Category Archives: wiggy webs

Space on the Brain

Maybe it’s because of the new play or maybe it’s just because they were the best episodes in my opinion, but “3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean” has been all space all the time the last three weeks! This week’s episode is no different since we get into what could probably be considered our most serious discussion yet and it’s all about BSG.

Here it is:

In other news I am handling the added responsibility of the show better than I thought I would – but I still didn’t get that call into the insurance guys yesterday.

Should probably do that now…

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

Rene Nosferatu

We were shooting new episodes of “Make-Up with The Wolf” yesterday that will play later this month. One of those episodes saw Rene turned into a horrible, terrible Buffy/Lost Boys style vampire!

This was her first experience with a full facial prosthetic and it turned out really cool!

I’ll let you know when the video is up, but for now check out some pictures of Rene as a blood sucker!

 This was prep – get the hair out of the way, prep the skin, etc.


 Even trying to look friendly, she still looked menacing.

 With Director Zeke.

 With Make-Up Artist Myke.

 Rene got in her wedding dress to do a series of Vampire Bride.

 Eating the cat!

Snaggle tooth (one of the teeth fell out).

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under Make Up with The Wolf, pictures, rene, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

Had A Plan, But It Didn’t Go to Plan.

Need an extra day to actually write the blog I want to write which include a fun picture of our cat Charlie sleeping in a weird way. But My day did not go as planned and this blog is being released at 11pm instead of 11 am.

It happens.

The primary concern is to get this video out:

The rest will just have to wait until tomorrow where I’ll have different pictures to share so the cat may or may not get bumped to a different day.

I know, I know.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

3 Minutes & Boobs

So, shameless plug out of the way first, here is this week’s “3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean” where we talk about Star Wars!

Two things to remember:

  1. Han shot first.
  2. Sebastian Shaw is Anakin Skywalker.
Now onto other things…
I’m including another video today, not a Wiggy Webs show but a video parodying X-Men: First Class. It starts slow, but hang in there:
I am totally on board with the message of this vid. Even when I was  a horny 14 year old boy it always seemed strange to me that super heroines/villains would run around almost nekkid  blasting each other and fighting. I just feel like both sexes need a lot of support, and maybe even a little protection, if you are prone to being in heavy combat situations. I feel like Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch did a very good job in The Ultimates of creating super hero outfits that look like they’d actually work for super heroes.
Anyway, enjoy the videos.
See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, comic books, comic movies, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

New “Story Time with Ray!”

We are REALLY close to the end of the alphabet. Here is Ray’s commentary on the letters U & V and how Dr. Seuss uses it.

Love to tell you more about things and stuff, but today is a busy, busy day!
See you tomorrow!

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Filed under shameless self promotion, Story Time with Ray, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

Shameless Plug Monday!

New “Make-Up with The Wolf!”

After this the show is going on a little bit of a hiatus due to how busy Myke is. That’s the double edged sword of having a really talented make-up artist, you get really good tips, but someone is always hiring him!

Enjoy it and I think we’ll have more in mid/late October – just in time for Halloween!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under Make Up with The Wolf, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs, YouTube

New 3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean!!!!!!!

It’s finally here!

The new “3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean!”

There is so much more I want to blog about, but it will just have to wait.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, shameless self promotion, videos, wiggy webs

Dear God I’m Tired…

Today was a great day and tomorrow looks to be more of the same, but even when it’s work that you really enjoy it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still work and eventually you tucker out. I’d take a picture of my workspace right now, but I’m just too tired. So here’s the new State of Stuff video that should have been posted about a week ago and I’m going to hit the hay.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under projects, state of stuff, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

There’s Only 4 Days Left! GAH!

The updates continue – 4 Days and 20% funded.

The link:

This morning has been an hour and a half uploading video to YouTube – it was more daunting than usual. But the nice thing is the WiggyWebs schedule is back on track! Go check it out and comment and “thumbs up” and share and make it go viral so I can make a butt load of money and just make videos starring Rene for a living.


Now I’ve got to run up to L.A., meet with some people, do some things.

More later! KICKSTARTER!!!!!!!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, cheerleaders must die, fund raising, Story Time with Ray, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

ohmanohmanohman – WE ONLY HAVE SIX DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crap in a hat, people, I’m near panic right now as we get closer and closer to our deadline on Kickstarter.

Perhaps you have already seen the official update from the page, it looks like this:

We have only SIX DAYS LEFT and I’d be lying if I said we aren’t feeling the pressure.
It’s there and we’re feeling it.
To our current backers: you are wonderful and generous and we cannot thank you enough.
To everyone else: We REALLY need you right now!
We happily accept any monetary support you can provide and, if we can be so bold, please pop out this link to everyone you know!
We have new videos coming out today and we’ll be posting updates the rest of the week to let you know where we’re at. Here’s today:
Countdown – 6 days
We are 13% Funded
Let’s get that last 87%!!

So, yeah, kinda’ “beg-y” but here’s where i’m really at:

DEAR GOD! pkleaseohpleaseohpleasegivememoney! I NEED SO MUCH MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!11!1!!!!!11!!!!!!!!1!!!!

Somehow I don’t think that “reads” as well.

The pressure is definitely getting to me here on Monday morning and if you follow me on Twitter get ready for a ridiculous amount of  tweeting all about Cheerleaders and the Kickstarter campaign. Rene has already started and proven her love for me over and over again by annoying the crap out of her followers, friends and family – it’s working!

New “Make-Up with the Wolf” later today. If you like it please drop a buck or two in the Kickstarter fund. Every little bit helps!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, Enter the Wolf, fund raising, kickstarter, rene, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs