Category Archives: rambling


In spite of my lack of reading in recent years, I’ve always loved books. For a long time science fiction and fantasy were my preferred genres, but I’d occasionally dip into non-fiction or, some of my favorites, text books.

With text books I never remember the actual titles, but always enjoyed trying to figure out and learning the different subjects covered. I’ve always believed that knowing a little bit about everything is a good thing and so I make an effort to keep up.

The internet age has changed my “study habits” quite a bit. With the advent of Google search and Wikipedia it isn’t hard to look up whatever may be crossing my mind at any given moment. Between that and constant moving since 2006 I haven’t really invested in many physical, solid books. I kind of miss them.

Rene is an avid reader. Much like Belle from “Beauty and the Beast” she always has her nose in a book; well, the modern equivalent, a Kindle. In fact that’s probably the best gift I’ve ever given her. Sure, she likes the wedding ring, but she gets a lot more use out of the Kindle.

Seeing her love of books has helped re-kindle (no pun intended) mine.

Last night as I was doing some catch-up work I glanced at the meager book case I have on my work desk, all blank books that I have used, am using or will use in the future.

Blank books have always been my weakness in book stores. I like that they have to be filled and I like to find things to write just to fill them up. When I was in high school and “16 & angry” my friends and I would spend a lot of time at Bookstar, which was another brand of Barnes & Noble. We’d be there for hours sometimes looking at reference books, the magazine rack, whatever we could find. My favorite, though, was the blank book isle. Being at that age where everything you think and feel seems monumentally important meant that these ideas required a book of equal impressiveness to contain them. I had many: The Burlap book, the gray book, a series of bugs Bunny retro poster journals, the “coffee” book. I still have them all. Many are tucked away in storage because what’s written in them, while gospel of the times, can now clearly be seen as the ramblings of a self-important teenager. It’s embarrassing to look at. Oh, the bad poetry! But even with that baggage I still like to look at the blank books.

Now I’ve become quite a Moleskine fanatic. I keep a series of blank pocket sized books, I use their cover for my tablet and I even bought the attachable pen. It’s all very pretentious, but I’m O.K. with that.

I still have a weird desire to just fill the books, but now I make an effort to make sure what I actually write down is worth reading again later – even if it’s just a reminder for myself. It cuts down on the number of books that I buy, but that’s probably a good thing. Besides, it’s the browsing at the  books that’s always the most fun.

So that’s my obscure obsession, what about you? Let me know in the comments!

Also, Rene really does love her Kindle, it’s great. I have links at the bottom for the Fire and new Paperwhite if you’d like to check them out.

See you next time!

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Filed under books, general, rambling

Valentine’s Day

I suppose, since it is officially Valentine’s Day, that I should do a post that is day appropriate, but when it comes down to it I don’t know that I have very much too say about it. There’s always the trusty Wikipedia page, but that’s hardly romantic.

What I keep coming back to, as I stare blankly at the plain white screen in front of me, is that I’m very happy to have my valentine, Rene Bordelon. Our story is long and varied. We used to date way back when in the late 90’s. We both worked for Disneyland and, long story short, the first time around ended badly.

Really badly.

Like, I-don’t-think-we’ll-ever-speak-again badly.

And a lot of time passed. A good seven or eight years.

Then MySpace was a thing. Do you remember MySpace? Here’s my old Myspace page. I’m shocked it’s still up.

Inspired by her friend, Rene reached out because she discovered this Jonathan Coulton song about Zombies:

She remembered I liked zombies and wanted to show it to me.

I liked the song.

We started talking again – but we were just going to be friends! We hadn’t forgotten how the last time ended so we were determined not to go down that road again!

That didn’t last long.

Soon we were dating.

Now look at us!

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I like to think that our story can provide a little hope for those feeling down about Single Awareness Day. If the two of us, who never ever thought we’d get back together could find each other again then there has to be some hope out there.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

See you next time!

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Filed under love, rambling, rene

General Ramblings On Music In General

I don’t much believe in regrets, but if there’s one thing that I wish I had spent more time on in my youth it would be music, specifically playing an instrument. Any instrument. I made a go at drumming, can wail on a kazoo and can even play a kids toy piano decently, but when it comes to actual could-be-part-of-a-rock-band instruments I have zero skill. I made up for my lack of playing ability by listening music as often as possible.

I got a good start. When I was a kid my parents listened to regular radio. Rock, pop, oldies, their music tastes were given to me unfiltered and I have always been grateful for that. I never quite understood the reasoning behind “kid’s music.” I don’t get it, especially when it’s pop music re-recorded by kids. And when I look back on my childhood now, growing up in the 80’s, when Michael Jackson, Prince and Bruce Springsteen were all coming up and making some of the best music of their careers!  If I had been listening to “the wheels on the bus” instead of “1999”… I don’t even want to think of it.

I’ve been consuming a lot more music lately. Technology has made it so that you can. Between Spotify and Pandora having streaming apps for mobile phones and the amount of time Rene and I spend in the car it’s been easy to do. I realize that I’m behind the curve on this. I can already hear some of you saying, “I’ve been using those for months/years!” but I’m a slow adopter. I had a Blackberry Bold for almost 3 years before I upgraded so when I finally cashed in all my credits on an iPhone I was shocked at what I could do with it.

Technology has also changed my storage habits. I haven’t opened iTunes for… a while. And because I haven’t bought any albums or iTunes music since I discovered Spotify it’s not like the newer songs I want to listen to are in there anyway. iTunes and my old iPod were reduced to only playing podcasts which, while good, aren’t always to the wife’s taste (I listen to some pretty geeky and/or “inside baseball” industry podcasts. That’s a different blog post.).

So what am I listening to now? Well, if I’m at the gym it’s all dance-pop. I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again, I’ve got a great Pandora station seeded with Kylie Minogue that keeps the cardio burning! But at home I’ve been regressing to college indie-rock stuff. Going back to R.E.M. and The Smiths and Nick Heyward. There are some newer songs out that have been triggering my nostalgia  but I’ll be damned if I can think of any of them specifically right now.

What about you? How does music factor into your life? what are you listening to? do you have a raging cardio playlist or suggestion to try out? Let me know in the comments!

See you next time!

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Filed under music, rambling

Late Night Blog

This won’t take long, it’s last minute and admittedly not very thought out, but I wanted to get something down today.

I could be writing about the Golden Globes, but everybody else is so I feel a bit redundant. And all I can think of are boob jokes.

Instead of doing important work tonight, instead of filling the blogmosphere with Hollywood gossip, I’m going to post this: A link to all of the Project: Iron Man blogs that are currently written to help encourage me to finish the next few.

Now I guess I’d better get the next one done…

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Filed under iron man, rambling

Our Crazy Cat

Our cat Charlie is… special.

He was full grown when we adopted him so he had developed all of his quirks before we even met him. He’s a very sweet, very funny cat but he was also raised on the street so, every once in a while, his inner tiger comes out!

I have scars on my hands and neck from inner tiger moments.

All fear-of-being-killed-in-my-sleep-by-my-cat aside, we love our little Charlie because of all the cute fun things he does, like this:

He attacks women he doesn’t like on the TV. When he watches “Jersey Shore” he loses his shit.

 He hangs out above the stove and watches in silent judgement as we cook.

He experiments in photography.

He hides above the cupboard – waiting to attack!

He explores the jungles of Bora Bora.

Here he is at Trevie Fountain in Italy.

And he sleeps in screwed up positions with his mouth open. He has remarkably small bottom teeth!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under pets, rambling

How Spock Says “Eff You.”

So Spock is a Vulcan and Vulcans are a civilization that have eliminated their emotions…

…but even an emotionless Vulcan needs to flip off the occasional Andorian and this is what it looks like:

Can you dig it?

I knew you could.

Here’s a series of pictures where I’m laying down on the dog.

Why am I showing you a bunch of pictures? Not sure but I’ve been wanting to talk about how Spock flips people off for, like, three days.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under Frankie, rambling, rene, star trek

Story Time with Ray and Work To Do

I wanted to get up at 6:30am, but didn’t wake up until 8:45.

It’s kinda’ determined how my day is going to go. On a side note it did make it so that I was in the living room when Maury came on this afternoon and there’s a great story about a woman who cheats on her husband like crazy but I have to wait until ten-to-one to see if either of the men on the show is actually the father. Gah!

So we had family visiting and Rene just posted all the pictures to Facebook. The one above is from our trip with them to Temecula wine country. Lots of good wine! I could use a glass of that right now…

I actually have a LOT to do today so I’m getting straight to the shameless plug: Story Time with Ray!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under rambling, shameless self promotion, Story Time with Ray, YouTube

So, I’m sitting here in front of the computer…

I feel like it is very easy to tell when I’m sitting in front of the computer doing things because the blog is maintained a bit better.

Maybe not super insightful or long, but maintained.

I’m actually on hold right now as part of the documentary. I spend a lot of time on hold. It’s not so bad. I have podcasts on in the background, the internet, and a variety of hold music. Right now I’m listening to a list of accolades that the doctor I’ve called has acquired. Very impressive.

Now I’m on hold with the IRS. Is there anything more soul depleting than bureaucratic bullshit? I don’t think there is. It just sucks the life out of you.

And the inspiration apparently, I’m signing off.

Se you tomorrow!

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Filed under rambling

Ten Days.

Forgive me readers for I have failed. It has been 10 11 days since my last post.

It’s not that I don’t want to post. I have guilt.

It’s easy to say, “I’m busy” or “I just keep running out of time” but the real reason is all about priorities and the fact that, even though I say that this blog is one, it usually isn’t. Even the Wiggy blog, which is essential to the updating of the Wiggy website, doesn’t carry the kind of weight that I feel like it should. Conflicting brain things going on here.

So where are my priorities? They are all on the things that I am doing to make money. I hope you’re all aware of the Kickstarter campaign that we’re running for The Cheerleaders Must Die – if you’re not then go check the links. That has been surprisingly time consuming. Zeke and I were talking about it the other day on the phone that it is legitimate “work” to maintain and produce more content for that outlet. Hell, the Kickstarter update blog is the only blog that I have managed to keep up with on a regular basis! And there is also the shooting of the documentary which is going VERY well. And there’s the WiggyWebs stuff – like this:

And a cool video of Frankie playing in our fountain:

I also made this cool robot drawing for my buddy Dean. I can’t tell you why he’s collecting pictures of robots, but it’s cool!

So, yeah, all bitching aside I am planning on posting more and not making excuses, even if these last few blogs seem like they are nothing but excuses. That’s about it for today, hopefully I’ll…

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, cheerleaders must die, kickstarter, rambling, robots, shameless self promotion, Story Time with Ray, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

Wine Blog – This Might Be A Horrible Idea

Is this blog about wine?


Is it fueled by wine?


Particularly a Lanzarac 2004 Chardonnay that has been in the fridge a smidge too long and smells like old gym socks but still tastes surprisingly good – like a stinky cheese.

Cheese sounds really good right now. And crackers.

The wife and I are feeling conflicted right now about our enjoyment of “Jersey Shore” since it is the kind of TV candy that rots brains faster than a tooth in a glass of Coke/Pepsi. But we enjoy it so much!  The premiere was on tonight and I think that they are starting to show some strain. The relationships just felt a little more forced than previous seasons, but after hearing that a few of them left early during the filming of the next season I guess that isn’t such a stretch.

I’m gonna’ eat a Hershey bar.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under general, rambling, TV, wine