We’re Moving To Portland!

No reason to bury the lead, Rene and I are moving to Portland, OR in May and we’re really excited! We’ll be blogging and videoing and maybe even Snapchatting the process, so make sure you follow us on all of that (links below).

Here’s the announcement video:

Social media links:
Curtis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CurtisAndersenFanPage/

Curtis Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curtisandersen/?hl=en

Curtis Snapchat: TVs Curtis Andersen

Rene Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReneBordelonFanPage/

Rene Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renesrevolution/?hl=en

Rene Snapchat: Rene Bordelon


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Filed under adventures, in real life, moving, rene, travel, update, video, YouTube

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