Category Archives: video

Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen Day 403

I actually booked on Day 400 (which was kinda’ neat in a numbers way) but I’m superstitious so I didn’t want to say anything until the shoot was complete. The primary objective has been achieved before the end of the year! Now begins Phase 2 – Operation: Genre Show!

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, TV, update, video, YouTube

First Anniversary of Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

It is November 2nd, officially one year ago today I made the deliberate decision that I was going to get myself back on TV again. It was a re-energizing of my commitment to what has always been my primary career and it lit a fire under my ass to take the steps that I really should have taken a while ago.

A lot has happened this year, which I talk about more in the video, but these are the two big points that I came away with after I thought about the past year:

  1. I have not yet accomplished the goal.
  2. I really want to be on a genre show.

Check out the video for all the details!

If you want to see ALL of the year you can find the videos and blog posts here:

  1. The videos on YouTube.

  2. The blog posts.

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November 2, 2016 · 8:36 am

Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween!

This is my favorite time of year, not just because of Halloween and all of  the fun, spooky stuff that goes along with that, but because of autumn and change of seasons. I like cool, wet weather (and somehow I live in California) and being able to wear pants and sweaters comfortably. I’m also a big fan of pumpkin products (before it was cool) and manage to go Gold at Starbucks at this time each year on #PSLs.

The wife and I have made a few videos about the fall. One of them a commentary on the typical weather we get here in October in California and another a horror short that we made for Fun Size Horror back in 2014. so as a video treat for Halloween here are Part of the Fall and Bloody Mary. Like & Subscribe and tell us what you think in the comments!

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Filed under Fun Size Horror, Halloween, video, videos, YouTube

Rock the Vote #1stVote16 Tag



My buddy Jeff Garvin tagged me in the #1stVote16 tag to help encourage first time voters to get registered and vote this election and I couldn’t be happier to participate! There is a lot of cynicism wrapped up in this election season but that is no reason not to participate. In fact, if anything, it’s even more of a reason to participate. I started voting back when Rock the Vote first came into being. I still remember watching the commercials on MTV back in the day. It was exciting and it felt like a big deal. It felt empowering. For the first time in my life it felt like the “grown-ups” actually cared about what I thought, and they all desperately wanted my vote for whatever they cared about. Although I may have complaints about how the presidential election process happens, there is SO MUCH MORE to vote on this November! Important, important things! 88% of congress is up for re-election – THAT’S HUGE! California as a state has 17 statewide ballot proposals to vote on, and it’s big stuff like marijuana legalization and the death penalty, not including all the local initiatives – and local initiatives are important, just ask John Oliver.

All of this is to say that you should register, get informed, and vote. It’s important, it counts, and it’s your duty as a citizen. Here’s my video:

Need help getting registered? Here are some links to help you:

Visit to REGISTER & learn more!

First timer? Rock the Vote has a special site just for you!

And here is a handy YouTube Channel about How to Vote in Every State.


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Filed under activism, history, video, YouTube

Day 333 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

It’s been a while,  but I have finally made a new update video. Although today is Day 333, I made this video last night on Day 332. Here’s the TL;DR version: I am auditioning like a real, professional actor again and this is the 20th anniversary of the debut of Sabrina: The Teenage Witch!

See the video for more:

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, YouTube

Day 244 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen Day 1: East of Jesus

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

Rene and I are here on the Oregon Coast filming East of Jesus and I actually have a free day today which means I can catch up on some of the stuff that you may have missed that I’d like to pimp out.

First off, here is the short I Hate Mondays from the folks over at Fun Size Horror. It’s a bizarre little tale where I’m an obnoxious office manager. I know, I’m really stretching my abilities #sarcasm.

And, my bad, I promised in my last video to post all of the updated playlists so people could catch-up. From the absence of people clamoring for those to be posted I’m probably fine not posting them, but I said I would do it so I’m going to. They are below.

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Filed under acting, making movies, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, rene, video, YouTube

Day 219 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

I have been hustlin’ my ass off getting ready to go to Oregon, but I’ve also been working toward the mission – get myself back on television! Here’s a new video about it.

Here are links to the Teatro Martini website and Facebook page, in case you’d like to come see me live or play along online.

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, videos, YouTube

Day 182 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen The 6 Month Mark

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

We have reached the six month mark on Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen! And what a way to mark the moment! We were at the 48 hour Film Project Best of L.A. screening tonight where the short Rene and I were in, Awake, was nominated for three awards: Best Use of Character, Best Practical Effects, and Best Costume Design. We won for best practical effects and you’ll see why when we can post the video next week. Here’s a video I took at the event to mark making it to 6 months on this project.

Next step: booking a TV show.

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, YouTube

Day 177 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen Today Was A Good Day

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

Today I got a bunch of good news! Made a video about it which is below. I am getting closer and closer to being Television’s Curtis Andersen again.

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, YouTube

Just In Time for Civil War: An Iron Man Retrospective

Photo from

Photo from

Taking a break from my normal “Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen,” here is some cool Iron Man stuff. The folks over at Burger Fiction have put together a very comprehensive video of Iron Man’s appearances in TV and film since his inception back in 1963. With Civil War only a couple weeks away, this is a cool visual of how far the Iron Avenger has come over the last 50 years.

Check out all the armor suited action!

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Filed under avengers, comic books, comic movies, iron man, Marvel, video, YouTube