Category Archives: video

LIVE Discussions & Patreon – We’re doing things!

We have been hard at work on all of our new stuff and while we’re are still working on things like sketches:

And things like Rene’s music parodies:

The thing that seems to be taking off is our series of LIVE Discussions. These are weekly (Sundays at 11am Pacific Time) and recorded live on our YouTube Channel. We have a topic of discussion (usually arts or creativity related) and I assemble a panel of friends, co-workers, and contemporaries to talk about it for at least 20 mins (although lately we’ve been going longer). Once a month we do a Feature Discussion with a bigger panel. Feature Discussions last for at least an hour and I do a follow-up video of just the highlights after the fact. Below is a playlist of all the discussions so far:

Please check these out, feel free to click on any of the advertising (wink).

Rene and I have some big plans for the future, especially as we continue building our own content. We can do a lot on our own, but we could use some additional financial support to help raise the bar on our activities. Everything we’ve done thus far has been done on a shoestring where we beg, borrow and steal what we need to get a project done. This has worked pretty well, like with The Chili and Bloody Mary:

But with a little bit more money we can do a lot more!

Please consider joining our Patreon page. We’ve set-up some good starter rewards and I’m very pleased to announce that I got some of our art proofs back this morning for the merch that we will be releasing (actual release date TBD, but it’s coming!!!).

If Patreon isn’t an option, please don’t be afraid to click on the advertising links you see here and on the channel. I try to make sure that all of the ads presented are appropriate for the page and they should be set-up so that the items shown are things you, as the reader/watcher, would be interested in.

Thank you all for your support! We have seen the page jump in activity since we started – and we’re doing very well for only being about 4 weeks into this new effort! We’re really looking forward to what’s next!

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Filed under acting, Andelon, awesome, behind the scenes, blatant plug, Bloody Mary, business, comedy, creativity, current events, Curtis Andersen, day in the life, directing, diy, doing new things, filmmaking, Frankie, fund raising, getting started, making movies, marketing, money, new projects, new shows, news, producing, productivity, projects, rene, short film, social networking, state of stuff, update, video, videos, YouTube

The Chili Returns

Way back in 2013 when I was still producing I tried to do a number of shorts/sketches in between projects. I really only did one, but it was a good one! Alexander Rossiter (who is recently engaged – Congratulations!) wrote this and it was directed & shot by Zeke Pinheiro. Please enjoy The Chili:

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Filed under Andelon, video, videos, wiggy webs, YouTube

Imposter Syndrome – A Live Discussion

Yesterday I had a conversation with Author Jeff Garvin, Singer/Actress Rene Bordelon, Singer/Actress Jessica Hayes, and blogger Dan Zarzana about how feeling like we are imposters in our careers has actually helped to be a motivating force moving us forward. You can see the whole video down below:

If you would like to find our panelists online see the links down below:
insta: @jeffgarvinbooks
twitter: @jeffgarvinbooks

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Filed under actor 101, artist, insight, inspiration, video, YouTube

We are doing things on the YouTube Channel!

We’ll be posting new videos every week now on the YouTube channel! See the video below for details:

If you want to get all the videos as soon as they are released please visit the channel and subscribe:

What kinds of videos do you want to see us do? Tell us in the comments!

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, videos, YouTube

Discussions Video: Priorities, Hobbies & How to Make Money

Dan and I talk about hobbies and how we find the time to do them and how we might monetize them, if we want to in this episode of Discussions:

What are your opinions? Do you have any hobbies you want to monetize? Let us know in the comments!

For those looking for a writing tracker, I found this blog with some handy links! I have not tried any of these myself so please use caution when downloading any programs:

And if you want the one I was talking about here it is:

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Filed under video, YouTube

I Finally Peeled a Wrapper Off A New New York Seltzer Bottle!

Waaaaayyyyyy back in July of 2015 I received a gift from the people over at Original New York Seltzer. They responded to a blog I wrote about how the Black Cherry soda was the first new drink I had when we moved to California. It was very nice of them and I made a video about it that you can see here:

I talked about the foam wrappers in that video and how fun they were to pull off. Now, nearly two years later, I have finally done it and I put it on video for you all to see!

Like/Subscribe and all the other good stuff.

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Filed under drinking, fun, general, video, YouTube

We’re Moving To Portland!

No reason to bury the lead, Rene and I are moving to Portland, OR in May and we’re really excited! We’ll be blogging and videoing and maybe even Snapchatting the process, so make sure you follow us on all of that (links below).

Here’s the announcement video:

Social media links:
Curtis Facebook:

Curtis Instagram:

Curtis Snapchat: TVs Curtis Andersen

Rene Facebook:

Rene Instagram:

Rene Snapchat: Rene Bordelon


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Filed under adventures, in real life, moving, rene, travel, update, video, YouTube

This, this, all the this!

If you are a creative, this video will sounds very familiar – but it’s a universal message. Lord knows I’ve been down this road a few times. Determination, persistence and touch of naivete is usually enough to win the day – it’s just the “day” in question usually lasts for years.

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Filed under actor 101, actor stuff, art, artist, behind the scenes, commentary, doing new things, education, fail, failure, filmmaking, friends, fund raising, general, getting fit, getting started, happiness, how-to, inspiration, jobs, learning experience, making movies, productivity, projects, REVOLUTION, social commentary, video, videos, YouTube

New Movie Trailer – East of Jesus

Last summer Rene and I shot a movie called East of Jesus.

It comes out this spring! Here’s the first trailer:

Like it, share it, enjoy.

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Filed under acting, career, shameless self promotion, trailers, video, YouTube

Day 430 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen – Phase 2 & Your Headshots

Happy New Year!

If you didn’t see my last video, I was able to achieve the primary goal of booking a job on TV at the end of the year! In case you missed it, here it is:

The show is a new show that has an NDA the length of my arm so I can’t say a bloody thing about it, but I promise I won’t shut up about it once I can. So now that I can unironically call myself “Television’s Curtis Andersen” again it’s time to move on to Phase 2 – getting on a genre show! What’s a genre show? Watch the new video to find out.

Also, to add a little actual advice to this blog after a long stretch of just me talking about myself and auditions, I talk a little bit about the importance of getting a good headshot – because I’ve seen a lot of BAD headshots lately.

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Filed under actor 101, career, education, headshots, how-to, new shows, new year, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, teaching, TV, update, video, YouTube