There’s So Much Going On!

I’ve been to ComiCon, we’ve had the Wiggy Webs shows coming out, we started a new Kickstarter campaign for The Cheerleaders Must Die!, new websites are being built, new social networking is happening and I have to repair my email address and the tracking on the WVS blog.

It’s been a busy week.

All technical things aside, even though they have taken/are taking a lot of time, the creative things and the progress on different projects are really feeling good! I’ll take you through bit by bit.

  1. ComiCon – this is my first ComiCon since 1997! At that show I got strep throat, ate Greek food for the first time, bought a Green Lantern t-shirt and power ring. It was fun, crowded and very geeky. With the exception of almost dying from the strep it was a good time. This year was all about business and supporting my buddy Zeke and the short film he did with our good friends over at The Price. Not much has changed from when I was last there, and based on what I was told this is the first year where it felt like it was about comic books again, it was still fun, crowded and very geeky – but we were also able to do some real movie business! There are pictures on my Fan Page.
  2. To get it out of the way, I screwed up the path to my email addresses. My bad. I’m fixing it, but just in case you can also reach me at
  3. The Cheerleaders Must Die! – This movie is getting made! Just, not yet. We have started a Kickstarter campaign to help pay for some of the materials we need to get the financing that will get this movie made! Please check it out here and even if you can’t donate we hope you’ll send it to your friends because crowd source financing works best when you have a large crowd! Also by this tim next week we’ll have some fun new official news about the movie – keep your eyes on the Wiggy website for details!
  4. WiggyWebs – To wrap us up today I want to make sure you know about this week’s Wiggy Web’s shows! New “Story Time with Ray” and “3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean!” We’ve also started pre-production on some new bits and bobs for August!

So that’s about all for updates!  See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, geek, new media, new projects, videos, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

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