Category Archives: traffic

Project 365 7-1-2010 Drivin’.

One of the things that goes along with being an independent producer is a lot of driving.

Well, at least for me there’s a LOT of driving.

I had an audition in the morning and while I was on the road up I was on the phone discussing deal details.  After the audition I went from Santa Monica down to Dana Point for an edit session.  Traffic on that drive was actually remarkably light – but going home after…

I love what I do, but I hate traffic.  If there’s one thing that I could change it would be the public transportation situation in Southern California.  Every time I get stuck in traffic I yearn for the Tokyo subway system!  The trains are clean and run on time and you can get EVERYWHERE! 

I dream of the day that I no longer need a car!

See you tomorrow!


Filed under business, project 365 2010, traffic

Project 365 5-28-2010 Not Really Sick Any More

Got to get back to business today.  Had a finance meeting this morning at 8am in Sherman Oaks.  Oddly enough I made it to Sherman Oaks in forty minutes and that would be the easiest trip that I had today.

Got to be home for a couple hours – answered emails, cleaned up my calendar and downloaded new podcasts – before heading to a pitch session in Newport Beach.  The pitch went well, free lunch, all good…

…then I tried to head home.

This will be a traffic situation that will be remembered for at least a week, maybe even a month: The Great Truck Explosion of 2010!

I have no idea what the details were, but here are the rumors that I’m re-spreading since I’m not a news source, I’m just a dude who talks about his day:

  • A truck was driving on the 91 East.
  • The truck was attacked by a pterodactyl.
  • The truck driver escaped as the truck flipped over and exploded – killing the pterodactyl and melting the pavement in hellfire!
  • A portal to hell opened, shutting off all four lanes of traffic, so all other traffic was diverted to every other possible way east.
  • An exorcist was called in to close the portal but, to my knowledge, he is still working on it.

At least that’s what I heard.

The only truth that I know is that traffic in O.C. was completely fucked by this little truck accident and it took me over two hours to make a drive that I can typically make in just under thirty minutes – and that was me trying to take the LESS CROWDED ALTERNATE ROUTES!  As far as I know there are people trying to get to Vegas that are still in California nine hours after they left.


Today’s picture was going to be of traffic, but you’ve seen me do that so instead I took a computer’s rendition of what the traffic looked like in the section of the world where it affected me most:

See the red line there?  That’s bad.

Now I’m going to consider drinking the drive away.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under business, project 365 2010, traffic