Category Archives: projects

Project Iron Man: Iron Man Issues 17, 18 & 19 –

Sorry for the long delay. As many of you know I was away in Oregon training for a new job and it was difficult to blog while I was gone. But now I’m back and it’s time to get back into the world of Iron Man!

This three issue arc shows the strength of Tony Stark, that it’s not just the armor but the man inside of it that makes Iron Man…

…and it also introduces the Madam Masque that we all know and love and the villain Midas (and possibly Tony’s cousin Morgan Stark, but I’m not sure that this is his first appearance).

Frankly, this story has quite a few twists going for it:

  • The LMD (Life Model Decoy) that Stark used to trick the Mandarin a few issues ago gains sentience and takes over Tony’s life (a storyline that is re-used in the late 90’s, early 2000’s).
  • Since everyone thinks the real Tony Stark is a fake he is kidnapped by Madam Masque to impersonate himself for Midas – confusing, I know, but hang in there.
  • Tony plays along with Masque and Midas so that he can gain access to his company again and defeat the LMD.
  • It works, Tony and Madam Masque fall in love, and Midas is defeated.
  • Oh, and while we’re at it all of Tony’s friends turn on him, including the Avengers, and he dies, kinda’.
This is a motif that will be played and replayed in the issues of Iron Man over and over again whether it’s business rivals or inventions gone evil, someone is always gunning for Tony’s company and/or inventions. Sometimes they win, but only for a while until Stark can re-group and overcome.
But the story isn’t what I want to focus on with these issues. See I remember a Christmas many years ago when my parents got me almost all of the back issues I was missing. It was boxes and boxes filled with bagged newsprint and I remember specifically that they used a large clothes basket to hold a majority of them. It was the package under the tree that had me completely stumped and when I tore it open it was like looking in Marselleus Wallace’s brief case.

It’s memories like that that make it very difficult to seriously consider selling the collection. Even just revisiting these first couple dozen issues brings me back to all of the good memories that go along with the years I spent building the collection up. It wasn’t just me, it was my Mom and Dad and relatives. Something really simple that that made powerful emotional memories. I don’t want to put too fine a point on it or make it seem like it was an overwhelming experience – it was, and still is, a very simple pleasure. It’s just nice to feel sentimental about it.

Next Time:

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Filed under comic books, geek, iron man, Iron Man Issue, Project: Iron Man, projects

Project: Iron Man – Iron Man #15 & #16 or Unicorn’s Back & He’s Got A Red Ghost

This is it.

This is the two issue stretch that gave me nuthin’.

I found nothing inspirational about these two issues nor do I have any strong memories attached to them.

I was so unmotivated that I looked at issue #17 just to see if I could tie it in with these two and fill out this blog post more, but that’s not going to work out.

It’s not that they are bad issues, they just aren’t special issues.

Plot summary:

  • Unicorn didn’t die in issue #4, his boot jets saved him.
  • Red Ghost is using Unicorn to steal the Cosmic Ray device from tony Stark so he can get his own powers back.
  • Unicorn steals the device.
  • Red Ghost uses it and betrays Unicorn.
  • Unicorn and Iron Man team-up to beat Red Ghost.
  • Red Ghost’s Super Apes actually save the day.
I thought I could write about how the hero and the villain must overcome their differences to succeed, but they don’t actually overcome much of anything.
I thought I could write about the relationship between man and animals, but that plot point kinda’ gets thrown in at the end without a lot of build up and Red Ghost uses apes again later so no lessons really carry on past this issue in regards to that.

Instead we get Stark flying in a funny looking ship instead of an airplane.


I really hope this isn’t the start of a trend.
Next Time:


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Filed under comic books, geek, iron man, Iron Man Issue, Project: Iron Man, projects

Project: Iron Man – Iron Man #14 Is The Industrialist the Environmentalist or is it Voodoo?

Is it environmentalism if you only want to save the environment for personal gain?

Is it spoiling the environment if you help develop the economy of a country?

Is Voodoo responsible for all of it?

These are the questions raised in Iron Man #14, but only the third is answered – place your bets now about how that turns out.

The beginning of this issue feels like a throw-back to the monster comics that Marvel and other comic book companies used to make where the monster was the star and everything is explained in narration. Here’s the first couple pages:

Now here’s an example of another Marvel horror book:

Similar, right? This book was released in 1969, many years after the height of Marvel’s horror books, but I like to think writer Archie Goodwin was nostalgic for the old days.

This is a fill-in issue between two story arcs, also called a one-and-done story, and for all the cover space the bad guy gets and how he graces the open page you’d think we’d see this guy again… but we never do.
EDIT: That’s not true! Turns out we do see him later in the mid-40’s! It’s a statement on how memorable the character is that I completely forgot about that. By the time we get to the mid 40’s you’ll probably forget as well.

Stark is visiting his facility on a small Caribbean island (no name is given) because it has been blown up by the rumored voodoo monster the Night Phantom! By no small chance it coincides with Janice Cord also being on the small unnamed island visiting a friend of her late father.  There is an author named Travis Hoyt who has made his home on the island and he’s very upset at Stark because, “[Starks’] projects and ‘progress’ are destroying [the island’s] natural beauty and primitive charm!”

It is also an important plot point to know that Hoyt was injured in a plane crash and is confined to a wheel chair. So Tony and the police inspector go out to the work site to investigate the accident. It’s bad and Tony’s Geiger counter in his watch goes off  – the site is radioactive! Suddenly it doesn’t look like the voodoo monster is powered as much by voodoo as it is lethal radioactivity. Also, Hoyt is watching them with his telescope and apparently has really good hearing. As the inspector and Stark are getting ready to leave the voodoo drums start and they are attacked by the Night Phantom!

Stark wakes up to Janice. She brought him back to her father’s friend’s home – none other than Travis Hoyt! They argue and Tony leaves to find the inspector.

Oh and to put on the Iron Man armor. The Vario beam (that circle on his chest) can pick up the residual radioactivity so he uses that to find the Night Phantom and hopefully the inspector as well! Back at Hoyt’s house things get a little “rape-y”…

Hoyt’s not really crippled. He has a radioactive pool under his house that healed him and made him very strong, but it also scarred him horribly so he dresses up in the Night Phantom gear.

Quick real world note here, for what it’s worth. I bring it up because it just happened in a recent issue of Iron Man as well (#516) where the bad guy takes off his human disguise to reveal the super-villain mask underneath.

So I’m supposed to believe that you walk around all day with two masks on? All day every day? And no one notices? Every time you OPEN YOUR MOUTH there should be a problem since your other mask would be exposed!!! Hell, Spy Master there in #516 was in a romantic relationship! There was kissing and eating and stuff, how’d that work? My rational brain knows that this is a pointless rant, but I had to get it off my chest. Now I did. I feel better. Thank you.

So Iron Man follows the radioactivity to the cave where everyone else has ended up. Turns out the voodoo drums are on P.A. speakers – very loud P.A. speakers.

Hoyt wants to dip Janice in the pool so she can be with him, but Iron Man takes exception to that and wails on him right before reaching to pull Janice back up from the pool.

Then Hoyt jumps in the pool to power up but, low and behold, all the construction by Stark has made small cracks in the base of the pool (hence why Hoyt was all angry at him in the first place) and the voodoo drum noise from the speakers made the damage worse so Hoyt is sucked away into the Earth… and Tony and Janice jet off to have more adventures in Captain Marvel #14.

Let’s get down to the biscuits.

The thing in this story that stuck out the most to me, especially in our polarized political times, is that our bad guy, Travis Hoyt, seems to be an environmentalist – even if it’s for selfish reasons and he’s kind of elitist about the whole thing – and Tony and the inspector stand for developing industry – although to be fair it is mentioned that it is benefiting the people of the small unnamed island. There’s even a heavy handed mention that the security guard who was attacked at the very beginning of the issue was just a kid working his way through school.

I got a good dose of “industry as job creators” when reading this and found it unsettling that a political issue that is so prominent today existed in some form enough to make it into a comic book back in the late 60’s. To be fair, and not to try and make too big a deal out of this, Stark factories, as you’ll see in coming issues, are know for how environmentally sound they are and, really, Hoyt was a douche-nozzle, but industry versus environment is a long standing dichotomy none the less.

If only all “job creators” were as responsible and well intention-ed as a fictional Tony Stark.

Next Time:

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Filed under comic books, geek, iron man, Iron Man Issue, Project: Iron Man, projects

Projects: Eternal

As I’m sure you can tell from the lack of posting on any social network and here on the blog, we have been really busy. The nice thing we’ve been really busy doing some pretty cool things!

Production has been ramping up and the summer is, literally, chock full – but we actually have something completed and up right now! We got hired out to help create a book trailer for the new young adult novel series “Eternal” by H.G. Nadel (go “Like” the Facebook page). I’ll post more details at the Wiggy Site in the Hired Gun section, but since you’re here why not enjoy the trailer?

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under producing, projects, Wiggy VonSchtick

Where have we been?!!?!? What have we been doing?!?!?!?

To say that I have been a poor blogger of late would be an understatement and more than deserved.

Excuses aside, here are some of the things that have been taking up my time:

  • The new Wiggy VonSchtick website
  • My Entertainment 101 class – more on that later…
  • Producing a sizzle reel for a new young adult book series.
  • The Embedded Project.
  • The Cheerleader Project.
  • A new TV pilot called “AcceptSHUNS.”
  • Oh, and some acting stuff too.
So, what’s this all mean?
First off go check out the new Wiggy Web Site! We have a whole new interface and, even though there are still some features and pages being built, this is our new home and the interactive functionality is very exciting! The Wiggy Twitter Feed will be announce new updates and features.
For those of you new to the entertainment business, especially parents of child actors out there, I am doing a seminar aimed right at you! The Entertainment 101 class covers all the material you need to know to help navigate the business of show. We cover vocabulary, what to expect from auditions, how auditions work and how to get both auditions and agents! It’s held the last Sunday of every month and our next class is going to be Sunday February 26th at 6pm being held at the IC Academy building in Lake Forest. The 2 hour class costs $100.00 and you can reserve your spot here: 949-273-8800. Also YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A PARENT OF AN IC STUDENT TO ATTEND! This class is open to everyone! Here’s a video that explains a little bit more:
On the producing front we’ve been REALLY busy! We’ve been making all the stuff listed up top, and I’ll have links to all of it in later blogs.
Also, my Diet Mt. Dew commercial comes out at the end of the month. Probably next week! When I have a link I’ll pass it on.
Now I need to go scan some more documents and mail some other documents.
See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, cheerleaders must die, new projects, producing, projects, Wiggy VonSchtick

What’s kept me busy.

I said in the last post that I would mention in a separate post what I’ve been doing that has taken up all my time.

This is that post.

First off, “Earthlings Beware!” is a play that Rene and I are doing together at The Costa Mesa Playhouse. It plays Fridays through Sundays until November 20th. It is family friendly, funny and fun! It’s a send-up of 50’s Sci-Fi movies and does a great job of recreating that kitchy magic on a single stage. Rene and I made a video:

In video news Wiggy Webs has been posting regularly! Here are the videos you may have missed:

Also, movie stuff has been going forward at a hurried pace. Cheerleaders is casting and we are setting up meetings with talent. There’s also a pretty significant change coming to the film that I can’t technically announce yet, but I’ll give you a hint – there’s a reason we’ve only been referring to it by nicknames and as “Cheerleaders” for a while. There’s a new website on it’s way and some other new stuff. In the meantime go “Like” us on Facebook.

The documentary is wrapping up and with the workload growing on that it is very possible that there may be another drought of posts for a while – but I’m trying to manage that.

This may all seem like shameless self-promotion, and it kind of is, but this is truly all that I have been doing for the last few weeks.

Oh, and the cat needed surgery. Hurt his foot. Got worked on. He wears a cone now. The nightmare and hilarity that has been our cat in his cone of shame is documented better on Rene’s Twitter Feed

OK, I think that it.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, cheerleaders must die, Make Up with The Wolf, pets, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

Had A Plan, But It Didn’t Go to Plan.

Need an extra day to actually write the blog I want to write which include a fun picture of our cat Charlie sleeping in a weird way. But My day did not go as planned and this blog is being released at 11pm instead of 11 am.

It happens.

The primary concern is to get this video out:

The rest will just have to wait until tomorrow where I’ll have different pictures to share so the cat may or may not get bumped to a different day.

I know, I know.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

My Drink with Hollywood – The Curtis Andersen Interview

I was doing so well keeping up with writing everyday! We have family in from out of town, my grandparents aunt and uncle, and Rene and I have been on a tear with them doing all kinds of California things. Today they are at Disneyland and I am updating all the websites and social networks.

…and packages.

…and casting memorandums.

There’s a lot to do, it’s actually a little daunting when I think about it. That’s why to-do lists are nice, written down it looks much easier but when I see some of the tasks I know that they might be easy to complete but still time consuming. All complaining aside here is a nice way to spend about ten minutes -watch me on YouTube! This is not a WiggyWebs show but an interview show hosted by actor/director Michael May called “My Drink with Hollywood.” I do worry that some things may come off different than intended, but that is probably just my “actor insecurity” kicking in. Or I’m a total ass. Either way I think it’s a good interview and I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I know the WiggyWebs release schedule is all jacked up, I’m sorry about that. We’ve been having editing trouble, but all the technical issues look like they’re fixed now and we are catching up. “Make-Up with The Wolf” should be up today, worst case later this week. “Ray” will be on time and, God willing, so should “3 Minutes.”

Now, back to work!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, projects, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick, YouTube

Dear God I’m Tired…

Today was a great day and tomorrow looks to be more of the same, but even when it’s work that you really enjoy it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still work and eventually you tucker out. I’d take a picture of my workspace right now, but I’m just too tired. So here’s the new State of Stuff video that should have been posted about a week ago and I’m going to hit the hay.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under projects, state of stuff, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs


Holy Crap! We totally did it!

Not only did we do it, but the phone has been ringing off the hook since the campaign finished. A nice side effect to the campaign is that the awareness of the film has gotten much higher than we thought it would.

There’s actually a great deal of work to do and by 10:42am my battery in my cell phone was almost dead.

Thanks good.

Now I need to make sure that this work gets done!

Hopefully I’ll have a video about all this stuff up later today.

Also, in case you haven’t heard it enough, thank you so much for all your support!

It’s been fantastic and it’s left us feeling loved and awed.

Anyway, this blog is probably going to feel pretty disjointed, I keep leaving it to do other things so I’m going to bail.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, projects, Wiggy VonSchtick