I don’t normally fancy myself as an editor. I understand it and I know my way around most editing software but when it comes to the actual task of editing I prefer to hire someone on who really knows their stuff and can add something to the creative mix.
But when dealing with no budget and when it’s a pretty simple project there’s no reason not to do it myself, so that’s what I did today. As Wiggy VonSchtick gets back on it’s feet I’ve started branching back out into doing the things that can earn money – even on the small level. Sizzle reels have been a GREAT success and I’ve been contracted to do a few in just the last couple weeks. Due to agreements I can’t share contents, but I can say that it has really helped get my creative juices flowing again. I’ve been so tied up in the business of making movies that I forgot how much fun it is to actually shoot them. Shooting stuff like this helps me remember.
I’m looking forward to some of the other projects that we’ll be launching this year. Things are looking good for Wiggy Web, our new media stuff, and we keep inching closer and closer to getting film funding not only for Cheerleaders Must Die! but a couple of the bigger projects as well! It’s enough to keep me excited – even when things get beyond frustrating.
Today’s pic is of my edit screen, with a carefully placed flash to hide content:
See you tomorrow!