It’s not a perfect retelling of the films, but it does cover all the salient points.
And they speak some serious truth about poor Sean Bean.
See you next time!
It’s not a perfect retelling of the films, but it does cover all the salient points.
And they speak some serious truth about poor Sean Bean.
See you next time!
Filed under fantasy, fun video friday, funny, geek, Lord of the Rings, parody, satire, video, YouTube
I was worried that I wouldn’t find a video to post today. This week I didn’t see a whole lot that I thought was worth sharing…
…until this morning!
Presenting 5 year old Jordan who has got skilz!
You can see more of his stuff HERE.
See you next time!
Filed under creativity, fun video friday, funny, kids, music, music video, video, YouTube
When it comes to popular media there you can safely bet that whatever it is that you enjoy follows a formula. These formulas can be given names so that we can recognize them easily like Slasher Movie, Space Opera, or Film Noir. Super heroes have a formula now too, and nothing shows it off better than this short from the Above Average YouTube channel.
See you next time!
Filed under comic movies, filmmaking, fun video friday, funny, making movies, super-heroes, video, YouTube
I had the pleasure of working with director Matt Piedmont on a PSA for AdCouncil this week. It was a blast! It’s a fun spot and the crew were tight and efficient. We worked so quickly that I didn’t have a chance to geek out on him about one of Rene and my favorite short films: Brick Novax’s Diary! We saw it the year it premiered at Sundance as part of a shorts program. It was in the morning and we were still groggy from the events the evening before. This short perked us up and was all we talked about for hours afterward. It even came up in conversation recently when Rene brought it up to the executive director of the Big Bear Lake International Film Festival.
So here, presented in this post, I give you Brick Novax’s Diary. Enjoy!
See you next time!
Filed under acting, directing, dolphins, fun video friday, funny, short film, video, videos, YouTube
I debated whether to post this or not, not because it’s bad or wrong – in fact it’s damned funny – but because I can’t embed the video here, you’ll have to follow the link. But, rest assured, I think that this video is worth it. Rene and I have watched it over and over and laugh every single time. He reminds us of a much more aggressive Charlie. So Follow the link and have some fun!
See you next time!
Filed under cats, charlie the cat, fun video friday, funny, video
I love Iron Man and one of my favorite old school Nintendo games was Mega Man. Now they have been joined in a glorious video convergence.
Filed under comic books, comic movies, fun video friday, iron man, video, video games, YouTube
As a dog lover I would hope that Frankie would try as hard to find Rene and I during a zombie apocalypse. Of course, we wouldn’t leave him in the first place, but you get my point.
See you next time!
Filed under dogs, Frankie, fun video friday, short film, video, Vimeo, zombies
The events in the movie The Shining are frightening enough, but what goes on in those carpets that Danny rides his big wheel around? This short film ventures into that deep dark microverse and shows us that not all is as it seems…
See you next time!
Filed under fun video friday, funny, short film, The Shining, video, Vimeo
Bad movies. We love to watch them. I’ve acted in and produced several. They are an international institution and should be celebrated even as they are reviled. But making a fake bad movie is very hard. Very few people can do it well. The folks behind Italian Spider-Man and Danger 5 are stand outs, but my personal favorite is an old Benny Hill sketch which I present to you today: The Police Raid in Waterloo Station. From the title to the final gun shot it is a text book breakdown of a bad movie.
See you next time!
Filed under bad movies, comedy, English, fun video friday, satire, video, YouTube
Fun Video Friday! – Double Duty covering Kangaroos and Net Neutrality
Special Fun Video Friday this week. If you follow me on any social media then you may have seen my recent posts about trying to protect net neutrality and asking the FCC to consider the internet a title II common carrier so that the big ISP’s can’t have control over the speed or content that you receive online. You would think that in America of all places the internet would remain a bastion of freedom, but you’d be wrong. Right now the future of the internet is teetering and could go either way. We as citizens need to stand up! The first video for today covers, quite well, why net neutrality is important and how to take action. I’m sure many of you have signed petitions on the subject, but the best way to comment is directly to the FCC. I’ve included the link below. Please watch this, follow the link and help protect this vital communication system.
Make a comment on FCC proceedings 14-28 & 14-57.
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Filed under animals, fun video friday, goverment, internet, net neutrality, politics, social commentary, social networking, video, videos, YouTube