Category Archives: video

Video Friday: A Tribute to Leonard Nimoy


This morning Leonard Nimoy passed away. Although I did not know him personally, he has always been a favorite of mine. Like so many other people, I was a Spock fan, I watched his show about movies on Nickelodeon when I was a kid, I learned about Bigfoot from his show In Search of…, and one of my favorite movies is Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. In interviews he was genuine and thoughtful and always seemed to have something interesting to say. To me, he appeared to be the gentleman actor who was always willing to give something a try – even a song about Bilbo Baggins. The world is a bit darker today because of his loss.

Instead of a fun video today I’d like to share the funeral scene from Star Trek 2 where Captain Kirk honors a fallen Spock. Although Mr. Nimoy was not the character that he played, this scene is the first that I remember when the death of a character had actual impact on me. It’s a moving send off.

Live long and prosper.

See you next time.

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February 27, 2015 · 11:40 am

Net Neutrality: The FCC Votes Tomorrow

Photo: Act.Watchdog.Net

Photo: Act.Watchdog.Net

Tomorrow is a big day for the Internet, the FCC will vote on the proposed rules to govern broadband. Even if these open Internet friendly rules pass it looks like the Internet Service Providers are going to take the whole thing to court. What does that mean? The fight is far from over. It’s up to each of us to let our representatives know that an open Internet is what we want.

Still confused about why you should care? Mashable put together a short video about the history of the internet and why Net Neutrality is important. And if you’d like more than you can check out some of my PREVIOUS POSTS.

Keep up the fight!

Ready to reach out to your representatives? Go here: SAVE THE INTERNET

EDIT: Update from today’s successful FCC Open Internet vote.

See you next time.

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February 25, 2015 · 6:17 am

Fun Video Friday The First Andelon Discussion: Creativity on the Daily

Fun Video Friday Update

We conducted our first Andelon Discussion last night LIVE via Google Hangout on YouTube where we discussed Creativity on the Daily, how people use their creative muscles in everyday life. It was a lively discussion that covered creativity for problem solving, trying to make a living creatively and what it takes to get your creativity going.

This being the first one we had a few technical issues with the sound at the beginning (my bad), but those stop about 10 minutes in.

The participants are some of my oldest friends who work in varied industries and had a lot to say on the matter. Check it out and let me know what you think!

This was a very male heavy discussion, so we’re doing an all female panel of this topic at the end of March hosted by my wife and partner at Andelon Productions, Rene Bordelon. If you’d like to check out more from the panel check out the links below:

Scott Sanford
IT specialist for the financial industry.

Dean Ethington
Graphic Designer and web developer for Oakley.

Dan Zarzana
Manager at an entertainment payroll company.

Jeff Garvin
Author and musician.

See you next time!

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February 20, 2015 · 8:00 am

Come Watch Andelon Productions Discussions: Creativity on the Daily

Startup Post Art

We’re starting a new program series later this month. Round table discussions about using creativity and performance skills in other businesses and daily life. I’ll be inviting friends of mine that work in a variety of industries to participate and we’ll be taking questions from you, the audience, as well. Afterward the video will be available on my YouTube channel so you can watch it whenever you want. Not subscribed to my channel yet? Click below:

Curtis Andersen’s YouTube Channel

The first discussion will be on

Thursday February 19th at 8:30pm Pacific Time LIVE!

It will cover Creativity in your Daily Life and will feature my oldest friends from high school and college who have gone off to the four winds when it comes to careers:

  • Scott Sanford – IT specialist for the financial industry.
  • Dean Ethington – Graphic Designer and web developer for Oakley.
  • Dan Zarzana – Manager at an entertainment payroll company.
  • Jeff Garvin – Author and musician.

All of them have very different perspectives on how they use the creative sides of their brains and I’m looking forward to a lively conversation.

We’ll be doing these roundtables once a month in the 3rd week of the month so stay tuned for more!

See you next time!

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Filed under 7k, Andelon, books, business, class, commentary, consulting, education, internet, learning experience, productivity, REVOLUTION, technology, Uncategorized, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – Film School’d

Fun Video Friday Update

Many people who visit this blog have entertainment career ambitions, like being an actor or a filmmaker. While I’m happy to offer advice and tell stories about my misadventures, there’s also a lot of history of this business that’s worth knowing. For some that means going to film school and getting a classroom education. However, most creatives in the entertainment industry don’t go or never finish college so what do they do?

They turn to the internet.

The YouTube channel Cinefix has a great series called:

Film School’d

It is full of information about the industry and fun to watch. To give you a taste here is one of their first videos:


Hope you enjoy it and the other videos they have at the channel.

See you next time.

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Filed under filmmaking, fun video friday, history, video, YouTube

Video Update 1 – Seminars, Classes, & Websites

Startup Post Art

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February 3, 2015 · 10:46 pm

Fun Video Friday! The Chili

Fun Video Friday Update

Another fun one from the Wiggy Webs archives. This was supposed to be the first in a series of sketches, but the challenge of scheduling between writers, actors, crew and Rene  &  I was too difficult to maintain any kind of a real production schedule. However I do like this first one. I think it turned out very well.

Word of warning: There is adult language in this video so maybe not so much for the kids probably NSFW if you work at a very uptight place.

Let me know what you think. Should we do more of these?

See you next time.

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January 30, 2015 · 8:00 am

Revisiting Wiggy Webs and Dog Rescue

Wiggy Logo NO Sub Heading

Rene and I are doing a lot of re-branding and building of our web presence since our commitment to take control of our careers this year. This happens to coincide with the end of any contracts that existed with my old production company, Wiggy VonSchtick Productions. The only thing that came out of that dissolution in any way intact was the YouTube channel Wiggy Webs where we auditioned some web content.

The most popular videos were a series called Make-up with the Wolf where award winning make-up and F/X artist Myke “The Wolf” Michaels demonstrated how to do Hollywood level make-up effects on a budget. I’m proud to say that the most popular video is of Rene getting transformed into a Buffy style vampire.

But as I was looking back at the video manager I found a video that I had almost forgotten about and thought was worth featuring today. It was for a group that was trying to rehome over 80 dogs because the rescue that had been their home was being shut down. A group of photographers, including Lori Fusaro, and dog clothing manufacturers got together to take good, happy adoption photos that helped get all of these animals new homes, most at a rescue in a different state.

Watching this again, I remember being at the rescue site and how all the dogs could tell that something was going on, even before all the photoshoot started. Some were nervous, but many were so happy to have as much human interaction as they got that day. With the number of unwanted animals in the United States, rescues and shelters serve as savior to many animals that would otherwise die. If you would like more information about how to help or adopt animals check HERE.

Even though Wiggy VonSchtick is shut down, Wiggy Webs is going to stay up as long as people keep watching it. And if we make the odd nickel every few months from Google AdSense that’s ok too.

Now back to the new stuff!

See you next time.

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January 21, 2015 · 8:41 am

It’s Funny What Strikes a Chord…


I have been doing a lot of website building and refining these last three weeks as part of my new year commitment, and things have been going well. When all the sites are completed and ready you can bet that I’ll push them like crazy.

First one’s free:

As I’ve been refining I noticed some glitches in my RSS feed and had to go back to my old Blogger page to check some of the old posts. Imagine my surprise when I saw that, even months after having changed sites with the exact same URL, there were thousands of hits on the old version of the blog! Thousands!! I was shocked. There hadn’t been a new post since August, but that didn’t seem to matter.

Out of curiosity I decided to look and see what the most popular post of all time was and it turns out to be my examination of the Macklemore song “Thriftshop.” So since it’s Friday and it’s an appropriate party night I thought it might be nice to revisit that post:

Hey Macklemore, can we go thrift shopping?

I think this still holds water, even if I would write things a bit differently now. What do you think?

See you next time.

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Filed under music, music video, social commentary, Uncategorized, video, YouTube

Bloody Mary – Fun Size Horror Revisited


They are finally able to be released publicly! The shorts we made for Fun Size Horror are now available for public view.

“Bloody Mary” was a fun bit of filmmaking made under surprise conditions. Originally we had a different crew, location and equipment – but then there was some bad luck behind the scenes. Thanks to some help from Fun Size founder Zeke Pinheiro we were able to shoot and get this in on time.

Give it a look and then watch it a bunch more and tell a friend. More next week!

See you next time!

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January 7, 2015 · 9:00 am