great for the reader, but Tony makes it in time to get Eddie to the hospital.

Because of Eddie’s willingness to sacrifice himself for the honor of being Iron Man Tony resolves that no one else should have to carry the burden and decides to remain Iron Man – although that changes when he becomes a drunk, but that’s about 100 issues away.
And by page three our story turns from wish fulfillment to a tale of broken hearts and misunderstandings. How often has this happened to you? You defect from your country, change your name and go into hiding from the KGB, get hired by the rival of the person you hate the most, fall in love with the owner of that company and then use a super suit of your own design to not only beat down the symbol of your rival’s company but also impress the girl you love? All the time, right? Well for Alex Niven, the new Crimson Dynamo, that’s exactly what’s going on.
The problem here is that the KGB in the Marvel Universe, unlike the real world, can send the Titanium Man to come get you when they find you.

Titanium Man is bad news. Ten feet tall in a battle armor that is comparable to Iron Man and piloted by a guy who is losing his humanity. Not good. Alex saves Janice, but Shellhead shows up assuming that he is stealing her away – classic comic book misunderstanding.

Janice tries to tell Iron Man that the Crimson Dynamo is helping, but he doesn’t listen. Originally I was going to point out that this is a mildly misogynistic trope from the 60’s, but then I thought about all the times Rene has said, “Why don’t you listen to me?” and it made me realize that, apparently, men just don’t listen to women. Since no one is listening, and there’s a Titanium Man rampaging about, people get hurt.

Alex, fearing the worst and wearing a damaged armor, runs away. Iron Man puts down Titanium Man and finds Janice near death. Which just goes to show that jealousy + super powerful battle armor = dead girlfriend.

Although the example is extreme, I can see with hindsight how jealousy and pointless bravado led to similar no win situations in my own life – especially in my teens. As much as an adolescent boy may think girls will like the 12 year old comic book action hero it rarely turns out to be true. Maybe if I had paid more attention to the life lessons in my comic books I could have avoided some of that (probably not).

See you next time!

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Filed under fanboy, iron man, Iron Man 21, Iron Man 22, Project: Iron Man, projects

Project: Iron Man – Iron Man Issue 20

I won’t spend a lot of time talking about about how long it’s been between posts, we’ve all noticed and I’m not proud of it. So I’m just going to go right into this…

Invincible Iron Man #20 is a stand alone issue that follows the very dramatic events of the “Death of Tony Stark” arc, when he received his heart surgery that made it so that he was no longer dependent on wearing his armor’s chest plate.

It was actually nice to take some time off and come back to reading this issue, I was able to see it through fresh eyes. One of the things that made Marvel Comics so popular in the 60’s was that the stories were more about real problems and real social issues. They treated their super-heroes like regular people with regular people problems. This is one of those issues where the regular person is actually the star of the issue. Iron Man is in the issue, but it actually focuses on a disgruntled security guard and his frustrations as he reaches a mid-life crisis. I watched Twilight Zone episodes today as I was reading this issue and I noticed that the storytelling in the book was very similar to what I saw in the Twilight Zone episodes, highly dramatic and with grave stakes.

Things start out appropriately bombastic – with a literal bomb!

This is all well and good but it’s the security guard, Charlie, who’s really stewing in this issue.

See, he misses his glory days and resents his family; and the fact that Iron Man gets so much attention just drives him nuts! I have been very fortunate in that I have always had a good support system around me and I had a pretty good career from a young age…
…but now that I’m getting older I’m starting to understand where he’s coming from. Now I’m far from being the angry wretch that Charlie is, but things aren’t as easy to accomplish as they used to be. Some of the hurdles come from financial things beyond my control (thanks economic meltdown!) but some things I definitely could have made better choices about. As the years keep piling on, I have started to feel like instead of “the future being laid out before me” there’s more of a “the future is NOW!” feeling where I have far less room to make mistakes and need to do whatever it is I’m going to do before I get too old to do it. As far as it relates to Charlie, there but for the grace of God go I. It’s easy to get bitter when it feels like your life and your dreams are passing you by. Hell, I’m essentially “living the dream” but it can still feel like things are getting away from me!

So Charlie takes a stroll and his bitterness and rage attracts the attention of X-Men villain Lucifer!

Lucifer has all kinds of powers, but he’s been trapped in a prison dimension and wants Charlie’s help to escape. Naturally Tony Stark has the device Lucifer needs, so he finds someone bitter at the Stark company and Iron Man to do his bidding. Through the magic of comic book science Charlie is granted the power of Lucifer:

And immediately starts flaunting his power and beating people up, even (unintentionally) his wife who is concerned about him and looking for him.

Naturally Iron Man comes to the rescue, but it’s actually Charlie’s wife who saves the day. She reminds Charlie of all the good things in his life, like his family and their marriage, and reminds him that he doesn’t need “false glory” and if he does he isn’t the man she married. Seriously, she lets him have it. Check out the panel where she’s wagging her finger and crying.

So Charlie gives up the power, Lucifer is defeated and they all live happily ever after. Once Charlie realizes that the grass isn’t always greener and leaves with his wife even Iron Man can’t help but be effected. In the last panel he starts to wonder if he should still be Iron Man with his heart repaired.

Seeing at how there are at least 500 issues to go I’m pretty sure you can tell what he decides, but check out the next issue!

See you next time!

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Filed under comic books, iron man, Iron Man Issue, Project: Iron Man, projects

Documentary: Progress

I wasn’t going to write about this yet. I have a marketing plan that still needs to be approved by the financier, but I just want to tell people and this is a nice place to do it. Editing on the documentary is going REALLY well and it’s coming together better than expected. I watched the latest cut with Zeke last night and my compliments to him as the piece is engaging and informative. We’ve seen this footage a lot, so to be able to watch and re-watch and still be engaged by it is a good sign. Th picture above is his editing board, where he uses 3×5 cards with scene descriptions to help lay out the plan.

I’m really excited for the film’s release. When it’s finished and ready I’m gonna’ bug the hell out of all of you to watch it.

See you next time!

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Filed under documentary, filmmaking

Frankie Narrowly Avoid Danger 2

This is video two where Frankie the Wonderdog narrowly escapes danger!

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Filed under Frankie, fun, projects

Updates & Some Updates

Shows and shoots and comic books and phones…

It’s been busy and it isn’t really going to slow down until Thanksgiving when I’m hoping to catch up on a good number of Project: Iron Man posts. I just bought the last issue of Iron Man before Marvel Now begins and it felt like the end of an era… which is by design, I suppose, since Marvel Now is supposed to be an update to the universe. I may do a separate post about that (when I have some spare time *lulz #sarcasm) but I’m losing my “fire” for comics right now since there is so much other stuff to do.

We’ve had some changes to the performance schedules for November and you’ll be able to see both Rene and I in “Jeepers, Nancy clue, It’s a Mystery!” on the following dates:

  • November 15 – Redlands Old Spaghetti Factory
  • November 21 – Redlands Old Spaghetti Factory
  • November 29 – Redlands Old Spaghetti Factory
  • November 30 – Fullerton Old Spaghetti Factory
Tickets are available here: Clever Productions, Inc.
The shows are a lot of fun and we keep having repeat guests. Come see have some fun and eat some pasta!
Last bit, go over to the Wiggy website for more updates on The Pom Pom Massacre, including what this might be…

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Filed under acting, movies, projects