Category Archives: projects

Shit Just got Real!

I don’t have much time, but the Kickstarter campaign succeeded so…
True Blood serves up a steaming pile of True Death

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick

The Last 24 – The Last Kickstarter Update with Video

This is it.

The last day.
The final 24.
Because of your support we have crested over $4100 mark! We are close! 
Today we need to close the gap!
If everyone who sees this donates $3, less than a cup of Starbucks or Coffee Bean, then we’re over.
If those same people post this link: and we only get 10% response from it we’re still over.
$3 and/or a post and we do it. Seriously, that’s all it takes. We did math. 
To those of you who have been pushing with us this week: Thank you so much for your support and your belief in the project – even if you’re just doing it because you personally like Zeke or Myke or myself – it makes us feel really good to know that our friends, family and fans are willing to help us out. Not everyone can say that and we are grateful beyond measure.
Also, here’s one last video because Vernon Wells was good enough to loan us his person to add to our cause.

Let’s do this!

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Filed under awesome, cheerleaders must die, fund raising, kickstarter, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick

The Last 48

I don’t think I need to put too fine a point on it but  – THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!!!!!

The end of the Kickstarter campaign, that is.
For those of you who have backed us thus far: THANK YOU BEYOND THANKS!
For those of you who have promoted us thus far: WE COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!
For those of you who might still be on the fence: JOIN US OVER HERE!
The support from family, friends, and fans of indie and horror has been awe inspiring and as we get closer to the last hours we need to keep up the hard work – especially with this being a holiday weekend.
Here’s the link to post:
As I’m sure you’ve seen, Zeke, Myke and I are constantly updating as things happen, like yesterday’s addition of Vernon Wells the notable character actor who has donated time and money to the cause!
Zeke will be at the New Beverly Theater tonight for the screening of “Forbidden Zone” plugging away and I’ll be around the O.C. reminding you college kids that beer may be fun, but supporting independent horror films is way more fun!
We’re also going to try and shoot some video today to get up before we hit the LAST 24 HOURS!
Keep pluggin’ and thank you all so much!
See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, fund raising, kickstarter, Wiggy VonSchtick

Frickin’ Amazing!

Thank you is not sufficient to express the amount of gratitude that we have right now! 
Yesterday’s pledges were humbling and amazing!
We have 2 days left and we are 40% funded!
Also, we have our first takers for the “Date with Gordy”, “Make-Up Tutorial with The Wolf” and Co-Executive Producers! A thousand thank yous to you! 
The countdown on Kickstarter clock has changed from days to hours and, as you will learn from just about any book on screenwriting, nothing motivates a character like a ticking clock!
None of this – and I TRULY mean NONE of this – would be possible without your help! It has been wonderful and inspiring and most of all EFFECTIVE!
For the next two days I humbly request you keep it up! 
Here’s the link:
Please continue to post it and, if you have a spare dollar we’d appreciate the donation!
I’m going to try and get through all of the thank yous today – it is a wonderful challenge! 
Thank you again!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, fund raising, kickstarter, Wiggy VonSchtick


There’s only 3 days left and we are 20% funded!

Here’s the Kickstarter link:

Please keep spreading it! It’s working!

Yesterday was a GREAT rally! I kept getting messages every few minutes about new backers and it was awesome! Zeke and I were actually in a meeting yesterday and my Blackberry kept blinking. It was a good reason to have to constantly check my phone!

The image above is a new poster that will be at The New Beverly Theater this Saturday night for the midnight screening of Forbidden Zone that Zeke will be attending. It’s a fun movie that features the first appearance of Oingo Boingo when they were still The Mystical Knights of the Oingo Boingo. That’s some trivia for ya’.

Zeke will be there pushing the campaign with post cards and pleas. Go have some fun!

Gotta’ run, but keep up the good work!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, fund raising, kickstarter, projects, Wiggy VonSchtick

There’s Only 4 Days Left! GAH!

The updates continue – 4 Days and 20% funded.

The link:

This morning has been an hour and a half uploading video to YouTube – it was more daunting than usual. But the nice thing is the WiggyWebs schedule is back on track! Go check it out and comment and “thumbs up” and share and make it go viral so I can make a butt load of money and just make videos starring Rene for a living.


Now I’ve got to run up to L.A., meet with some people, do some things.

More later! KICKSTARTER!!!!!!!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, cheerleaders must die, fund raising, Story Time with Ray, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

ohmanohmanohman – WE ONLY HAVE SIX DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crap in a hat, people, I’m near panic right now as we get closer and closer to our deadline on Kickstarter.

Perhaps you have already seen the official update from the page, it looks like this:

We have only SIX DAYS LEFT and I’d be lying if I said we aren’t feeling the pressure.
It’s there and we’re feeling it.
To our current backers: you are wonderful and generous and we cannot thank you enough.
To everyone else: We REALLY need you right now!
We happily accept any monetary support you can provide and, if we can be so bold, please pop out this link to everyone you know!
We have new videos coming out today and we’ll be posting updates the rest of the week to let you know where we’re at. Here’s today:
Countdown – 6 days
We are 13% Funded
Let’s get that last 87%!!

So, yeah, kinda’ “beg-y” but here’s where i’m really at:

DEAR GOD! pkleaseohpleaseohpleasegivememoney! I NEED SO MUCH MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!11!1!!!!!11!!!!!!!!1!!!!

Somehow I don’t think that “reads” as well.

The pressure is definitely getting to me here on Monday morning and if you follow me on Twitter get ready for a ridiculous amount of  tweeting all about Cheerleaders and the Kickstarter campaign. Rene has already started and proven her love for me over and over again by annoying the crap out of her followers, friends and family – it’s working!

New “Make-Up with the Wolf” later today. If you like it please drop a buck or two in the Kickstarter fund. Every little bit helps!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, Enter the Wolf, fund raising, kickstarter, rene, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

Ten Days.

Forgive me readers for I have failed. It has been 10 11 days since my last post.

It’s not that I don’t want to post. I have guilt.

It’s easy to say, “I’m busy” or “I just keep running out of time” but the real reason is all about priorities and the fact that, even though I say that this blog is one, it usually isn’t. Even the Wiggy blog, which is essential to the updating of the Wiggy website, doesn’t carry the kind of weight that I feel like it should. Conflicting brain things going on here.

So where are my priorities? They are all on the things that I am doing to make money. I hope you’re all aware of the Kickstarter campaign that we’re running for The Cheerleaders Must Die – if you’re not then go check the links. That has been surprisingly time consuming. Zeke and I were talking about it the other day on the phone that it is legitimate “work” to maintain and produce more content for that outlet. Hell, the Kickstarter update blog is the only blog that I have managed to keep up with on a regular basis! And there is also the shooting of the documentary which is going VERY well. And there’s the WiggyWebs stuff – like this:

And a cool video of Frankie playing in our fountain:

I also made this cool robot drawing for my buddy Dean. I can’t tell you why he’s collecting pictures of robots, but it’s cool!

So, yeah, all bitching aside I am planning on posting more and not making excuses, even if these last few blogs seem like they are nothing but excuses. That’s about it for today, hopefully I’ll…

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, cheerleaders must die, kickstarter, rambling, robots, shameless self promotion, Story Time with Ray, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

Kickstarter is my reason for waking up right now.

We have been busy.

Really busy.

“Don’t have time to put away laundry or buy groceries” busy.

This blog and everything not related directly to project financing has suffered.

Except the dog, the dog is good. Cat’s kind of an asshole though.

Anyway, here’s a new video for new rewards for the campaign and a copy of the update for those of you who haven’t seen it!

Don’t let it be said that we as filmmakers don’t have, what investors call, skin in the game. So far we have released what might be considered pretty “normal” rewards – but today we launch something all new, and all different: Win A Date With Gordy and Make-Up Lessons From The Wolf!
Yes, that’s right, personal time with myself (and probably my wife so I’m not accosted) and Myke in exchange for your support. These are special types of rewards and have a few extra rules:
1) Please don’t be crazy. Passionate is fine, being a fan is great or even just a student who wants some face time is cool – but if you end up being bat-shit crazy we reserve the right to make you leave.
2) These are limited to a MAXIMUM of 5 backers each. We don’t have a lot of time and are more than happy to make time for our contributors, but we need to set a limit.
3) While you will receive all the other “typical” rewards should you pledge for one or the other the only way to get both is to pledge $501 or more, other wise pledge the amount for either of us. Hell if you want to pledge more, but don’t want to cross the $500 threshold, just message us which you would like, we’ll make a note.
Thank you so much and don’t forget to tell a friend! You can copy/paste this link:
See you soon,

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, fund raising, kickstarter, projects, Wiggy VonSchtick

OK, When I said that the shameless plugs were going away I totally meant in September.

So, yes, I want to return this blog to the writing exercise that it was intended to be, but I also REALLY want to make this movie! So when it’s appropriate, like Mondays when we do our really big updates, I’m going to shamelessly plug the CRAP out of it!

With that in mind we have two new rewards available at our Kickstarter page! They are autographed photos of yours truly and one of our stars Shirly Brener! The pictures look like this:

Shirly’s might change, but we’re going with this right now. If you are a Sabrina fan or just like pictures of attractive women these might be just what you’re looking for!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, fund raising, kickstarter, new projects, sabrina, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick