Category Archives: video

Day 149 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

I have been VERY bad at keeping up with my vlogs on my progress with Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen and that is mostly because I haven’t felt like I’ve made a lot of progress. so I made a video about my frustration about not feeling like I’ve made much progress.

And, in case you want to see me in more optimistic times see the playlists down below:

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, videos, YouTube

Day 100 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen

Op TVs CA Explosion Opener

We have reached a milestone! I’m 100 days into my efforts to get myself back on Television screens so, like the president does after 100 days in office, I’m going to review my accomplishments and talk about the road moving forward. This has been a very exciting time and keeping the pressure on myself, in the form of these blog posts and the videos on my YouTube channel, have kept me from letting myself get lax or letting my focus drift too far.

Due to the fact that I have been working all day today I’m going to have to let the video speak for me.

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Filed under Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, YouTube

Fireside Chats with Television’s Curtis Andersen & Jeff Garvin from the World of Books

Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 10.05.45 PM

The time has come! Below is the first episode of Fireside Chat with Jeff Garvin & Curtis Andersen. In it we give you the set-up to what we are doing and talk a little bit about what it’s like being a late 30-something looking back on our own teenage writings.

Like, subscribe, comment, all that good stuff.

If you want to see more from us visit these sites:


Jeff Garvin Books

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Filed under new media, new projects, video, YouTube

Actor 101 – Get the Suck Out

Actor 101 Logo

There is a phrase that is a big part of my personal philosophy:

Get the suck out.

I stand by it, I practice it, and I throw it around freely regardless of situation or the people involved. It’s a relatively simple principal – if you are doing something allow yourself the time and space to get the suck out before you expect to be good at it. There’s an older phrase that essentially means the same thing, practice makes perfect, but get the suck out is more immediate.

I tried to make a video about it:

I’m still actually having trouble articulating exactly why this is so important – so maybe I’ll try to do a follow-up?

Still, my advice remains the same – give yourself permission to get the suck out. It doesn’t hurt to have to try something more than once.

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Filed under actor 101, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, YouTube

Happy New Year! Here’s what’s Coming Up!


I am writing this in the last hour of January 1st, 2016. These last two months have been a whirlwind mostly focused on my quest to become a working actor again epitomized by the Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen series of videos on my YouTube Channel. Here’s the latest one from today:

And here are the links to the playlists for November and December, in case you want to catch up:

In addition, my friend Author Jeff Garvin and I are trying an experiment where we go through and read sections of our old high school journals. Yes, it’s exactly what you think:

Rene and I have big plans for this year! Keep your eye here for all the info!

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Filed under actor stuff, creativity, new media, new projects, new shows, new year, news, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, update, video, videos, YouTube

New Show On Its Way – Fireside Chats with Jeff Garvin & Curtis Andersen

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Jeff Garvin is one of my oldest friends. We went to junior high and high school together and even attended the same college for a couple years. We have seen each other at our best and at our worst. Jeff is embarking on a new part of his professional life with the release of his first novel in 2016, Symptoms of Being Human.

Since he’s working in young adult fiction we started talking about our old journals and all the crazy stuff we used to write in them.

Then we recorded ourselves talking about that stuff.

Then we decided to put it on YouTube.

Here’s the promo:

You can subscribe to my channel HERE and not miss a single episode!

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Filed under new projects, new shows, video, videos, YouTube

Actor 101: A Problem Solving Exercise for You

Actor 101 Logo

Yesterday I posted this video for Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen:

Today I would like to present the exercise I mentioned in that video to you as a way to help tackle any hurdles you might be facing in your career. You can use this technique for anything, not just entertainment. Sometimes everyone needs a way to find a solution.

The idea is based on the thought that we are able to find solutions to other people’s problems easier than we can for our own. There are a few different reasons for this, but I find that there’s a lot less at stake for me when I’m giving advice to someone. It’s a simple equation of A+B=Result. We know that for ourselves, but often times allow our insecurities and fear to get in the way of actually implementing the things required to achieve the result. So here’s an exercise designed to help bridge that gap:

  1. Write down your problem, in detail.
  2. Write down the things that you predict will interfere with achieving the desired result.
  3. Hand this to a trusted friend or family member.
  4. Have them read back the problem as if it is their own.
  5. Offer solutions and have them write them down.

Deep down you probably know exactly what you need to do to get what you want, so use this trick to access the part of your brain that has the information.

Tell me in the comments if you give it a try and how it goes.

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Filed under actor 101, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen, video, YouTube

Do You Have Your High School Diploma?!

Diploma PSA

Ad Council wants you to know that getting your high school diploma or GED is important, so they made a series of PSAs on the subject, including one featuring your truly! Directed by Matt Piedmont, see what drama can unfold in a barber shop:

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Filed under acting, actor stuff, video, YouTube

Home – A Horror Short Starring My Wife

HOME title image

You may remember that last year Rene and I were involved in the Fun Size Horror project, a series of 31 horror shorts that were released the week of Halloween. Rene and I were directly involved in the production of two of them: Bloody Mary, which featured Rene and our niece Katie, and Home which starred Rene and our friend Matt Conde. After the release embargo was over I released Bloody Mary right away – but I thought that I had lost the final file for Home!

During a massive file transfer to my backup drives I found it, and posted it on YouTube for all to see! So please watch and enjoy Home:


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Filed under Andelon, blatant plug, Fun Size Horror, Halloween, Home, horror, making movies, movies, projects, scary movies, shameless self promotion, short film, video, videos, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – Bye Felicia: The Music Video

Rene and Curtis Bye Felicia Costume Shot


Early in the year Rene and I were invited to participate in a secret music video shoot.

It was for a new television show whose first season was just ending.

The video was for the special features on the DVD.

We were sworn to secrecy…


Above – an image of our costumes for the shoot.

Below- the video itself.

Side note: This is the only thing in history where I purposely have facial hair and might be the only thing that ever does.

Also, my wife’s dance moves are pretty slick.

And yes, that’s her in bed with Matt McGorry.

And I was in the room… watching.

Special shout out to director Charlie Visnic for including us!

Here’s the video:


Filed under acting, actor stuff, fun video friday, news, performing, television, TV, video, videos, YouTube