Mobile Blog – Been Busy!

Making a movie, correction preparing to make a movie, is a daunting task. It takes a lot of time, a lot of phone calls & a lot of money.

The time aspect is what keeps me from remembering to blog every day. Actually, if I am to be completely honest, I make the choice to sleep when I could be blogging. I was looking back at my blog about the Festival of Books and saw that I forgot to include the links to the performers! I originally planned to just list the and then let you click the link to see what each performer is all about. I'll be going back to fix that as soon as I can.

I was up in LA most of today. I had two commercial auditions, both for fast food joints which is always good for the bank account! I also had a meeting with a fairly large distributor and they have agreed to distribute "Cheerleaders"!

Been a good day, and now Rene & I are going to go to a mixer for documentary film makers.

Hopefully I'll have the next comic review up tomorrow, since I already have new books to review from today!!!!

See you tomorrow!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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One Response to Mobile Blog – Been Busy!

  1. yay books! yay rene! yay documentaries!

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