Category Archives: video

8 Pit Bull Lies You Might Believe…and just a little bit of commentary.

As you are probably aware, Rene and I are big fans of pit bulls. Rene’s family have had pits for decades and our beloved Frankie is a pit mix (although probably mostly red nose). The dogs have a bad rap, as you are probably aware. The fact of the matter is that they are great dogs who are villainized and have some of their best traits turned to the dark side. The folks at Buzz Feed have produced a great short video about some common misconceptions about pit bulls and I wanted to post it here! Also, because it isn’t directly addressed in the video, pit bull jaws do not lock. They are no different than any other dog jaw. The more you know.

See you next time.

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January 5, 2015 · 9:00 am

Fun Video Friday – Carl Poppa



This past year has been a focus on creativity for Rene and I. With the successful roll out of Fun Size Horror and the various personal, friend and professional projects we’ve been working on we’ve been able to get back to doing the kinds of things that we not only enjoy but the kinds of things that energize us and that ends up spilling over into other aspects of our lives.

Today’s fun video is not new, it’s a couple months old and comes from the folks that do Bad Lip Reading on YouTube. It’s a song that was part of their Walking (and Talking) Dead series. I stumbled onto it again recently through a flurry of Facebook posts. The song is funny and if you’re a Walking Dead fan then it is even better, but what I find remarkable is that I really like the song, like, a lot. Sure most of the lyrics are silly, but it took a lot of talent and skill to get this together.  And it’s a hit! The song is available on iTunes and is shockingly catchy and easy to dance to.

The running thread between our year of creativity and this video is that it just took a little creativity to make something really cool and there are very few barriers to that as long as you’re willing to put in the work. So enjoy the video and then go out and work on that thing you’ve been meaning to do. It’s time.

See you next time.

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November 7, 2014 · 11:01 am

Fun Size Horror HAPPY HALLOWEEN! – More Shorts and A Little History

FunSized_Keyart_color CROP

EDIT: This was originally written for yesterday, but it looks like it didn’t get posted, so I’ve made some adjustments and am posting today. Apologies to my friends who’s shorts aired yesterday that this blog wasn’t a portal for people to see your stuff. -C.A.

The shameless self-promotion train continues today as we have five spook-tacular shorts premiering today: Fun Size Horror web site

Since neither Rene or I have any shorts playing today (although they are absolutely worth checking out, it’s a good mix today) I thought it might be nice to give a little history as to how Rene and I got involved in this project in the first place.

This whole project is the brainchild of my friend Zeke Pinheiro. He’s a director/writer/editor and you’ve probably seen his and my names together before particularly if you remember a horror film that we were trying to get made called The Pom Pom Massacre. The one thing we ran into, time and time again, was a lack of ability to get the film funded. Even after a successful Kickstarter to help get the development funds we needed, we just couldn’t lock the financing down. This happened for a few projects in a row and it started to feel like we were always looking for money and never actually making anything.

Last November I got a call from Zeke while I was on set for a commercial. He said that he wanted to make 31 short films for Halloween and release one every day in October. They would all be self-financed so we wouldn’t need to lock down funding. He and I know too many talented people, if we could just find a few that wouldn’t mind helping us out we’d probably be able to do it. That being said, I was a bit flabbergasted. But, it sounded like a hell of a lot of fun and I’m always up for a challenge so I told him I was in. After that he reached out to Mali Elfman and Michael May, two other friends of ours in the industry. Together we started building a plan.  That plan was to reach out to other filmmakers we know and see if they were into the idea of:

  • Creating a short film at 2 minutes or less. (This idea changed later.)
  • It would be self-produced and funded. (We had no money to offer anyone.)
  • The creator maintaining all rights and intellectual property.
  • They licensing us the right to air it through the end of 2014 on whatever distribution we can get, even if it’s just our own YouTube page, and have the option to participate in a bigger release if they choose.

Simple plans with a simple goal: get projects into production and get them seen by the public.

Thankfully a LOT of filmmakers we picking up what we were putting down and we were pleased to have more projects pitched than we were even able to use!

This is the first of what could be an annual event. So many great little shorts have come out of this and there is so much talent that Rene and I have had the pleasure of working with now. I look forward to how those relationships grow. I hope you’ve enjoyed the shorts this year. Check out the Facebook page and come to the public screening if you’re in L.A. on November 2nd.

See you next time!

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Filed under acting, Andelon, awesome, business, filmmaking, Halloween, making movies, storytelling, the future, video, YouTube

Fun Size Horror Day 3 – Double Feature Wednesday! Home & Bloody Mary

BM 8Home 3

So much happening today at Fun Size Horror! Today is the big day for Rene and I since the short I wrote and directed, Bloody Mary, is up and the short she stars in, Home, is up as well. Wednesday is Double Feature day, so all of the hosting sites are showing two shorts. We are friends with just about everyone involved int todays posts so I hope you’ll check them all out…

But especially Home and Bloody Mary!

Home is the tale of a crumbling marriage and a fight that leads to the worst kind of homecoming.

Bloody Mary is a bit more personal. When my sister and I were kids I used to get a great deal of joy out of scaring her which, as I’m sure you can imagine, neither she or my parents were all that fond of. The worst thing I ever did was convince her that Bloody Mary lived in our bathroom mirror. This is that story.

Hope you enjoy them! Let me know what you think.

See you soon!

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Filed under actor stuff, Andelon, behind the scenes, Bloody Mary, business, filmmaking, Fun Size Horror, making movies, rene, shameless self promotion, video, YouTube

Fun Size Horror Day 2 – Rene & I are in one today!

Rene Persephone Still

Big second day is here and there are six more shorts released! All of them can be seen at Fun Size

Persephone Curtis

However, I’d like to bring special attention to the short Persephone by Lisa J. Dooley. In it Rene and I are terrible rich people. Because it’s a short we’re not in it much, but hopefully a release of the outtakes will be put up somewhere because we had a LOT of fun on this shoot and there was some comedy gold that was, rightly, sent to the cutting room floor.

Go check it out and let me know what you think!

See you soon.

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Filed under actor stuff, Andelon, blatant plug, business, filmmaking, Fun Size Horror, making movies, rene, video, YouTube

It’s Fun Size Horror Week! MONDAY: The Journey Begins!


Get ready for a week of posts all about Fun Size Horror, the micro-shorts project I’ve been working on this year. The posts are up and going to the Fun Size Horror website is probably the easiest way to be able to see them. There are links at the top of the page to each hoisting site and directly to the shorts themselves. Go head there now and check them out: Fun Size

Shameless family promotion time: Rene is in the short When They Say You’re AloneShe is one of the cultists and she’s the one that has the close-up near the end.

Rene Cultist Close-Up

Shameless self promotion time: One of my former students, Aidan Flynn, is in Knock, Knock.

All the shorts that I’m involved with will be out Wednesday, but don’t wait – go check these out now! Each video is only up for 24 hours and then they are gone until after Halloween. Let me know what you think of them!

See you soon!

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Filed under business, filmmaking, Fun Size Horror, making movies, rene, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday! Fun Size Horror Trailer


It feels good to be getting back into the writing swing of things. Today’s Fun Video Friday is more shameless promotion about Fun Size Horror (have you liked the Facebook page yet?). Here’s the trailer, which features many of the shorts and you can even glimpse Rene a few times if you’re paying attention *wink*. Next Monday the shorts will be released, five per sponsor per day, for only 24 hours each until Halloween!

fUN-sIZE V9Exciting, right?

See you soon!

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Filed under actor stuff, Andelon, Bloody Mary, directing, filmmaking, Fun Size Horror, fun video friday, making movies, rene, video

New Site, New Projects and The Age of Ultron!

Website Banner is officially back up and, although there’s still some tweeking to do, it’s time to post again!


The big thing I want to focus on is the launch of Fun Size Horror which is NEXT MONDAY! Not familiar with Fun Size Horror? It’s 31 micro-short horror films playing the week of Halloween done by over a dozen up-and-coming filmmakers, including yours truly. Follow the links to the WEBSITE and FACEBOOK PAGE. It’s been a hell of a thing getting this together this year, but the projects that I’ve seen come through are really good and cover the spectrum of horror sub-genres. Go check things out and look for Bloody Mary on Wednesday October 29th on Shock Till You Drop.

BM 8

The last thing I want to touch on is the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer – omfg.

See you next time.

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Filed under business, comic movies, geek, Halloween, horror, independent film, making movies, movie trailers, rene, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday! Doctor Who – The Cartoon

I saw this and immediately wanted it to be the companion series to the new season. Gravity Falls meets The Doctor. Can we get The BBC and Disney on this? For more great art by creator Stephen Bryne go check out his Facebook Page.


See you next time!

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Filed under Disney, doctor who, fun, fun video friday, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday! Batman & Bear Robin

Yes, this is as awesome as you expect. And if you’d like more: HERE!


Batman & Bear Robin from Bigmouth Audio on Vimeo.

See you next time!

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Filed under awesome, comic books, fun video friday, video