As you’ve probably noticed these blogs are REALLY late. I’m going to pretend that I’m writing on Tuesday.
I like Tuesdays. Tuesdays don’t have the stank of Mondays or the dull of Wednesdays and it gives you enough time to get more work done before the end of the week.
Zeke and I had a really good Tuesday. We got to meet with our production partners from the East Coast, Hayden 5, and discuss Cheerleaders Must Die! This is going to be a really fun project!
After that I had an audition and ran into an old college friend whom I haven’t seen in at least five years, we got to audition together!
Class was even surprisingly easy tonight (the five year olds were miraculously well behaved!).
Oh, but there was one little, itsy, bitsy problem.: I’m sick.
Here’s today’s picture:
See you tomorrow.
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